[Rhodes22-list] To Keep Brad busy...

Brad Haslett flybrad at gmail.com
Sat Jul 26 10:01:16 EDT 2008


It isn't just Hollywood, the media is just as bad.  Unlike WW2, where the
bad news was censored and the good news delivered via propaganda reels in
movie theatres, the MSM coverage of Iraq was slanted and most often wrong.
Anyone following Michael Yon and others reporting from the battle field had
a better understanding about what was happening (both good and bad, and
there was lots of bad) than did the average reader of the New York Times
(BTW, Yon is off to Afghanastan because he says the war in Iraq is over).
There's a reason the NYT is going broke.  The coverage of Katrina was even
worse.  Just the damage done to the Mississippi Gulf Coast by itself made it
the largest natural disaster in our nations history.  There were thousands
of tales of heroism, bravery, and acts of kindness.  But the storyline was
all about the "failures" of New Orleans and the governments response.  There
were failures - the mayor of NO and the Governor of Louisiana were complete
and total idiots.  The real story that needs to be told and the question
asked, how did so many hundreds of thousands of people develop so strong a
dependency on the federal government that they wouldn't even carry a bottle
of water or food for their children to a stadium to ride out a hurricane?
The fact that these people found themselves in that position is sad.  That
we keep developing more programs to almost guarantee that as a permanent
condition is even sadder. Hope and Change?  I'm for both, I hope we change
our "nanny state" ways and start helping citizens help themselves.  It sure
is working for China.


On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 6:18 PM, Tootle <ekroposki at charter.net> wrote:

> Brad:
> They made a movie for you to review:
> http://online.wsj.com/article/SB121694247343482821.html
> Ed K
> Greenville, SC, USA
> attachment for Rummy:
> http://www.nabble.com/file/p18661195/Yucca%2BMountain%2Band%2B....gif
> Yucca+Mountain+and+....gif
> --
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