[Rhodes22-list] Political and hilarious

Foy, Warren Warren.Foy at masonandhanger.com
Sat Jan 12 14:01:56 EST 2008

This came today from a Doonesbury email I get daily.



"Already the Obama candidacy has sent a powerful message around a
watching world; The torch has been passed to a new generation of
American leaders, and we don't care what color it is. As one who has
struggled throughout a lifetime for restoration of idealism to American
politics, I can only smile, and perhaps shed a tear of happiness, that
our time may have come."
-- Gary Hart 

"I hope that Mr. Hart will preserve that tear of happiness in a Baggie,
put it in a freezer, with perhaps a golden snot drop to keep it company,
and preserve it in all its crystalline goodness and healing qualities
for his grandchildren, or great-grandchildren, or whoever else opens the
freezer in search of a Popsicle."
-- James Wolcott 

Note:  Not necessarily my views but I thought it funny.



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