[Rhodes22-list] Anchor rode spaghetti

R22RumRunner at aol.com R22RumRunner at aol.com
Mon Jun 23 13:46:24 EDT 2008

I keep 150 feet of 3/8" anchor line in a small plastic basket which has  
holes in it to allow the line to dry. It looks like a miniature laundry basket  
which I keep handy beneath the port cockpit seat. It rarely slides out of there, 
 even when heeled quite a bit. The 6 feet of chain I keep wrapped around the  
anchor itself mounted on the pulpit. It makes for easy deployment and keeps 
the  lines relatively free of knots. I'm going to guess that it's no more than 
12  inches in diameter and about ten inches high.
In a message dated 6/23/2008 11:26:00 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
jlock at relevantarts.com writes:

Hi  folks,

I hope everyone got out an celebrated Sailstice 2008 this  
weekend!  http://www.summersailstice.com/  Not a lot of wind to  work 
with down south, but we managed to get out and weave a course amongst  
the pontoons and jet skis anyway.

I have 150' of double-braid and  6' of chain for both my bow and stern 
anchors.  The bow anchor rode  is stored in a Rubbermaid container 
under the cockpit seat.  The  stern anchor rode is stored in the 
lazarette.  After about half a  dozen outings, these just turn into a 
tangled heap and I waste too much  time freeing the rodes to set an anchor.

I've tried to take some care  coiling the rodes so that they will pay 
out cleanly, but so far I haven't  found the right system to avoid 
getting a tangle that escalates the more  you try to free it.  So, 
anybody got a good storage system for anchor  rodes that doesn't 
involve a windlass?


John  Lock
s/v Pandion - '79 Rhodes 22
Lake Sinclair,  GA

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