[Rhodes22-list] Lee, perspective
Robert Skinner
robert at squirrelhaven.com
Wed Feb 6 11:07:31 EST 2008
Tootle wrote:
> ...
> Also, I believe that Bob Skinner in no smaller sailier. Maybe Bob should
> comment on big guys and small boats. Especially since his cabin is even
> smaller that the R 22.
Note that I don't take my Potter 19 far away
from land, sticking to the Gulf of Maine. I
chose and use her as a pocket coastal cruiser
that can be launched anywhere, even from a
beach. She can be sailed in as little as 12"
of water (in good weather) and carry 2 for 3
days or 1 for two weeks afloat.
I have had to add a dodger and pipe-and-canvas
pilot house to make my 19' boat good for 2 weeks
on the water. I also tore out and rebuilt the
interior to allow me to sit on a head with my
back straight.
My needs are quite simple, but I insist on being
able to defecate in comfort, brew tea, heat soup,
read a book, and put on my pants without a great
deal of contortion.
Based on what I have read of the discussion so
far, an R22 with a pop-top enclosure connected
to a dodger would be workable, if screens could
be added to control insects when mooring near
If I have properly understood other posts, a
boom room would work when not sailing. An
extended period of bad weather would try your
patience, however, if the winds precluded a
watertight canvas enclosure around the cockpit.
I believe the same could be said of other boats
I have been in under 25', and even then cabin
fever would be a factor.
> ...
> In my flying days, I used to know an A&P mechanic who was probably even
> bigger. After he worked on a Cessna 150 and had to check ride it, only he
> could fit into the plane. And we never could figure out how he got in and
> out. But he flew in winds that the rest of us avoided. Something about
> 400+ pounds keeping the plane stable. The same would apply to small
> boats...
As I remember, a 150 is pretty close to maxed
out with 400 lbs aboard. In a 152 with my
flight instructor aboard we had to fly in
cool weather, so he said.
And yes - on my little 540 lb Potter 15, my 300
lbs has a pronounced effect. I tend to reef
later than most when we sail together.
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