[Rhodes22-list] Schooner--Now Elton

Leland LKUHN at cnmc.org
Mon May 12 10:49:17 EDT 2008

Helped a fellow Rhodie launch her boat on Saturday.  Stan did an excellent
recycling job on it for the second time.  The boat had been damaged due to
acts of God and acts of contractors less holy.

A friend and his family were being towed-in at the launch ramp after their
powerboat loss power.  He has salled across the Atlantic twice and lived on
his boat for two years in Europe while his son was a toddler.  I gave him a
hard time about not having a sailboat and he said that I just saw his new
sailboat a couple of weeks ago.  His C&C was the lead boat for the schooner
in the story below.  He recognized my Rhodes but the last time I saw him he
had an old 27' Tartan.

The only vehicle we had at the launch ramp was Elton's tow van.  Even though
Elton had already put in a 14-hour day, he was glad to give my friend a ride
home so he could "rescue" his family and broken boat.

My Rhodie friend and I had already been through a commissioning when we
originally received our boats, but neither one of us had raised a mast since
then.  Elton patiently took us through the step-by-step process, even though
it took him far longer than if he would have just raised the mast by

What a gentleman.


Leland wrote:
> Almost ran into this ship last Friday.
>  http://sultanaprojects.org/abouthevessel.htm
> http://sultanaprojects.org/abouthevessel.htm 
> She was on a run with a modern day sloop accompanying in front of her by
> about 100 feet.  I was on a close reach with the tiller locked and all
> 175% of the Genoa out doing just under 5 knots.  I was on a starboard tack
> so I had the right-of-way but I'd figure I'd give way anyway.  There were
> about 40 teenagers on board with a destination to the Chesapeake and as
> usual I wasn't going anywhere, and my little Rhodes was slightly more
> maneuverable.  As luck would have it I didn't have to touch the tiller and
> passed right between the two boats.  I was so close I could have tossed
> them a beer, which the teenagers probably would have appreciated.
> It was impressive to see a brand new 240-year old ship out at sea.
> Website compliments of my sailing buddy Tom.
> Lee
> 1986 Rhodes22  At Ease
> Kent Island, MD

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