[Rhodes22-list] Solution to energy crisis.

R22RumRunner at aol.com R22RumRunner at aol.com
Wed Jul 16 17:50:24 EDT 2008

The nukes certainly aren't the answer to our problems. First of all, there  
is a highly depleted construction industry with little or no experience in  
building the things. There are only two company's that can mold the huge  
containment vessels and other parts. One is in China and the other in France I  
believe. Getting a nuke plant built within budget is another huge problem. As  far 
as I know it's never been done. Then there is the problem of what to do with  
the spent rods (I won't go there). France generates 80% of their energy from  
nukes and even they haven't figured out what to do with the stuff.
American ingenuity will hopefully solve the energy problem and leave the  
Arabs eating their oil and sand. There are many approached to the problem and  
I'm sure there isn't one sure fire one that will solve our energy needs.
In a message dated 7/16/2008 5:20:37 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
flybrad at gmail.com writes:


Certainly a much better bet than lotto tickets. If the  idea didn't have
merit Boeing wouldn't be funding research on algae in New  Zealand (BTW, you
can't buy shares in that company because of US securities  laws protecting
you from yourself).  There will be some winners who  invent the most
efficient process (who knows-could be Valcent) and some  winners because of
economies of scale. If it works, builders of diesel  engines will be big
winners (you go Tennessee VW!)  I'm not usually  one for 'gubment' meddling
in markets but I've been pretty consistent over  the years of wanting to wean
ourselves off imported oil.  We could do  that by taxing carbon outputs which
would kill off ethanol (barely better  than crude oil) and would favor algae.
I still think global warming is a  crock but carbon is the key to everything,
ie, crude oil holds more carbon  density than any other fuel which is why my
airplane needs the stuff so  badly and makes crude so difficult to replace as
a transportation fuel. A  carbon tax would also make nukes a no-brainer over
coal-fired electricity.  And yes, that will be the political fight from hell
with the various  industries jockeying for position.  A solution is out there
somewhere  and the market will find it, in the meantime, we need more oil
wells to  keep the economy lubed and running until the next generation fuel
is  ready.

Someone is going to make some money, may as well be  you!


On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 2:41 PM,  <R22RumRunner at aol.com> wrote:

> Brad,
> I couldn't pass  this up. I've purchased 500 shares of Valcent just in case
> it turns  into the next Microsnot.
> Rummy
> In a  message dated 7/16/2008 1:37:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
>  flybrad at gmail.com writes:
> Rummy,
> Boeing  believes in  algae!
>  http://blog.wired.com/cars/2008/06/aviation-gets-b.html
>  Someone  may very well unlock the door to success here.  I know  there will
>  be
> all kinds of cries for government funding,  but the government will  pick
> winners and losers based on who has  the most political clout or who  writes
> the best funding  grant.  Uhhh, the Corn Lobby comes to mind.  Boeing has a
>  lot to lose if we don't find an alternative and they and other   interested
> parties are funding research.  The worst thing that  could  happen is if oil
> becomes "cheap" again.  In the  meantime, we need to  drill until the winner
> of this race  appears. From an investor point of  view, the victors in
>  alternative fuel will be much like the giants of   radio/television,
> computer
> software, and other natural  oligopoly  businesses.  If algae is viable, it
> will be done  - by the few who  remain.
> Brad
> On Wed,  Jul 16, 2008 at 7:35 AM,  <R22RumRunner at aol.com>  wrote:
> > _Click here:  Untitled   Document_
> >   (http://www.valcent.net/i/misc/Vertigro/index.html)
> >
>  >
> >
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