[Rhodes22-list] Naples, Maine - Swing Bridge - Urgent

Robert Skinner robert at squirrelhaven.com
Wed Jan 30 13:31:49 EST 2008

Yup.  Local it is.  I just sent reminders to all the 
local real estate agents.  The marinas are already up 
in arms.  

Local merchants don't want a swing bridge - they want 
traffic to flow freely, not realizing that much of 
their business comes from people who first notice 
their stores and signs when they are stopped to watch 
the "charming" river boat pass by.

This and the environmental issues will all be brought 
up at the hearing.


Brad Haslett wrote:
> Robert,
> I believe it was Tip O'Neil who said "all politics is local"...
> Go with an environmental issue
> first - good for a year at least.  Good luck!
> Brad

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