[Rhodes22-list] Italy...San Marco 5

elle watermusic38 at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 26 09:32:21 EST 2008

  I'm doing things differently...I'm reducing the pix first from around 3 MB each to @100KB ea...keeping the size of the file to under 1.5 MB (so it doesn't take forever for me to upload)...then just uploading the PDF w/o compressing it...that may make the difference...

Charles Henthorn <rexh at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
  Thanks Elle---this one downloaded!

elle wrote:
One more...


We can't change the angle of the wind....but we can adjust our sails.

1992 Rhodes 22 Recyc '06 "WaterMusic" (Lady in Red)

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We can't change the angle of the wind....but we can adjust our sails.

 1992 Rhodes 22   Recyc '06  "WaterMusic"   (Lady in Red)
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