[Rhodes22-list] (politics) See with a little work we can reach common ground
Rob Lowe
rlowe at vt.edu
Wed Jun 18 17:27:11 EDT 2008
Now THAT's history written like you won't find in the books. Thanks, John,
for a refreshing look at it. That's pretty much the way I understand and
remember it too. Yes, the Vietnamese and Chinese are long time adversaries
and they did fight a border war after we withdrew. Vietnam was another war
where flawed policy and beliefs led to a war we could not win. Uncle Ho
wanted the invaders out of the country, be it the French, the Americans, or
the Chinese. An invader can not win a long term war against a determined
foe that wants them out of there. The examples are many. All the colonial
powers have withdrawn from their former colonies (anyone remember the
Colonies vs. England?). That's why McCain's plans for Iraq are doomed.
I'll say it again, we can not and will not win in Iraq over the long haul.
We invaded their country and they do not want us there. They are tolerating
us for now (like they have a choice, we do rule the country). I'm very
curious to see what happens when the UN mandate expires at the end of the
year. After that, the US will have no legal authority to remain in the
country. If the current talks between the administration and the Iraqi
government do not result in an agreement (which sounds very iffy at the
moment), then the next president won't have to worry about pulling out or
not, we'll have to. Unless the administration intends to ignore the rest of
the worlds opinion. Of wait, already done that.
Speaking of beer, off to the bar! Time to stop thinking and start
drinking! - rob
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Shulick" <jsbudda at verizon.net>
To: <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] See with a little work we can reach common
> Brad,
> I like beer too !
> As for the rest
> Neither of these guys are the 'sharpest knives in the drawer'. If McCain
> had a clue he would have explained to his torturers, "look guys, life for
> your friends the Chinese really sucks right now. They've shut down all
> universities and smart kids your age are out in rice paddies picking
> off their legs. Eventually the Chinese will quit this silly nonsense and
> start building toasters for WalMart and you guys will be stuck making
> underwear. In the meantime, Uncle Ho and his buddies will kill 3 million
> your countrymen and another million will head to sea and eventually in up
> the US and buy of hotels and convenience stores and stuff. I apologize for
> President Truman ignoring Uncle Ho's request for assistance back in the
> 40's, but the French needed their asses pulled out of the fire again (I
> know, you'd think saving them from the Nazi's would have been enough but
> then we had to save them from the Communists). Why don't you guys put down
> the sticks and let me explain a little capitalism and econ101 to you".
> Unless my knowledge is faulty I believe the backer of the North Vietnamese
> was the old Soviet Union and not the Chinese who were busy carrying out
> there "cultural revolution" of Mao and trying to produce iron in peasants
> backyards. We ignored Ho's requests because french plantation owners'
> want to lose access to their slave labor force and we were backing
> and any petty thug or warlord that promised to fight the Red Menace
> (remember the Shaw of Iran and his secret police). After we left China and
> Nam fought a conventional boarder war around 1980 (not totally sure of the
> date sorry) which Nam won or now it would be a Chinese provence.
> That assumes of course that McCain understands economics himself which by
> his own admission, isn't his strong suit. That said, I'll take someone
> a weak foundation in capitalism over someone who understands Marxist
> all too well.
> I am terrified with the thought of a POTUS with a weak foundation of
> capitalism. The U.S. had pretty much unrestrained capitalism from its
> formation to 1932 and what was the result? 60 hr work weeks,
> sweatshops, sharecropping, child labor, no safety standards, the company
> store. Unrestrained capitalism is why I now have federal mine subsidence
> insurance the superfund to clean up toxic waste dumps and its my money
> is paying for this while the offspring of the Slimeballs who did this live
> in the Hamptons and vacation in the Bahamas. I never met either of my
> grandfathers. both died in their 40s' form overwork in the mills that made
> the money to build Carnegie Hall. But I did see the medallion that one of
> them left behind that was given to him for 30 years of service, stamped
> of stainless steel they were to cheap to use silver. My grandmother told
> when she was young she remembers company goons kicking the door in on
> searches the company carried out to make sure no employees were stealing.
> generations of people in the Pgh. area busted their butts and fought in 2
> world wars to create the capital that then turned its back to the city and
> found fresh slaves in Mexico and China. I'll take my chance on the
> Obamination as you would call him because I've seen the results of
> capitalism and unless you happen to be fortunate enough to be born into
> upper classes you're pretty much screwed. Please don't bother to reply
> any rags to riches bullshit stories, for every one cited I could recite
> 1000 others who worked just as hard and got nowhere for their efforts.
> was a man named Hall who worked for Westinghouse in the late 50's or early
> 60's who invented the process for making artificial diamonds, for his
> discovery the company in is overwhelming gratitude awarded him a $25
> bond. Wonder how much they made on that since then?
> But I do like beer especially Pa. beer (I buy local and don't shop at
> Chink-mart either)
> Keep em coming
> John Shulick
> "Resistance is futile you will be assimilated" The Borg.
> --
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