[Rhodes22-list] Rummy's Cat Problem

Tootle ekroposki at charter.net
Sun Jul 27 10:18:06 EDT 2008

Captain Rummy:

When I posted the information about the wild hogs 30 miles north of you, I
did not get into the "extinct" cats.  Years ago they were call "extinct". 
Then after I saw my first one, the ranger said, yea we know about them, but
must be pets let loose.  

The Carolina Panthers choose their name and logo for a reason.  My second
sighting was a "Black extinct cat" in North Carolina.

Here is a web site that has some information:


Find somewhere in the fine print that the road kill in Kentucky was checked
by DNA and determined to be a mixed breed: Half North American and Half
South American, so the pet found company.

I used to know a deer hunter who had a permanent tree stand in Laurens
county.  When I told him sighting, he said yea, I had a tawny one walk right
under my stand early one morning.  Tan in South Carolina and Black in North

But I do not carry a side arm hiking for the cats, only the oinkers.  When
the cats see you, they disappear fast.  Before you can get a camera out of a
back pack.  Locally they are referred to as long tail cats to distinguish
them from the bob cats.

Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA
Addendum:  "A lot of people ask me if I were shipwrecked, and could only
have one book, what would it be? I always say 'How to Build a Boat" -
Stephen Wright

R22RumRunner wrote:
> Great shot Elle. Ours just seem to wonder through the estate browsing as  
> they go. The berries are plentiful this year so I doubt that they are at
> all  
> hungry. A neighbor up the road about a half mile raises Arabian horses. He 
> lost 
> a yearling about a month ago. He found it three fence rows away  and half 
> eaten. We have all been speculating as to what caused the damage, but  it
> must 
> have been a large cat. There haven't been any sightings since then or  any
> new 
> animal disappearances, but it sure makes you be aware of what's going on 
> around 
> you.
> Rummy
> In a message dated 7/26/2008 9:37:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
> watermusic38 at yahoo.com writes:
> http://www.rhodes22.org/pipermail/rhodes22-list/attachments/20080726/141da11e/
> attachment.jpg  
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