[Rhodes22-list] Political - Re. Bill Buckley & drugs - reply to E
john Belanger
jhnblngr at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 5 20:25:17 EST 2008
at my age, 72 virgins is more than i can handle, in this life, but maybe when i'm on the other side, 72 might be just a drop in the bucket. speaking of which, how many are going to see "the bucket list"? sounds hysterical.
Brad Haslett <flybrad at gmail.com> wrote:
It is all about choice. If you want to do drugs, do drugs. If you come to
my house to steal for your drugs, there's a good chance I might just shoot
your ass because I can - I don't do drugs and therefore can shoot straight
on most days. If Lynn gets his way, I'll be in the same boat (no pun
intended) as those folks in New Orleans who were forcibly stripped of their
guns (and their rights) and were forced off their property because the state
knew better than they what was in their best interests. Never mind that the
state ignored the dangers of a CAT5 hurricane until it was too late for the
folks who depended on the state for their every need to do anything. You
are to be admired for dropping coins in beggars pots. We all have a soft
spot. I feel guilty sometimes because our little company has given so much
work away when we should have charged for it instead of helping keep market
prices down on the MS Gulf Coast. Oh well, I sleep good at night. But
let's cut to the chase. We can't protect everyone in the world from their
stupid decisions. It doesn't matter if you choose to do drugs, depend on
the state (whatever state) for your well being, or you think the "religion
of peace" is going to reward you with 72 virgins. Stupid is universal.
Until someone figures all this out, I'll stick with plan A and take care of
myself and family! A country boy can survive!
On Jan 5, 2008 4:41 PM, john Belanger wrote:
> i agree with your daddy, but i still drop coins in a beggars pot (ooops)
> on the off chance that their need might be genuine. i also agree with the
> rise in crime related to drug use. i always say that when you were in
> school, you couldn't get yourself to even like those running for class pres.
> etc. so why are you so upset with the choices available for office now? they
> are the same people, only older, (i almost said grown up). john b
> Robert Skinner wrote: Tootle wrote:
> > ...
> > I know at that time he was a chain smoker, so was he also using funny
> > cigarettes or something stronger?
> As it turns out, Bill, being curious, accompanied a
> person in possession of some potent MJ out beyond the
> three mile limit and got lit. I believe that he did
> not suffer ill effect, and came to wonder what all
> the fuss was about.
> Personally, I have concluded that the war on drugs
> began as a social war on black musicians, provided an
> opportunity for Ainsley to make political hay with
> ridiculous scare tactics in the '40s, and has
> continued to be fertile ground for politicians since
> then.
> The results, aside from getting even more jerks
> elected to legislatures, have been overcrowded
> prisons and diversion of resources from the essential
> task of protecting life and property. It could be
> that the artificial scarcity of recreational
> pharmaceuticals has actually increased the real
> crimes of theft and assault.
> My Daddy said, "Everyone has the right to go to Hell
> in their own way."
> I add a more Darwinist approach (following Larry
> Niven and Jerry Pournelle's "Oath Of Fealty"): Think
> of drug deaths as "evolution in action", and quit
> financing pushers in the US, drug lords in Central
> and South America, the Taliban in Afghanistan, and
> others who are simply helping us eliminate the weak
> strains in our gene pool.
> OK, Ed - chew on that ultra-conservative manifesto
> for a while.
> /Robert
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