[Rhodes22-list] Another view

Bill Effros bill at effros.com
Tue Dec 30 10:01:43 EST 2008


The Magical Negro is only a debacle as far as left wing propagandists 
are concerned.

As evidenced by this list, left wing people who never even heard the 
joke, went ballistic and started calling anyone who laughed a "racist".  
Obama ran a racist campaign in which he called anyone who opposed him, 
for any reason, a "racist" and then publicized the notion that his race 
was the deciding factor in his victory.

A Republican ticket consisting of Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa 
could not have won against any white male Democratic ticket. Obama 
didn't win because of his race, he only managed not to lose because of 
it.  And the parody correctly notes that Obama is now surrounded almost 
exclusively by whites, and half-breeds like himself, with the direct 
decedents of slaves shown the door, now that their services are no 
longer required.  I know a lot of black people who are furious about 
this classic "bait and switch" -- and their numbers will only swell as 
they figure out how they've been used by whites. Again.

The Republican Party of today is not "The Party of Lincoln".  That's 
right-wing propaganda.  Lincoln's party was the  Northern faction of the 
Democratic party opposed to the expansion of slavery into territories 
where it had not existed prior to adoption of the Constitution.

Lincoln didn't get a single vote from most of the "red states".  (This 
is literally true--he was not on the ballot anywhere in the South in the 
first election, and neither Southern states nor territories were 
permitted to vote in the second election.)  The 1860 election was a 
4-way race Lincoln won with less that 40% of the vote.  His total vote 
was smaller than the current population of Brooklyn.  Today's Republican 
Party has almost no link with the Republican party at the time of 
Lincoln's death, and he would flip over in his grave to hear them refer 
to themselves as "The Party of Lincoln."

Beyond that, the blog you posted is full of silly self-serving rhetoric.

IMHO the catch-phrase of the next 4 years is going to be "Pay-to-Play".  
Read Patrick Fitzgerald's lips when he filed the Rezko indictment:

"This indictment describes a frenzy of corrupt scheming, particularly in 
April and May 2004, in which political insiders sought to manipulate the 
activities of two state boards to fleece investment firms and 
individuals. The defendants and their associates put the word out loud 

(NB--Obama oversaw one of the 2 boards referenced above--The Illinois 
Health Facilities Planning Board //which will be the focus of Rezko's 
second trial, unless Rezko elects to testify against "co-schemers".)

Bill Effros

David Bradley wrote:
> Sorry if someone already posted this.  Have not had a chance to read
> most of the articles posted in the last couple of weeks.
> If there's anyone left here who may care to see a different view of
> the "magical negro debacle" this is an interesting commentary and
> analysis of the current state of the Republican party.  There is also
> a link to the original LA Times story.
> http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2008-12-29/the-magic-negro-debacle/full/
> This makes sense to me.
> Dave
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