[Rhodes22-list] Attn: Robert - Squirrel Question

Brad Haslett flybrad at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 10:21:38 EST 2008

After spending $1500 this summer to have all the access trees near the house
cut down, the little varmints have done it again!  They're back in the attic
using the same access hole they've been trapped in for the last three
seasons in a row.  My "squirrel" guy covered the hole with sheet metal and I
guess they hired a contractor to remove it.  Here's the question: can
squirrels climb a vertical brick wall?  I can't for the life of me figure
out how they get access to the roof and haven't been able to catch them in
the act.  For what I'm spending on trapping it would be cheaper to buy a .22
and have a roofer repair the damage.


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