[Rhodes22-list] Mo Gubmint - Politics & Educatio
Brad Haslett
flybrad at gmail.com
Sun Mar 9 11:54:41 EDT 2008
You make a lot of valid points. Your observations about "rats leaving a
sinking ship" is spot on but the "rats" have been leaving long before the
concept of charter schools started. This is one of the few countries where
people are free to move and do so frequently. Those with the resources to
move to a better school district do so. Charter schools attempt to
accomplish the same thing without the physical relocation. Those with the
financial means enroll their children in private schools and remain in place
geographically. Its become socially unacceptable to discuss reality in
"polite company" but since I'm neither a racist or a bigot, I don't feel the
need to back down from the argument. The separate but equal doctrine was
struck down a long time ago as well it should have been, but in our zeal to
overcome the guilt that many have chosen to self-impose, we have created a
treatment worse than the disease. Equal but failing is hardly an acceptable
solution. When any system isn't working, be it a business, a car or a
computer, it is helpful to "rewind" the clock to a point in time when it was
working and ask "what has changed?" since it last functioned correctly. All
black schools in Washington, DC had higher graduation rates under 'separate
but equal' than they do now. What has changed? We have watered down our
curriculum, lowered our expectations, and politicized the school systems via
victimization and race-baiting politics. The solution offered by the
politicians across the country have mirrored what we have seen here in
Memphis. If we can't "fix" the inner city schools, let's drag the county
schools that are working into the system so the average of the whole is
improved. That's hardly a formula for success. The primary function of any
school is to educate. The ability to read, write, and perform math does far
more for any child's self-esteem than any sensitivity training or
multiculturalism awareness program. Both of the private schools my son's
attended were "rainbow" schools with the emphasis on performance. We're
asking too much of our schools if we demand that they fix all of society's
ills. It isn't fair to blame teachers for the current state of our
educational system but it is fair to take on the various schools of
education and their failed theories and doctrines. Language and science is
race and gender neutral and we shouldn't use our schools as sociological
experiments. Again, perhaps it is time to move back to a point in history
where things were working and ask, what changed? We should look to the
private sector and ask, what do they do differently that seems to work? If
we stay stuck on the issues of equality, social justice, and economic
inequities, we'll never make progress. If you want a working model for
equality, social justice, and economic fairness, study the US military.
Sorry for discussing the uncomfortable realities amongst polite company.
On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 10:02 AM, elle <watermusic38 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Herb,
> I agree...we are in agreement on many
> points...but.....
> > With the ills you describe, no matter their cause,
> > can you BLAME parents who want alternatives?
> Absolutely not; that is a parent's first duty. But I
> STRONGLY disagree with the methods.
> Again, an educated populace benefits and strengthens
> the country...parents should fight (and it is a
> fight....I've sparred w/enough sch bd members
> separately & at public meetings)... to improve the
> school that their children attend. Vouchers are just
> another way of making 'separate but sorta equal.' All
> schools have parents who are able to become
> invvolved...along with thoose who let others do
> it....vouchers don't solve anything...they just move
> the game pieces (kids) and parents are happy. (Sounds
> like segregation to me...but using $$ rather than skin
> color...)
> What about the kids left behind in the
> 'non-performing' schools? And the teachers...They know
> that they are not improtant.....Believe me we WILL pay
> the price if we encourage the vouchers instead of
> concentrating the resources. The costs will just come
> later. The price we pay will be for more prisons,
> police, higher ins costs b/c of vandalism...all those
> things kids do when they are not valued...and when
> they go toschool in a crappy bldg when the admin bldg
> had the latest & greatest they get the picture. When
> no one else cares, why should they? Bailing
> out....(vouchers)... just allows the rats to leave the
> sinking ship. If the parents had no other option, you
> can bet your boots that they fight for their school.
> I'm not saying this is right...but that is human
> nature.....
> And please don't blame the teachers...yes, they are
> part of the system...and there ARE crappy ones out
> there! Just as in any profession...but they can only
> do what they are allowed to do...the majority of
> teachers really want to help kids....but the
> administrative a**coverers soon squelch that.
> Teaching is not a noble profession anymore...everyone
> is looking for someone to blame, and why not the
> teacher? Why not these parents (
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/03/07/AR2008030703511.html
> )
> Give me a break...
> Sorry for the soapbox...
> elle
> --- Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com> wrote:
> > This paragraph pretty well sums it all up, and we're
> > much coser to
> > AGREEING on the topic than we are DISAGREEING.
> >
> > With the ills you describe, no matter their cause,
> > can you BLAME parents
> > who want alternatives? In spite of the non-sense
> > rhetoric spewed on this
> > forum, those that seek something different, whether
> > it be home-school or
> > private education, are not doing it because they're
> > a buch of wide-eyed
> > fantatics trying to protect their children from the
> > evils of a godless
> > world. They're, for the most part, concerned parents
> > trying to break
> > their children out of a broken system.
> >
> > As far as "blaming the teachers", that's where you
> > and I have to part
> > ways a bit. I blame the system, and the teachers are
> > part of that
> > system. Every workable iniative, wether it be
> > voucher systems or higher
> > standards for educators, is opposed by the teachers
> > unions and their
> > lobbies.
> >
> > Personally, I'd love to see a voucher system. Then
> > those to whom
> > education is the most important, the parents of the
> > students, would
> > dictate where the money goes for their educations.
> >
> > elle wrote:
> > > ...
> > > CYA was the mantra of the senior teachers..the
> > principal was only interested in being popular with
> > parents & kiddies...if there was a problem yoou'd
> > better get to him FIRST & tell him...'cause as sure
> > as I am not 10' tall if the parent came in the
> > teacher'd be up s***s creek. (And this was the story
> > in the majority of schools...ever wonder why the the
> > 1st grades gets suspended for hugging his friend???
> > A**hole principals who are afraid to stand up...b/c
> > the superintendents don't want flack. The teacher is
> > at the bottom of the pecking order...so don't blame
> > the teacher fornot enforcing discipline or
> > whatever....you step out of line & you're OUT...go
> > to the superintendent & school bd who make the
> > rules.....)
> > >
> > >
> > --
> > Herb Parsons
> > S/V O'Jure - O'Day 25
> > S/V Reve de Pappa - Coronado 35
> >
> >
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