[Rhodes22-list] President Bush's Resignation (political - duh!!)
Brad Haslett
flybrad at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 13:30:35 EST 2008
Thanks Herb!
"I could say more about your expectations that the government will always
be there to bail you out, even if you're too stupid to leave a city
that's below sea level and has a Cat 5 hurricane approaching."
No shit!
On Jan 16, 2008 12:05 PM, Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com> wrote:
> Got this from a friend. Those of you that are excited by the subject
> line might want to brace yourselves:
> =====
> If Bush resigned today, this is what his speech might be.....
> Normally, I start these things out by saying "My Fellow Americans", not
> doing it this time. If the polls are any indication, I don't know who
> more than half of you are anymore. I do know something terrible has
> happened, and that you're really not fellow Americans any longer.
> I'll cut right to the chase here: I quit. Now before anyone gets all in
> lather about me quitting to avoid impeachment, or to avoid prosecution,
> let me assure you: There's been no breaking of laws or impeachable
> offenses in this office.
> The reason I'm quitting is simple. I'm fed up with you people. I'm fed
> up because you have no understanding of what's really going on in the
> world. Or of what's going on in this once-great nation of ours. And
> the majority of you are too damned lazy to do your homework and figure
> it out.
> Let's start local. You've been sold a bill of goods by politicians and
> the news media. Polls show that the majority of you think the economy
> is in the tank. And that's despite record numbers of homeowners,
> including record numbers of MINORITY homeowners. And while we're
> mentioning minorities, I'll point out that minority business ownership
> is at an all-time high. Our unemployment rate is as low as it ever was
> during the Clinton administration. I've mentioned all those things
> before, but it doesn't sink in.
> Despite the shock to our economy of 9/11, the stock market has rebounded
> to record levels and more Americans than ever are participating in these
> markets. Meanwhile, all you can do is whine about gas prices, and most
> of you are too damn stupid to realize that gas prices are high because
> there's increased demand in other parts of the world, and because a
> small handful of noisy idiots are more worried about polar bears and
> beachfront property than your economic security.
> We face real threats in the world.
> Don't give me this "blood for oil" crap. If I were trading blood for
> oil I would've already seized Iraq 's oil fields and let the rest of
> the country go to hell. And don't give me this 'Bush Lied; People Died'
> crap either. If I were the liar you morons take me for, I could've
> easily had chemical weapons planted in Iraq so they could be
> 'discovered.' Instead, I owned up to the fact that the intelligence was
> faulty.
> Let me remind you that the rest of the world thought Saddam had the
> goods, same as me. Let me also remind you that regime change in Iraq
> was official US policy before I came into office. Clinton
> established that policy. Bet you didn't know that, did you?
> You idiots need to understand that we face a unique enemy. Back during
> the cold war, there were two major competing political and economic
> models squaring off. We won that war, but we did so because
> fundamentally, the Communists wanted to survive, just as we do. We were
> simply able to out spend and out-tech them.
> That's not the case this time. The soldiers of our new enemy don't care
> if they survive. In fact, they want to die. That'd be fine, as long as
> they weren't also committed to taking as many of you with them as they
> can. But they are. They want to kill you, and the bastards are all
> over the globe. You should be grateful that they haven't gotten any more
> of us here in the United States since September 11. But you're not.
> That's because you've got no idea how hard a small number of
> intelligence, military, law enforcement, and homeland security people
> have worked to make sure of that. When this whole mess started, I
> warned you that this would be a long and difficult fight. I'm
> disappointed how many of you people think a long and difficult fight
> amounts to a single season of 'Survivor.'
> Instead, you've grown impatient. You're incapable of seeing things
> through the long lens of history, the way our enemies do. You think
> that wars should last a few months, a few years, tops.
> Making matters worse, you actively support those who help the enemy.
> Every time you buy the New York Times, every time you send a donation to
> a cut-and-run Democrat's political campaign, well, you might just as
> well FedEx a grenade launcher to a Jihadist. It amounts to the same
> thing.
> In this day and age, it's easy enough to find the truth. It's all over
> the Internet, it just isn't on the pages of the New York Times or on
> NBC News. But even if it were, I doubt you'd be any smarter. Most of
> you would rather watch American Idol.
> I could say more about your expectations that the government will always
> be there to bail you out, even if you're too stupid to leave a city
> that's below sea level and has a Cat 5 hurricane approaching.
> I could say more about your idiotic belief that government, not your own
> wallet, is where the money comes from. But I've come to the conclusion
> that were I to do so, it would sail right over your heads.
> So, I quit. I'm going back to Crawford. I've got an energy-efficient
> house down there (Al Gore could only dream of) and the capability to be
> fully self-sufficient. No one ever heard of Crawford before I got
> elected, and as soon as I'm done here pretty much no one will ever hear
> of it again. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to die of old age before the
> last pillars of America fall.
> Oh, and by the way, Cheney's quitting too.
> That means Pelosi is your new President. You asked for it - you can
> have her. Watch what she does carefully, because I still have a glimmer
> of hope that there are just enough of you remaining who are smart enough
> to turn this thing around in 2008.
> So that's it.
> God bless what's left of America Some of you know what I mean. The
> rest of you - kiss my ass!
> --
> Herb Parsons
> S/V O'Jure - O'Day 25
> S/V Reve de Pappa - Coronado 35
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