[Rhodes22-list] Politics - Stan and Brad

Herb Parsons hparsons at parsonsys.com
Fri Mar 28 18:46:15 EDT 2008

Well, truth be told, had anyone bothered to check with me first, I would 
have had either a Romney/Rice ticket, or a Rice/Romney ticket (probably 
to former, since she has no "elected official" history) - but 
unfortunately, they forgot to check in with me before running off Romney...

David Bradley wrote:
> And Condoleezza just happened to speak out today...  hmm.  McCain/Rice
> vs. Obama/Richardson.
> It's been interesting to see the knives being sharpened waiting for
> Barack to get the nomination.  In our neighborhood caucus the fact
> that Hillary has already been "battle tested" was a convincing factor
> for some on the fence.
> Dave
> On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 2:18 PM, Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com> wrote:
>> I don't disagree with you, just don't know enough to agree. Personally,
>> I hope you're right, because from where I've sat (a disinterested
>> non-Democrat who refused to "cross lines" just to vote for the lesser
>> challenge), he's looked more electable to me than Billary is. It's
>> becoming obvious he's going to win the nomination, so I hope he can't
>> win the election.
>> Saw a blurb today on Drudge that said hinted at a possible McCain/Romney
>> ticket. That would suit me just fine, but I'd really prefer to see a
>> McCain/Rice ticket myself.
>> Brad Haslett wrote:
>>> Herb,
>>> "He's toast" because Barry Obama has more "lost" baggage than any airline
>>> and it will come to light.  Had the MSM done their job instead of getting a
>>> "tingling in their leg" listening to him speak, this would already be in the
>>> open. The OMessiah ran "silent and deep" like a submariner  in the Illinois
>>> legislature.  The guy made it to the US Senate basically unopposed and with
>>> little scrutiny.  That is not the case now.  Right now it is the Clinton's
>>> who are trying to shine a spot light on the guy but they are walking a
>>> tightrope so as to not piss off their own base.  McCain will take the high
>>> road in the general election but there are no shortages of 527's and
>>> bloggers who will point out the disturbing associations and history of this
>>> guy.  I don't have a dog in this hunt, for me it will be a process of
>>> choosing the least of weasels, but it is going to be fun seeing the MSM get
>>> exposed for their incompetence and infatuation. Obama will need ALL of
>>> Chicago to get re-elected as Senator - downstaters won't support him once
>>> they come to know him.
>>> Brad
>>> On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 9:23 AM, Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I don't know that I agree with the statement that "he's toast", but the
>>>> whole discussion HAS gotten me thinking about how interesting the US
>>>> political process is. How often do we have political candidates that are
>>>> seriously considered for the highest office in our country, arguably the
>>>> most powerful position in the world, that fade into obscurity
>>>> afterwards? Actually, the easier question would be how often do the
>>>> losers NOT fade into obscurity? There are the occasional "succeed on the
>>>> second try" candidates, but for the most part, if you lose a serious
>>>> presidential bid, you can just about shelve your further political
>>>> aspirations.
>>>> Face it, we're a fickle group. As much was love the "underdog", we
>>>> dislike losers more.
>>>> I think Brad's partially right. If Obama doesn't become President, he
>>>> will fade to obscurity. I also feel his fall (if it happens) will be as
>>>> fast as his rise.
>>>> If Hillary doesn't become President, I believe she'll be Al Gore x 10.
>>>> She'll be unelectable (and will probably realize it), but will become an
>>>> "activist" (or spoiler, depending on your view) for as long as there are
>>>> folks that will continue to listen.
>>>> Brad Haslett wrote:
>>>>> Ed,
>>>>> Yup!  It's a mix of Marxist dogma and victimization profit taking.  The
>>>> good
>>>>> Rev. Wright is moving into a new $1.6 million mansion.  So much for
>>>>> eschewing "middleclassness".  Either liberation theology pays well or
>>>> he's
>>>>> financing his new diggs the same way Barry and Michelle did theirs. The
>>>>> O-man is going to talk tough to the bullies of the world but listens to
>>>> 20+
>>>>> years of white hating, anti-Semitic, anti-American rants, donates money
>>>> to
>>>>> the organization, and exposes his kids to this crap - but doesn't say
>>>> squat
>>>>> to the leader.  Yeah, he's one tough SOB. Other than watching this thing
>>>>> unfold just for fun it's already getting boring.  Obama is toast, he'll
>>>> be
>>>>> lucky to get re-elected to the Senate.  Move along folks nothing to see
>>>>> here!
>>>>> Brad
>>>>> On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 6:48 PM, Tootle <ekroposki at charter.net> wrote:
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