[Rhodes22-list] Mo Gubmint - Politics & Education
watermusic38 at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 8 11:58:51 EST 2008
I cannot fault a thing you have said. i can empathize with your travails; I 'had' you and many like you in my years in the classroom.
I agree that the system is broken...and I would like to set a 'date' for the beginning of the breakdown.....the early-mid-80's. ..It was grand fun from when I started in 1970...then the politicians started messing around with the schools...I could do a full diatribe...homogeneous vs heterogeneous grouping....'politically correct' ruled the debate. Never mind whether a slower (oops...'less able') student could function within a class of Jr. Einsteins...how would THAT make you feel....gotta get 'em all mixed in together so every one is 'equal.'
I caught constant flack ...I was ridiculed in a district English teachers' meeting when it became known that I was a heretic,,,I still taught grammar! (And PHONICS in a class of ESL students moving up out of the totally ESL program....I didn't much care what the other teachers thought...i gave 'em what they needed...because I had been taught this stuff, Icould pass it along....
CYA was the mantra of the senior teachers..the principal was only interested in being popular with parents & kiddies...if there was a problem yoou'd better get to him FIRST & tell him...'cause as sure as I am not 10' tall if the parent came in the teacher'd be up s***s creek. (And this was the story in the majority of schools...ever wonder why the the 1st grades gets suspended for hugging his friend??? A**hole principals who are afraid to stand up...b/c the superintendents don't want flack. The teacher is at the bottom of the pecking order...so don't blame the teacher fornot enforcing discipline or whatever....you step out of line & you're OUT...go to the superintendent & school bd who make the rules.....)
One tale...I developed (& taught for a number of years before retiring) the English SAT prep course. I had a math colleague who did likewise & we worked as a team.IBy the time the kids are jrs & srs a teacher is not going to 'make' them learn or do what they don't want to...so I devised a way to make their effort to be a foundation for success....(getout of this class what you put into it...)
I wanted all the kids to be able to make an A or B in class...I didn't want the normally 'C' students to think they had no chance at an "A". And I wanted them to learn the material, not just hold it in memory until after the 'test.' ..so I devised a grading scale/class management program where the students controlled their own grades.....For example...one of the 'legs'of my program was intensive vocabulary ...root words, derivatives...usage as various parts of speech and sentence examples, ..etc. All work had to be done by hand on the form I supplied (so I could quickly check that each part of the assmt had been completed....) It had to be done by hand so that they did not go to an online dictionary & just cut & paste.At least the material passed through the brain for a moment...then the next day we had a quiz..(I forget how much all this counted...but it worked great). Those who had done their homework could use their stuff on this quiz...and it was NOT easy...even w/
homework they really had to think.....no homework? Tough. ....(I collected homework paper, also, so they could not pass it on to a friend to use later on...returned them later to use on the aggregate quizzes.)
We also worked extensively in groups...the ones with work done worked together...the ones w/o work worked together...they chose on their own with whom to work...and they got a group grade. Remember, the goal was to become facile with the material...being prepared opened all the doors....
OK...well the point of this story is that this grading progrram was hugely successful & my program grew & grew...then out of the blue (after grades) I get a notice that parent "A" is coming in b/c his sweet, adorable daughter (could't I see this??) was getting a 'C" and why am I not recognizing her stellar qualities.
Now bear in mind...the principal had approved the procedure that my colleague & I used...thought it was great....until this one complaint....generally you just explain the situation to the prin & either the teacher or he calls the parent & all's well....there must have been seven people for this meeting...and recognize that unless the teacher's administrator is there and he's a good guy...you're on your own. To make this very long story short...after I took the flak fromthe two-faced principal & listened to him suck up to this 'important' parent I had to defend my program & explained how this was not a 'memorize' class but a 'produce' class.....and explained to the parent that her grade was based on 1) what she prepared for class, and 2) how she used what she's prepared...the tables turned.
The other point was that I learned that this principal would hang ANYONE out to dry to make himself look good.
I retiree in June of '02 & haven't looked back.
sorry for the typos.
Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com> wrote:
Sorry Elle if you disagree, but I'm not speaking hypothetically. I was
worked for a school district. What I saw is what I saw.
I've no doubt you were an excellent educator. You haven't said how long
ago you retired, but I gather from your last sentence it wasn't recent.
The stuff I speak of is the more recent version of "teachers", though I
have to say the trend began many years ago (probably about the time of
the growth of the teachers' unions, but that's just a passing thought to
me), and has grown since.
I "saw" something when I was a teenager, but never really thought about
it until I was older, and working with kids myself.
When I was a sophomore in HS (14 at the time, I started young), I
remember my geometry class. The teacher was a PHD, highly educated, and
we jokingly called him "The Professor". My second semester, I made my
first failing grade ever in my life. First semester I aced every test,
and passed the class with a 98. Our final exam in the class counted 50%
of the grade (it wasn't only because of his education that he gained the
nickname). I took the test my second semester, sat down to begin, and
realized I had to go to the bathroom. I was a shy, geeky, insecure kid,
and was scared to death to approach The Professor and ask to be excused
for a few minutes. I tried to ignore it. I wiggled a lot. I couldn't
concentrate enough to read the questions. I finally figured I'd better
do something, or I'd REALLY be embarrassed, so I scribbled some things
in some of the blanks, turned it in, and ran to the bathroom. I'll never
figure out how I got a 22% on it, but understood math well enough to
figure out how I ended up with a 60% for the semester; which, of course,
was my final grade and an F. I made a 100% in the class the following year.
My junior year, I had Mrs. White for English. She asked me to stay after
class one day and speak to her. I thought I was in big trouble, though I
couldn't figure out for what (see note above about shy, geeky,
insecure...). I stayed after class, and she asked me if I REALLY didn't
know what an adverb was. I told her "no, I don't". She asked (without
sarcasm, she seemed to genuinely be ASKING) how I made it through 10
years of school without learning what an adverb was. I explained to her
that this school was my 23rd school (we moved that following summer, and
graduated from my 24th), and it seemed as if each time we moved during
HS, we'd leave a school that was just finishing up with literature in
Englash class, preparing to start grammer; going to a school that was
finishing grammer, and going into lit. I guessed that adverbs just fell
through the cracks. She asked me if I knew what an adjective was, and I
told her yes. She then said an adverb is to a verb what an adjective was
to a noun. I said I understood. She asked me to give an example of each.
I did. The whole incident took less time than typing it here now did.
However, Mrs. White then asked me if I was willing to stay after school
for 3-6 weeks to get caught up to where I should be as a junior. I
shrugged, and said sure. In reality, we met after class for one week,
and before class the following week, and after 2 weeks she declared me
"caught up".
Years later, when I was working as a house-parent, I was explaining to
my "then wife" why I was treating two boys differently when they had
committed the same "offense" together (it all had to do with attitude),
when that memory popped into my head. As an adult, I thought about
something that never had occurred to me as a kid.
How in the world did an adult "teacher" look at a 22% on a final exam
from a kid who had made a 96 in class the year before, and was currently
making a 98%, and not ask himself if maybe something here deserved a
closer look. In other words, why was The Professor, PHD in mathematical
sciences though he was, so much less the "educator" than Mrs. White?
I don't know, because I wasn't that observant as a 14 year old kid, but
I suspect that the caring nature was ground out of him by the system
years before (assuming it was there to begin with); and now he was just
putting in the hours, doing the proper work, grading the tests and
papers honestly, but not really caring beyond doing what had to be done.
That's what I'm talking about.
I'm not blaming those that are in that position. But the system is
broken. There's little doubt in my mind that the straws that broke the
system's back came from all sides, but there's also little doubt that it
truly is broken.
elle wrote:
> Herb,
> I also cannot disagree with much of what you have
> said...but remember these types of people are present
> in all professions..not jsut teaching...(BTW...did you
> ever go to school? Someone taught you something..;^))
> But I MUST strongly disagree with this:
>> and waiting for retirement is easier than starting
> over in something else.
> You have GOT to be JOKING.. Sticking your fingers one
> at a time into a meat grinder & making sausage would
> be an easier & less stressful way of filling your days
> than in 'waiting for retirement.'
> I wish I could say that in all those years I was ever
> 'waiting' for anything...I could never slow down long
> enuf for it to catch up with me....(and many many of
> my colleagues.). (although I wouldn't give you a
> tinker's dam for some of the newer teachers comng into
> the HS...)
> elle
> --- Herb Parsons wrote:
>> In a perfect world, all teachers would be qualified,
>> interested in
>> teaching their students, with the needs of the
>> children in their charge
>> placed on the highest priority. Instead, we have the
>> real world, where a
>> few (very few) teachers are exactly like that.
>> Others insert their
>> personal opinions and teach them as "fact". Some are
>> there because they
>> couldn't decide on a major in college, and education
>> was an easy route.
>> Some are there because they aspire to become
>> administrators, and
>> teaching our children is simply part of the "dues
>> you have to pay" to
>> get there. Some are even there because being a
>> "teacher" gives them
>> prime fodder for the deviant sexual desires. Most
>> though, I believe, are
>> there because they've gotten tenure, and waiting for
>> retirement is
>> easier than starting over in something else.
>> I'm afraid that your impression of "home schooled"
>> children is probably
>> skewed. Or maybe it's mine that's skewed. I do have
>> to admit my
>> experience has only been in Texas, Oklahoma,
>> Louisiana, Arkansas, and
>> Alaska. Very few parents that home school for any
>> length of time go it
>> alone. They join organizations, formal and informal,
>> that provide them
>> with lesson plans, teaching materials, etc. Some
>> even hook them up with
>> the local public systems, or other private systems,
>> to do the group
>> stuff - music, sports, all that peripheral stuff.
>> And, though I doubt your skewd cynical outlook would
>> allow for this,
>> many of those that worry about "godless" things in
>> the public school
>> system may have very good reasons for the view,
>> "real world" or not.
>> Steven Alm wrote:
>>> Brad,
>>> Sorry, I didn't mean to be vague, just brief.
>> What I'm getting at is that
>>> in a perfect world, all parents are wonderful and
>> would make great home
>>> school teachers for their perfect children.
>> But........ Or maybe they
>>> don't care about whatever--music, sports, all that
>> peripheral stuff--and
>>> only care that their precious little ones don't
>> hear anything about that
>>> godless thing we call evolution or sex education
>> or a myriad of unsavory
>>> topics called the real world. If their goal is
>> protectionism rather than a
>>> complete, rounded education, they should be
>> allowed to sheild their kids
>>> from the evils of the outside world.
>>> That said, I've met several home schooled
>> individuals who were articulate,
>>> confident and looked you straight in the eye when
>> speaking to you with
>>> endless curiosity about the world and with
>> promising futures. Two in
>>> particular are my twin niece and nephew. She was
>> operating way above her
>>> grade level and was getting bored in school
>> because it wasn't a challenge
>>> for her. The boy was operating below his grade
>> level and was frustrated and
>>> started developing behavioral problems. So they
>> were both pulled out of
>>> school and taught at home for several years and
>> eventually rejoined their
>>> classmates in public school for their graduation.
>> One parent a PhD and the
>>> other a neurosurgeon, their education was solid to
>> say the least. I'm
>>> afraid this is the exception however.
>>> As for certification, less than qualified teachers
>> will produce less than
>>> qualified students. The question is whether you
>> can be qualified without
>>> being certified. Perhaps. Why should a pilot
>> need a licence? Shouldn't it
>>> be OK to let a person fly a jet without all that
>> bull shit instruction?
>>> After all, it's as simple as following the
>> checklist, right? Isn't that
>>> just too much gubment getting in your way? When I
>> was going through my
>>> certification there were a few times when I
>> thought it was just busy work
>>> but most of it was valuable to me. I couldn't
>> have gotten through the first
>>> week of teaching without it.
>>> I wish Elle would chime in. After 33 years in the
>> biz I know she has some
>>> insight. C'mon girl!
>>> Slim
>>> On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 11:10 AM, Brad Haslett
>> wrote:
>>>> Slim,
>>>> I'm guessing as to what you really mean. But,
>> let me address the "what is
>>>> important to me" question first. The issue at
>> hand in California is who
>>>> "owns" the children. Most (and that includes me)
>> feel that the parents
>>>> "own" the RESPONSIBILITY for their children and
>> that includes the right to
>>>> oversee their education. Both of my boys went to
>> private schools where
>>>> the
>>>> teachers didn't have 'teaching credentials' but
>> they knew their subject
>>>> matter and knew how to teach. If they didn't, I
>> had two choices, pull
>>>> them
>>>> out or bitch. I did neither because 1 - they had
>> incredible instructors,
>>>> and 2 - the school would have told me to "go
>> pound sand" if I bitched.
>>>> The
>>>> concept of everyone having access to a public
>> education is a wonderful
>>>> thing
>>>> and I support it. The disconnect is that many
>> people feel they have no
>>>> control over the process and they opt out. That
>> choice should be
>>>> protected.
>>>> Just so you don't misunderstand my point, let me
>> state it clearly. Some
>>>> folks are naturally gifted teachers and some
>> folks know a given area of
>>>> science or art very well. When you find an
>> individual that can combine
>>>> their knowledge of a given subject and have a
>> natural ability to teach,
>>>> it's
>>>> a wonderful thing. Having a 'credential' means
>> you have the patience to
>>>> listen to X hours of bullshit theory and nothing
>> else!
>>>> BTW, I take as much pride in teaching my art and
>> science as I do
>>>> practicing
>>>> it - $100 says you do too.
>>>> Brad
>>>> On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 1:23 AM, Steven Alm
>> wrote:
>>>>> "I just don't get it! What is so
>>>>> special about a teaching credential?"
>>>>> Well, for one thing, there is only one in a
>> million moms out there that
>>>>> could even begin to teach five little girls to
>> sing the National Anthem
>>>> in
>>>>> part harmony like we just heard.
>>>>> It's all about what's important to you.
>>>>> Slim
>>>>> On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 9:45 PM, Just bent
>> wrote:
>>>>>> I just don't get it! What is so
>>>>>> special about a teaching credential?
>>>>>> Brad,
>>>>>> carefull, you'll have the wrath of the teachers
>> union come down on
>>>> you.
>>>>>> For every student that is home school, the
>> district loses money.
>>>>>> My guess is it's a lobbiest for the public
>> school system who is
>>>> pushing
>>>>>> this.
>>>>>> remember, follow the money and you will find
>> the reason.
>>>>>> Jb
>>>>>> Brad Haslett-2 wrote:
>>>>>>> Home schooling is not my thing but a good
>> number of my co-workers
>>>> home
>>>>>>> school. Some do it for religious reasons but
>> most do it because
>>>>> they're
>>>>>>> fed
>>>>>>> up with the public school monopoly and don't
>> want to spend $10,000+
>>>>> per
>>>>>>> child for private schools. Most of their kids
>> have performed well
>>>> on
>>>>>>> standardized tests and get into good colleges.
>> That won't be a
>>>> choice
>>>>> if
>>>>>>> California gets their way. What is it that
>> makes people want a
>>>>>> government
>>>>>>> that controls every aspect of their lives? I
>> just don't get it!
>>>> What
>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>> special about a teaching credential? Most
>> education textbooks are
>>>>> pure
>>>>>>> BS.
>>>>>>> Note that the LA Times goes heavy into the
>> religion aspect. That's
>>>>> not
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> primary issue with most of the people I know
>> who home school. Brad
>>>>>>> ---------------------------------
>>>>>>> Ruling seen as a threat to many home-schooling
>> families State
>>>>> appellate
>>>>>>> court says those who teach children in private
>> must have a
>>>> credential.
>>>>>>> By Seema Mehta and Mitchell Landsberg
>>>>>>> Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
>>>>>>> March 6, 2008
>>>>>>> Parents who lack teaching credentials cannot
>> educate their children
>>>> at
>>>>>>> home,
>>>>>>> according to a state appellate court ruling
>> that is sending waves of
>>>>>> fear
>>>>>>> through California's home schooling families.
>>>>>>> Advocates for the families vowed to appeal the
>> decision to the state
>>>>>>> Supreme
>>>>>>> Court. Enforcement until then appears
>> unlikely, but if the ruling
>>>>>> stands,
>>>>>>> home-schooling supporters say California will
>> have the most
>>>> regressive
>>>>>> law
>>>>>>> in the nation.
>>>>>>> "This decision is a direct hit against every
>> home schooler in
>>>>>> California,"
>>>>>>> said Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific
>> Justice Institute, which
>>>>>>> represents the Sunland Christian School, which
>> specializes in
>>>>> religious
>>>>>>> home
>>>>>>> schooling. "If the state Supreme Court does
>> not reverse this . . .
>>>>> there
>>>>>>> will be nothing to prevent home-school witch
>> hunts from being
>>>>>> implemented
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> every corner of the state of California."
>>>>>>> The institute estimates there are as many as
>> 166,000 California
>>>>> students
>>>>>>> who
>>>>>>> are home schooled. State Department of
>> Education officials say there
>>>>> is
>>>>>> no
>>>>>>> way to know the true number.
>>>>>>> Unlike at least 30 other states, home
>> schooling is not specifically
>>>>>>> addressed in California law. Under the state
>> education code,
>>>> students
>>>>>> must
>>>>>>> be enrolled in a public or private school, or
>> can be taught at home
>>>> by
>>>>> a
>>>>>>> credentialed tutor.
>>>>>>> The California Department of Education
>> currently allows home
>>>> schooling
>>>>>> as
>>>>>>> long as parents file paperwork with the state
>> establishing
>>>> themselves
>>>>> as
>>>>>>> small private schools, hire credentialed
>> tutors or enroll their
>>>>> children
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> independent study programs run by charter or
>> private schools or
>>>> public
>>>>>>> school districts while still teaching at home.
>>>>>>> California does little to enforce those
>> provisions and insists it is
>>>>> the
>>>>>>> local school districts' responsibility. In
>> addition, state education
>>>>>>> officials say some parents home school their
>> children without the
>>>>>>> knowledge
>>>>>>> of any entity.
>>>>>>> Home schoolers and government officials have
>> largely accepted this
>>>>> murky
>>>>>>> arrangement.
>>>>>>> "This works so well, I don't see any reason to
>> change it," said J.
>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>>> Smith, president of the Virginia-based Home
>> School Legal Defense
>>>> Assn.
>>>>>>> The appellate court ruling stems from a case
>> involving Lynwood
>>>> parents
>>>>>>> Phillip and Mary Long, who were repeatedly
>> referred to the Los
>>>> Angeles
>>>>>>> County Department of Children and Family
>> Services over various
>>>>>>> allegations,
>>>>>>> including claims of physical abuse, involving
>> some of their eight
>>>>>>> children.
>>>>>>> All of the children are currently or had been
>> enrolled in Sunland
>>>>>>> Christian
>>>>>>> School, where they would occasionally take
>> tests, but were educated
>>>> in
>>>>>>> their
>>>>>>> home by their mother, Phillip Long said.
>>>>>>> A lawyer appointed to represent two of the
>> Long's young children
>>>>>> requested
>>>>>>> that the court require them to physically
>> attend a public or private
>>>>>>> school
>>>>>>> where adults could monitor their well-being. A
>> trial court
>>>> disagreed,
>>>>>> but
>>>>>>> the children's lawyer appealed to the 2nd
>> District Court of Appeal,
>>>>>> which
>>>>>>> has jurisdiction over Los Angeles, Ventura,
>> Santa Barbara and San
>>>> Luis
>>>>>>> Obispo counties.
>>>>>>> The appellate panel ruled that Sunland
>> officials' occasional
>>>>> monitoring
>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> the Longs' home schooling -- with the children
>> taking some tests at
>>>>> the
>>>>>>> school -- is insufficient to qualify as being
>> enrolled in a private
>>>>>>> school.
>>>>>>> Since Mary Long does not have a teaching
>> credential, the family is
>>>>>>> violating
>>>>>>> state laws, the ruling said.
>>>>>>> "Parents do not have a constitutional right to
>> home school their
>>>>>>> children,"
>>>>>>> wrote Justice H. Walter Croskey in a Feb. 28
>> opinion signed by the
>>>> two
>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>> members of the district court. "Parents who
>> fail to [comply with
>>>>> school
>>>>>>> enrollment laws] may be subject to a criminal
>> complaint against
>>>> them,
>>>>>>> found
>>>>>>> guilty of an infraction, and subject to
>> imposition of fines or an
>>>>> order
>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> complete a parent education and counseling
>> program."
>>>>>>> Phillip Long said he believes the ruling stems
>> from hostility
>>>> against
>>>>>>> Christians and vowed to appeal to the state
>> Supreme Court.
>>>>>>> "I have sincerely held religious beliefs," he
>> said. "Public schools
>>>>>>> conflict
>>>>>>> with that. I have to go with what my
>> conscience requires me."
>>>>>>> Public schools teach such topics as evolution,
>> which Long said he
>>>>>> doesn't
>>>>>>> believe in. He said his wife spends six hours
>> each day teaching
>>>> their
>>>>>>> children reading, writing, math, science,
>> health, physical
>>>> education,
>>>>>>> Bible
>>>>>>> and social studies. Court papers say Mary
>> Long's education ended at
>>>>> 11th
>>>>>>> grade.
>>>>>>> It's unclear if the ruling will be enforced,
>> given the likely
>>>> appeals.
>>>>>>> Typically, these rulings take effect 30 days
>> after they are issued.
>>>>>>> Other organizations that plan to get involved
>> include the Pacific
>>>>>> Justice
>>>>>>> Institute, Home School Legal Defense Assn. and
>> the Home School Assn.
>>>>> of
>>>>>>> California.
>>>>>>> Meanwhile, state Department of Education's
>> attorneys are reviewing
>>>> the
>>>>>>> ruling.
>>>>>>> Teachers union officials will also be closely
>> monitoring the appeal.
>>>>> A.J
>>>>>> .
>>>>>>> Duffy, president of United Teachers Los
>> Angeles, said he agrees with
>>>>> the
>>>>>>> ruling.
>>>>>>> "What's best for a child is to be taught by a
>> credentialed teacher,"
>>>>> he
>>>>>>> said.
>>>>>>> While many educators and officials remained
>> unfamiliar with the
>>>> ruling
>>>>>>> Tuesday, news about it has been sweeping
>> websites and blogs devoted
>>>> to
>>>>>>> home
>>>>>>> schooling. Organizations have been getting
>> tense phone calls from
>>>>>> parents
>>>>>>> worried that they will be targeted.
>>>>>>> Families who home school includethose whose
>> religious beliefs
>>>> conflict
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> public schools and those whose children are in
>> the entertainment
>>>>>> industry
>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>> have other time-consuming activities that
>> require them to study at
>>>> an
>>>>>>> individualized pace.
>>>>>>> Glenn and Kathleen, a Sacramento-area couple
>> who requested that
>>>> their
>>>>>> last
>>>>>>> name not be used for fear of prosecution, home
>> school their
>>>> 9-year-old
>>>>>> son
>>>>>>> Hunter because their Christian beliefs would
>> be contradicted in a
>>>>> public
>>>>>>> school setting, Glenn said. He is troubled by
>> the idea that his son
>>>>>> would
>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>> exposed to teachings about evolution,
>> homosexuality, same-sex
>>>> marriage
>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> sex education .
>>>>>>> "I want to have control over what goes in my
>> son's head, not what's
>>>>> put
>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> there by people who might be on the far left
>> who have their own
>>>> ideas
>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>> indoctrinating kids," he said.
>>>>>>> If the ruling takes effect, Glenn vowed to
>> move his family out of
>>>>> state.
>>>>>>> "If
>>>>>>> I can't home school my son in California,
>> we're going to have to end
>>>>> up
>>>>>>> leaving California. That's how important it is
>> to me."
>>>>>>> seema.mehta at latimes.com
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>> Herb Parsons
>> S/V O'Jure - O'Day 25
>> S/V Reve de Pappa - Coronado 35
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Herb Parsons
S/V O'Jure - O'Day 25
S/V Reve de Pappa - Coronado 35
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