[Rhodes22-list] Socialized Medicine - who should die... [Political]

John Shulick jsbudda at verizon.net
Sun May 18 20:58:24 EDT 2008

   If you want to apply rules of capitalism to the medical field, then I'm
sure you're in favor of doing away with the AMA who limits the number of
doctors in America though the control of the institutions who train doctors
in the first place. Perhaps if we had 10 more such places churning out 100
or so more per year we could flood the market with doctors and drive the
price per doctor down through completion. Better yet why not do away with
the laws that prohibit you from obtaining medicines without a prescription
from a doctor? I'm willing to bet my life on my ability to read and research
and treat myself without a middle man whose probably in the pocket of some
drug company anyway. If you're one of those 40 million uninsured now any
chance that self treatment might work vastly outweighs no treatment at all.                                                                                                            

PS: Before you go on about the Constitution you should check out the end of
that document. There are these things called amendments and they are there
because the Constitution is not a perfect document
nor will it ever be. It's may be one of the greatest forms of government
ever proposed but that is not a
reason to sit on your laurels.

               John Shulick
                   Pgh Pa.

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