[Rhodes22-list] Installed new IMF Battened Main Today

cjlowe at sssnet.com cjlowe at sssnet.com
Wed Dec 31 11:09:49 EST 2008

Well,Bill,this info ought to be worth every cent you paid for it.
I would take a coat hanger,useing the arc of the hook part,loop it into
the batton slot hole ,on top of the velcro strap,and back out the other
side of the batton slot.
Then,take a dull tool-  screwdriver,spatula handle,anything that you can
stick between the hooks and the loops on the velcro to loosen up the
mating surfaces. Once you get an inch inside the slot loosened,take a
paint stiring stick ,with the sides trimmed off so it will fit snuggly
into the batton slot,and start pushing the stir stick up into the area
you already loosened,gently working back and forth,and side to
side,until you free up the mated velcro all the way to the top.
The stir stick should keep the velcro from re-attaching to each other ,as
you pull down on the coat hanger and remove the velcro strap. You can
work a pen or pencil or dowel rod in beside the coat hanger and pinching
the strap aginst the rod and rotating  down for more leverage.

Now comes the hard part,talking your wife into darning the hole in the
velcro strap.
Good luck.

Jerry Lowe

P.S.:Sorry,but six months ago I was busy sailing and didn't have time
for this s* it

On 12/31/2008, "Bill Effros" <bill at effros.com> wrote:

>Thanks for the info.  I had the same question, and posed it to the list
>6 months ago, but no one responded.
>I guess I should just consider myself lucky to know people are still
>here, and still answering sailing questions.  I quickly discovered
>people would respond instantly to political questions.
>My sail arrived with no batten at all.  Stan sent one this summer.  The
>velcro strip is inside the batten pocket so securely I cannot figure out
>how to release it.
>The bottom of the velcro strip has a slit, through which I can insert
>the batten, however it falls right back out again through the slit.
>Can this marriage be saved?
>Bill Effros
>cjlowe at sssnet.com wrote:
>> Pretty bold of you two starting a sailing thread on this political
>> list,but I'll bite.
>> 1.-same as Ron,but i might add ,I'm in a well protected slip.
>> 2.- not the same as Ron, I got the rod.The rest of this is pure
>> guessing,but this is what I do,YMMV.My rod has a triangle shaped plastic
>> piece on the end which holds the line,and the velcro strip you mentioned
>> in #3 has a pocket on the end.
>> step #1- Shove the batton into it's slot.
>> #2-  Put the plastic end of the rod in the pocket of velcro strip and
>> start pushing the velcro strip up into the batton slot,making a U around
>> the batton with the strip and trapping the batton in the pocket,as you
>> push the strip all the way up.Then ,fold the sail vertically,so you can
>> pinch the top of the velcro strip,while pulling out the rod and line
>> out.It helps if you keep the line taunt during the pushing up process,it
>> keeps the hook and loop from mating untill it's all the way up in the
>> batton pocket.
>> #3- #2 ought to cover this.
>> Jerry Lowe
>> On 12/30/2008, "Ronald Lipton" <ronald.lipton at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> David,
>>> 1) I leave the batten in all the time.  I furl the sail until the batten is
>>> about to
>>> enter the solt and the stop.
>>> 2) I didn't get the rod, but I bet that the line is used to help pull the
>>> batten out of the
>>> slot.
>>> 3) The velcro strip secures the batten into the slot. There should be
>>> matching velcro
>>> inside (if I remember correctly).
>>> Ron
>>> On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 8:40 PM, David Culp <dculp at hsbtx.com> wrote:
>>>> I hauled the boat and lowered the mast today.  Took the opportunity to
>>>> install my new battened, IMF main that Stan sold me.  It was the first time
>>>> that I got to take a look at the IMF system and it was simple to take apart
>>>> and put back together.  The only effort was stretching the luff of the sail
>>>> so that it would use the same screw holes that old one did and I found it
>>>> impossible to quite do it.  Stan, you must use a block and tackle at the
>>>> factory to do it, either that or the battened main's luff is a little
>>>> shorter.  Anyway, we stretched the luff as much as we could without bending
>>>> the grooved tube and it was perfectly smooth and tight.   I reinstalled it
>>>> and It rolled up just fine with no wrinkles and I think it is going to be
>>>> fine.
>>>> It didn't come with any directions so a couple of questions for anyone who
>>>> has the battened IMF:
>>>> 1.  Do you leave the batten in the sail when the boat is slip or take it
>>>> out
>>>> every time?
>>>> 2.  The sail came with a short piece of batten rod  with a tied line on
>>>> it-I
>>>> have an idea what it's for but am not sure since I haven't used the sail
>>>> yet.
>>>> 3.  There is a long velcro strip attached to the batten pocket how is that
>>>> used with the batten is installed?
>>>> Thanks and Happy Holidays to everyone.
>>>> David Culp
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