[Rhodes22-list] Politics: Upping the Ante

Robert Skinner Robert at SquirrelHaven.com
Sat Dec 27 11:35:15 EST 2008

Brad Haslett wrote:
> ...  Do you think those unemployed
 > bankers and stock brokers hanging around
> your dock would like to learn how
 > to operate heavy equipment? ...

No.  You will notice that they are still
living pretty high off the hog, even
though they might have to sell off a few
houses until they find another board
full of old boys that will award them a
tit on a corporate sow.

The new aristocracy will not suffer much
unless the guillotine comes back.

Frankly, I would welcome a remedy short of
mobocracy and a tax and welfare structure
that will complete the exodus of
capability from the US.  There are elastic
limits in every direction of motion and

/Robert O'Maine

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