[Rhodes22-list] What's with these newbies???? for the windbags..; ^)
watermusic38 at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 21 18:31:24 EDT 2008
I cannot believe these newbies who complain about the content of 'da list'.
Do these people go to others' homes & criticize the decor???
They just waltz in & feel that the list has to conform to their preconceived notions......
Do they not have a 'delete' key on their keyboards??
We have the same problem with our museum photo group...just the other day...instead of sitting back & getting the lay of the land, & seeing who is who & who does what, they start right off with how we could do things 'different...better...otherwise'.....not knowing that we've been there & back....
Ok, I'm done.
elle..the roseanne roseannadanna clone
We can't change the angle of the wind....but we can adjust our sails.
1992 Rhodes 22 Recyc '06 "WaterMusic" (Lady in Red)
--- On Mon, 7/21/08, Jack Wyman <jackwyman at mindspring.com> wrote:
> From: Jack Wyman <jackwyman at mindspring.com>
> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Brad's 25 minute demonstration of true evil[political]
> To: "The Rhodes 22 Email List" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
> Date: Monday, July 21, 2008, 5:56 PM
> I'm a newbie to the R22-list. I'm an oldie on a
> couple of other
> sailboat lists.
> Would you believe that other lists' postings nearly all
> relate to sailing?
> Wow. What a concept. The postings are frequently
> interspersed with good
> humor, and camaraderie. Political and religious postings
> are nearly
> non-existent. In other words, these other sites are
> interesting, useful,
> friendly and entertaining. It appears to me your R22-list
> has been
> mostly taken over by a few political "experts".
> (With answers
> to all the nation's problems, I wonder why they
> don't run for high office.
> Isn't it their patriotic duty to do so?)
> And what a shame that such an innovative boat as the Rhodes
> 22 somehow
> attracts (and tolerates) these windbags. Is there no
> moderator to rein them
> in?
> I suppose the R22 political experts will pillory me now,
> but I'll be
> unsubscribing today, so I'll never know. What a loss.
> Jack Wyman
> Manchester, Michigan
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