[Rhodes22-list] Marines & Berkeley - More Political Scum - A reply

Rik Sandberg sanderico1 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 11:06:06 EST 2008


Excellent article. For those who think we have problems in Iraq and 
Afghanistan now .... just wait, IMHO we are just looking at the tip of 
this iceberg. I hope I'm proved wrong.


Brad Haslett wrote:
> Ed,
> It may be too late for Europe but perhaps not for us. PC has run amok!
> "Youths" burn cars and incite riots in Paris but the newspapers won't
> mention that they are 99% Muslims. If you take the position in this country
> that you don't think it a good idea to upset 10,000 years of tradition that
> marriage is between opposite sexes, you're labeled 'homophobic'. My
> experience is that the people who preach tolerance the most are in fact the
> most intolerant.  I'm including an article on what gays are facing in Europe
> today.  I especially detest those who would rather see third world countries
> remain 'victims' and stuck in the 19th Century instead of joining the modern
> world.  Who's being insensitive here?
> Brad
> ------------------------
> *by Bruce Bawer <http://www.brucebawer.com/>*
> One day last month, I gave a talk in Rome about how the supposedly liberal
> ideology of multiculturalism has made possible the spread in Europe of the
> highly illiberal ideology of fundamentalist Islam, with all its brutality
> and – among other things – violent homophobia. When I returned to my hotel,
> I phoned my partner back home in Oslo only to learn that moments earlier he
> had been confronted at a bus stop by two Muslim youths, one of whom had
> asked if he was gay, started to pull out a knife, then kicked him as he got
> on the bus, which had pulled up at just the right moment. If the bus hadn't
> come when it did, the encounter could have been much worse.
> Not very long ago, Oslo was an icy Shangri-la of Scandinavian
> self-discipline, governability, and respect for the law. But in recent
> years, there have been grim changes, including a rise in gay-bashings. The
> summer of 2006 saw an unprecedented wave of them. The culprits, very
> disproportionately, are young Muslim men.
> It's not just Oslo, of course. The problem afflicts most of Western
> Europe<javascript:void(0)>.
> And anecdotal evidence suggests that such crimes are dramatically
> underreported. My own partner chose not to report his assault. I urged him
> to, but he protested that it wouldn't make any difference. He was probably
> right.
> The reason for the rise in gay bashings in Europe is clear – and it's the
> same reason for the rise in rape. As the number of Muslims in Europe grows,
> and as the proportion of those Muslims who were born and bred in Europe also
> grows, many Muslim men are more inclined to see Europe as a part of the *
> umma* (or Muslim world), to believe that they have the right and duty to
> enforce sharia law in the cities where they live, and to recognize that any
> aggression on their part will likely go unpunished. Such men need not be
> actively religious in order to feel that they have *carte blanche* to
> assault openly gay men and non-submissive women, whose freedom to live their
> lives as they wish is among the most conspicuous symbols of the West's
> defiance of holy law.
> Multiculturalists can't face all this. So it is that even when there are
> brutal gay-bashings, few journalists write about them; of those who do, few
> mention that the perpetrators are Muslims; and those who do mention it take
> the line that these perpetrators are lashing out in desperate response to
> their own oppression.
> Never mind that Europe, far from oppressing Muslims, offers personal
> freedoms and welfare-state benefits far beyond those available in any Muslim
> country. Never mind that few if any Europeans – certainly not gay
> people<javascript:void(0)>– are doing any Muslim-bashing. Never mind
> that Hindu and Buddhist
> immigrants, or immigrants from South America <javascript:void(0)> or China,
> feel no compulsion to react violently against their "oppression." No,
> assaults by Muslims always have to be construed as defensive – as
> expressions not of power but of weakness, not of aggression but of
> helplessness. To suggest that the culprits, far from being fragile,
> sensitive flowers who've been pushed over the line by something *we* did,
> are in fact bullies driven by an overweening sense of superiority and a
> deep-seated malice – both of which they've been carefully taught at home, at
> school, and, yes, in the mosque – is *verboten*.
> One familiar response is: "Well, non-Muslims beat up gays, too!" Yep –
> indeed they do. Yet for a while there, in much of Western Europe,
> homosexuality was on its way to being a non-issue. In Amsterdam in the late
> 1990s, I was delightfully surprised to discover that when groups of straight
> teenage boys passed gay couples in the streets, they *just walked
> past*without any reaction whatsoever. The sight of gay people didn't
> upset,
> threaten, amuse, or confuse them; the familiar, insecure urge to respond to
> open homosexuality with some kind of distancing, disdainful word or gesture
> – and thereby affirm to one another, and to themselves, their own
> heterosexual credentials – was simply not part of those kids' makeup. For
> me, it was a remarkable experience. Amsterdam then seemed to me the leading
> edge of a new wave in the progress of human civilization.
> Alas, it is now very clearly the opposite. The number of reported
> gay-bashings in Amsterdam now climbs steadily year by year. Nearly half
> Muslim, the city is a front in the struggle between democracy and sharia,
> under which, lest it be forgotten, homosexuality can be a capital offense.
> Things have gotten so bad there that even on the part of the exceedingly
> politically correct, there has been a degree of acknowledgment that *
> something* has changed, and is still changing. After a group of Amsterdam
> Muslims beat up Chris Crain, the six-foot-five editor of the gay newspaper *The
> Washington Blade*, in May 2005, the head of the Netherlands' leading
> gay-rights organization admitted that tolerance of gay people in that city
> was "slipping away like sand through the fingers" and that "gays and
> lesbians are less willing to walk hand-in-hand because they might be beaten
> up."
> I can testify that this is true. Yet politicians, journalists, activists,
> and others who cling to the multicultural mindset can't bring themselves to
> acknowledge the Islamic foundations of all this bullying. Instead, they
> offer the same kind of nonsense that was served up by a Human Rights Watch
> spokesman after the Chris Crain incident. "There's still an extraordinary
> degree <javascript:void(0)> of racism in Dutch society <javascript:void(0)>,"
> that spokesman said. "Gays often become the victims of this when immigrants
> retaliate for the inequities they have to suffer."
> So powerful is the determination to turn away from the plain and simple
> truth that Amsterdam mayor Job Cohen recently commissioned a study by the
> University of Amsterdam. Its purpose? To try to figure out what motives
> underlie the increase in attacks on gay men and lesbians by Dutch-Moroccan
> men in Amsterdam. "Some researchers," wrote a reporter for UPI, "believe
> they [Muslim gay-bashers] lashed out at local gays after feeling stigmatized
> by Dutch society." In other words, as the straight-talking Norwegian
> immigration expert Inger-Lise Lien put it sardonically when I showed her the
> article, "it's the assailant who's the real victim."
> As for Cohen, he would appear to be operating out of pure cynicism. This is
> the same mayor, after all, who has called for the Netherlands to reach some
> "accommodation" with its male Muslim residents that would allow them to
> oppress their wives, sisters, and daughters – though he hasn't been entirely
> clear as to just where he would draw the line. (Beatings? Rape? Forced
> marriage? Genital mutilation? Honor killing?) Given such an extraordinary
> record of pragmatism, it seems safe to assume that Cohen would also be more
> than willing, in the name of peace in our time, to turn away with respectful
> discretion when Muslim gangs beat the living daylights out of the occasional
> *flikker*.
> In any event, another mayor, London's Ken Livingstone, has already blazed
> that trail. In 2004, playing host to Sunni scholar Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who
> has supported the execution of gay people, Livingstone hailed him as a
> "progressive." When gay activists called him on this ridiculous assertion,
> Livingstone retaliated by putting out a dissertation-length report
> whitewashing Qaradawi and smearing his critics as racists.
> Even as Europeans in positions of authority persist in denying the plain
> facts about Muslim attitudes toward gay people, leading European Muslims
> keep reminding us what those attitudes are. Take Norway's Asghar Ali, deputy
> chairman of Norway's Islamic Council. Ali, who also holds high-ranking
> positions in Norway's ruling Labor Party and in the powerful Norwegian
> Confederation of Trade Unions, and has worked in an advisory capacity on the
> government's Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud, would seem to be a
> model of successful assimilation. Yet at a November 2007 debate arranged by
> the gay student organization at the University of Oslo, he refused to reject
> the death penalty <javascript:void(0)> for gays. When asked about this
> issue, the head of the Islamic Council, Senaid Kobilica, said that Norwegian
> Muslims needed to discuss it and consult religious authorities. "While this
> process is underway," Kobilica said, "I ask for understanding and respect
> for the fact that I am unable to comment, either about my personal position
> or about the position of the Islamic Council of Norway." Understanding and
> respect, that is, for his unwillingness to say flat out that he did not
> believe gay people should be murdered.
> Perhaps younger, well educated Muslims are more enlightened? Another
> participant in the University of Oslo debate, Muslim Student Association
> head Usman Rana, said that he personally didn't support making homosexuality
> a capital crime, but that he would not criticize other countries' practices.
> "There is unfortunately a tendency in Norway to degrade religious people,"
> Rana told *Universitas*, the college newspaper. "It is due to an extreme
> secularism among the Norwegian public. I fervently hope that our
> participation [in the debate on the death penalty for gays] helps to create
> a more nuanced view of Islam. The Norwegian public needs to become more
> liberal." Once again, it's the assailants – or, in this case, the would-be
> executioners – who are the real victims.
> The Norwegian public may not yet be "liberal" enough to suit Rana, but the
> European establishment has been exceedingly so. Though Kobilica's refusal to
> condemn the execution of gays caused a brief stir in the media, the
> Norwegian government has made no move to withdraw the Islamic Council's
> annual subsidy of half a million kroner (about $100,000). Government
> officials and journalists continue to treat the council with deference, to
> view it as the Voice of Muslims, and to pretend that it is a voice of
> moderation. Once the flap over executing gays died down, moreover,
> politicians and others returned soon enough to the mantra about Islam being
> a religion of peace.
> It's very clear what's going on here – and where it's all headed. Europe is
> on its way down the road of Islamization, and it's reached a point along
> that road at which gay people's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of
> happiness is being directly challenged, both by knife-wielding bullies on
> the street and by taxpayer-funded thugs whose organizations already enjoy
> quasi-governmental authority. Sharia law may still be an alien concept to
> some Westerners, but it's staring gay Europeans right in the face – and
> pointing toward a chilling future for all free people. Pim Fortuyn saw all
> this coming years ago; most of today's European leaders still refuse to see
> it even though it's right before their eyes.
> Bruce Bawer's book While Europe
> Slept<http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0767920058/pajamasmedia-20>is
> now in paperback. His website is at
> www.brucebawer.com.
>  ———
> On Feb 3, 2008 7:19 AM, Tootle <ekroposki at charter.net> wrote:
>> Brad:
>> I know that Rik will blast his horn that I am rude, and others will say
>> crude, inconsiderate, etc.  However, in reading the prior discussion I can
>> have to say that John's line of reasoning made me think of the following
>> quote off the internet:
>> "Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical,
>> liberal minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media,
>> which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up
>> a
>> turd by the clean end."
>> Ed K
>> Greenville, SC, USA
>> Brad Haslett-2 wrote:
>>> Robert,
>>> Attached is a letter to the Berkeley newspaper from the Captain who runs
>>> the
>>> USMC office there.  Written in October, it details the reasons for
>>> locating
>>> there.  Berkeley is the worst of the Bay Area but by no means the only
>>> lunatic city.  My son gets treated shabbily in Alameda while wearing a
>>> USCG
>>> uniform.  I respect people's feelings against war in general and this
>> war
>>> in
>>> particular, though I disagree with their reasoning, but to treat anyone
>>> wearing the uniform badly is just plain wrong.  These CodePinkers are
>>> hopelessly stuck in the 60's and their behaviour now is just as
>> disgusting
>>> as it was in their youth. They have no more legal right to harass a
>>> recruiting office than they do an insurance office or flower shop.  The
>>> city
>>> council of Berkeley is obviously aiding and abetting these loons and
>> they
>>> should be held accountable, ie, cut off federal funding to Berkeley.
>>> Perhaps then the 'sane and rational' citizens of Berkeley, assuming
>> there
>>> are some, will throw the bums out or suffer the consequences of their
>>> decisions.
>>> Brad
>>> PS - Kudos to your grandson and the USMC!
>>> ---------------------
>>> Commentary: An Open Letter to Code Pink * By Richard Lund (10-02-07) *
>>> While the protest that you staged in front of my office on Wednesday,
>>> Sept.
>>> 26th, was an exercise of your constitutional rights, the messages that
>> you
>>> left behind were insulting, untrue, and ultimately misdirected.
>>> Additionally, from the comments quoted in the Berkeley Daily Planet
>>> article,
>>> it is clear that you have no idea what it is that I do here. Given that
>> I
>>> was unaware of your planned protest, I was unable to contest your claims
>>> in
>>> person, so I will therefore address them here.
>>> First, a little bit about who I am: I am a Marine captain with over
>> eight
>>> years of service as a commissioned officer. I flew transport helicopters
>>> for
>>> most of my time in the Marine Corps before requesting orders to come
>> here.
>>> Currently, I am the officer selection officer for the northern Bay Area.
>>> My
>>> job is to recruit, interview, screen, and evaluate college students and
>>> college graduates that show an interest in becoming officers in the
>> Marine
>>> Corps. Once they've committed to pursuing this program, I help them
>> apply,
>>> and if selected, I help them prepare for the rigors of Officer Candidate
>>> School and for the challenges of life as a Marine officer. To be
>> eligible
>>> for my programs, you have to be either a full-time college student or a
>>> college graduate. I don't pull anyone out of school, and high school
>>> students are not eligible.
>>> I moved my office to Berkeley in December of last year. Previously, it
>> was
>>> located in an old federal building in Alameda. That building was due to
>> be
>>> torn down and I had to find a new location. I choose our new site
>> because
>>> of
>>> its proximity to UC Berkeley and to the BART station. Most of the
>>> candidates
>>> in my program either go to Cal or to one of the schools in San
>> Francisco,
>>> the East Bay, or the North Bay. Logistically, the Shattuck Square
>> location
>>> was the most convenient for them.
>>> Next, you claim that I lie. I have never, and will never, lie to any
>>> individual that shows an interest in my programs. I am upfront with
>>> everything that is involved at every step of the way and I go out of my
>>> way
>>> to ensure that they know what to expect when they apply. I tell them
>> that
>>> this is not an easy path. I tell them that leading Marines requires a
>>> great
>>> deal of self-sacrifice. I tell them that, should they succeed in their
>>> quest
>>> to become a Marine officer, they will almost certainly go to Iraq. In
>> the
>>> future, if you plan to attack my integrity, please have the courtesy to
>>> explain to me specifically the instances in which you think that I lied.
>>> Next, scrawled across the doorway to my office, you wrote, "Recruiters
>> are
>>> Traitors." Please explain this one. How exactly am I a traitor? Was I a
>>> traitor when I joined the Marine Corps all those years ago? Is every
>>> Marine,
>>> therefore, a traitor? Was I a traitor during my two stints in Iraq? Was
>> I
>>> a
>>> traitor when I was delivering humanitarian aid to the victims of the
>>> tsunami
>>> in Sumatra? Or do you only consider me a traitor while I am on this job?
>>> The
>>> fact is, recruitment is and always has been a part of maintaining any
>>> military organization. In fact, recruitment is a necessity of any large
>>> organization. Large corporations have employees that recruit full-time.
>>> Even
>>> you, I'm sure, must expend some effort to recruit for Code Pink. So
>> what,
>>> exactly, is it that makes me a traitor?
>>> The fact is this: any independent nation must maintain a military (or be
>>> allied with those who do) to ensure the safety and security of its
>>> citizens.
>>> Regardless of what your opinions are of the current administration or
>> the
>>> current conflict in Iraq, the U.S. military will be needed again in the
>>> future. If your counter-recruitment efforts are ultimately successful,
>> who
>>> will defend us if we are directly attacked again as we were at Pearl
>>> Harbor?
>>> Who would respond if a future terrorist attack targets the Golden Gate
>>> Bridge, the BART system, or the UC Berkeley clock tower? And, to address
>>> the
>>> most hypocritical stance that your organization takes on its website,
>>> where
>>> would the peace keeping force come from that you advocate sending to
>>> Darfur?
>>> Finally, I believe that your efforts in protesting my office are
>>> misdirected. I agree that your stated goals of peace and social justice
>>> are
>>> worthy ones. War is a terrible thing that should only be undertaken in
>> the
>>> most dire, extreme, and necessary of circumstances. However, war is made
>>> by
>>> politicians. The conflict in Iraq was ordered by the president and
>>> authorized by Congress. They are the ones who have the power to change
>> the
>>> policy in Iraq, not members of the military. We execute policy to the
>> best
>>> of our ability and to the best of our human capacity. Protesting in
>> front
>>> of
>>> my office may be an easy way to get your organization in the headlines
>> of
>>> local papers, but it doesn't further any of your stated goals.
>>> To conclude, I don't consider myself a "recruiter." I am a Marine who
>>> happens to be on recruiting duty. As such, I conduct myself in
>> accordance
>>> with our core values of honor, courage, and commitment. I will never
>>> sacrifice my honor by lying to anyone that walks into my office. I will
>>> never forsake the courage that it takes to restrain myself in the face
>> of
>>> insulting and libelous labels like liar and traitor. And, most
>>> importantly,
>>> I will never waver from my commitment to helping individuals who desire
>> to
>>> serve their country as officers in the Marine Corps.
>>> Captain Richard Lund is the United States Marine Corps' officer
>> selection
>>> officer for the northern Bay Area.
>>> On Feb 2, 2008 9:47 PM, Robert Skinner <robert at squirrelhaven.com> wrote:
>>>> As my grandson said on his way to his third
>>>> tour in Iraq as a LtCol USMC, "Just another
>>>> day at the office."
>>>> I hope that the USMC takes no official notice
>>>> of this foolishness.
>>>> /Robert
>>>> ----------------------------------------------
>>>> Brad Haslett wrote:
>>>>> Robert,
>>>>> Here's an update on Berkeley-
>> http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/02/02/BALTUQKOE.DTL
>>>>> I posted the link rather than the text so you can see the photos.
>>>>> Yesterday, protesters chained themselves to the door of the Marine
>>>>> recruiting office for 7 and 1/2 HOURS!  Since when is it legal to
>> close
>>>> down
>>>>> a business and where are the Berkeley police for 7 and 1/2 hours?
>>>>> Congresswoman Lee protested Sen. Demints proposal to de-fund Berkeley
>>>> by
>>>>> saying it wasn't right to deprive children of lunches and citizens of
>>>> first
>>>>> responders.  I'd say these people don't need to be having children
>> and
>>>> if it
>>>>> takes over 7 hours for the police to respond, they don't need them
>>>> either.
>>>>> Brad
>>>>> On Jan 31, 2008 6:59 PM, Robert Skinner <robert at squirrelhaven.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Sorry to hear about this stupidity - but it looks as
>>>>>> though the Leathernecks picked a poor beachhead.
>>>>>> Any town that does not welcome the Marines does not
>>>>>> deserve them.  What kind of dweeb confuses the loyal
>>>>>> Marines with the leadership and policies that they are
>>>>>> sworn to follow?
>>>>>> I, for one, am damned glad to have a fellow Marine
>>>>>> next to me under any circumstances, whether or not we
>>>>>> share political views.
>>>>>> /Robert
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Brad Haslett wrote:
>>>>>>> Boys and girls, here is a perfect opportunity to solve our energy
>>>>>> problem.
>>>>>>> I say we take spent nuclear fuel and dump it right smack in the
>>>> center
>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> Berkeley.  That, or pull every last federal dollar out of that
>> scum
>>>>>> infested
>>>>>>> city.  Brad
>>>>>>> ----------------------------
>>>>>>> Berkeley council tells Marines to leave
>>>>>>> By Doug Oakley
>>>>>>> Article Launched: 01/30/2008 01:48:16 PM PST
>>>>>>> Hey-hey, ho-ho, the Marines in Berkeley have got to go.
>>>>>>> That's the message from the Berkeley City Council, which voted
>> 8-1
>>>>>> Tuesday
>>>>>>> night to tell the U.S. Marines that its Shattuck Avenue
>> recruiting
>>>>>> station
>>>>>>> "is not welcome in the city, and if recruiters choose to stay,
>> they
>>>> do
>>>>>> so as
>>>>>>> uninvited and unwelcome intruders."
>>>>>>> In addition, the council voted to explore enforcing its law
>>>> prohibiting
>>>>>>> discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation against the
>>>> Marines
>>>>>>> because of the military's don't ask, don't tell policy. And it
>>>>>> officially
>>>>>>> encouraged the women's peace group Code Pink to impede the work
>> of
>>>> the
>>>>>>> Marines in the city by protesting in front of the station.
>>>>>>> In a separate item, the council voted 8-1 to give Code Pink a
>>>> designated
>>>>>>> parking space in front of the recruiting station once a week for
>>>> six
>>>>>> months
>>>>>>> and a free sound permit for protesting once a week from noon to 4
>>>> p.m.
>>>>>>> Councilman Gordon Wozniak opposed both items.
>>>>>>> The Marines have been in Berkeley for a little more than a year,
>>>> having
>>>>>>> moved from Alameda in December of 2006. For about the past four
>>>> months,
>>>>>> Code
>>>>>>> Pink has been protesting in front of the station.
>>>>>>> "I believe in the Code Pink cause. The Marines don't belong here,
>>>> they
>>>>>>> shouldn't have come here, and they should leave," said Berkeley
>>>> Mayor
>>>>>> Tom
>>>>>>> Bates after votes were cast.
>>>>>>> A Marines representative did not respond to requests for comment.
>>>>>>> The resolution telling the Marines they are unwelcome and
>> directing
>>>> the
>>>>>> city
>>>>>>> attorney to explore
>>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>>> issues of sexual orientation discrimination was brought to the
>>>> council
>>>>>> by
>>>>>>> the city's Peace and Justice commission.
>>>>>>> The recommendation to give Code Pink a parking space for
>> protesting
>>>> and
>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> free sound permit was brought by council members Linda Maio and
>> Max
>>>>>>> Anderson.
>>>>>>> Code Pink on Wednesday started circulating petitions to put a
>>>> measure on
>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> November ballot in Berkeley that would make it more difficult to
>>>> open
>>>>>>> military recruiting offices near homes, parks, schools, churches
>>>>>> libraries
>>>>>>> or health clinics. The group needs 5,000 signatures to make the
>>>> ballot.
>>>>>>> Even though the council items passed, not everyone is happy with
>>>> the
>>>>>> work of
>>>>>>> Code Pink. Some employees and owners of businesses near the
>> Marines
>>>>>> office
>>>>>>> have had enough of the group and its protests.
>>>>>>> "My husband's business is right upstairs, and this (protesting)
>> is
>>>>>> bordering
>>>>>>> on harassment," Dori Schmidt told the council. "I hope this
>> stops."
>>>>>>> An employee of a nearby business who asked not to be identified
>>>> said
>>>>>>> Wednesday the elderly Code Pink protesters are aggressive, take
>> up
>>>>>> parking
>>>>>>> spaces, block the sidewalk with their yoga moves, smoke in the
>>>> doorways,
>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> are noisy.
>>>>>>> "Most of the people around here think they're a joke," the woman
>>>> said.
>>>>>>> Wozniak said he was opposed to giving Code Pink a parking space
>>>> because
>>>>>> it
>>>>>>> favors free speech rights of one group over another.
>>>>>>> "There's a line between protesting and harassing, and that
>> concerns
>>>> me,"
>>>>>>> Wozniak said. "It looks like we are showing favoritism. We have
>> to
>>>>>> respect
>>>>>>> the other side, and not abuse their rights. This is not good
>>>> policy."
>>>>>>> Ninety-year-old Fran Rachel, a Code Pink protester who spoke at
>> the
>>>>>> council
>>>>>>> meeting, said the group's request for a parking space and noise
>>>> permit
>>>>>> was
>>>>>>> especially important because the Marines are recruiting soldiers
>>>> who
>>>> may
>>>>>> die
>>>>>>> in an unjust war.
>>>>>>> "This is very serious," Rachel said. "This isn't a game; it's
>> mass
>>>>>> murder.
>>>>>>> There's a sickness of silence of people not speaking out against
>>>> the
>>>>>> war. We
>>>>>>> have to do this."
>>>>>>> Anderson, a former Marine who said he was "drummed out" of the
>>>> corps
>>>>>> when he
>>>>>>> took a stand against the Vietnam War, said he'd love to see the
>>>> Marines
>>>>>> high
>>>>>>> tale it out of town.
>>>>>>> "We are confronted with an organization that can spend billions
>> of
>>>>>> dollars
>>>>>>> on propaganda," Anderson said. "This is not Okinawa here; we're
>>>> involved
>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> a naked act of aggression. If we can provide a space for ordinary
>>>> people
>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> express themselves against this kind of barbarity, then we should
>>>> be
>>>>>> doing
>>>>>>> it."
>>>>>>> E-mail Doug Oakley at doakley at bayareanewsgroup.com
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Robert Skinner  "Squirrel Haven"
>>>>>> Gorham, Maine         04038-1331
>>>>>> s/v "Little Dipper" & "Edith P."
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>>>> Robert Skinner  "Squirrel Haven"
>>>> Gorham, Maine         04038-1331
>>>> s/v "Little Dipper" & "Edith P."
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