[Rhodes22-list] Oops - here are the pics I described Re: Single-handed sail video

Mary Lou Troy mtroy at atlanticbb.net
Thu Mar 13 08:21:17 EDT 2008

I seem to have attached the wrong pics. Here are the two I meant to send.


At 08:10 AM 3/13/2008, you wrote:
>Seems to be a common thing for passage-makers who make long downwind
>passages. I first read about it in some of the earlier accounts of
>circumnavigators like the Hiscocks, Pardeys and John Caldwell's
>Trekka Around the World.
>Googling "twin headsails" turned up this excerpt from a book on sail trim:
>We've actually tried with our UPS and the 175 on a July trip back
>from a Baltimore baseball game. I've attached a couple of pictures -
>both from the stern rail - one looking over the bimini forward and
>the other looking up at the masthead. Couldn't get far enough away to
>get a good pic. If I recall correctly, the boat sailed OK rolling no
>more than you would downwind wing on wing and it may have been a bit
>easier to keep the sails full. It did not seem any faster though it
>might have been because there was more sail out. Checking the log, I
>see that we were only making about 3 knots in about 5-6 knots of
>wind. DDW is not a favorite way to sail but it was where we wanted to
>go. We later furled all sails and motored as the winds became intermittent.
>Mary Lou
>1991 R22 Fretless
>Rock Hall, MD
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