[Rhodes22-list] Fwd: Rhodes 22 Sailboat (1984) - $550 (Milltown)

R22RumRunner at aol.com R22RumRunner at aol.com
Mon May 19 11:34:39 EDT 2008

Here is the response I received on the 1984 Hull for sale.

From:  vert702 at hotmail.com
To: r22rumrunner at aol.com
Sent: 5/19/2008 9:34:12  A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: RE: Rhodes 22 Sailboat (1984) - $550  (Milltown)

Hi. Thanks for your interest. I've had the boat for 5  years sitting on 
blocks in my yard. I've a '77 Rhodes 22, which I gutted and  rebuilt, and bought 
the '84 to use the sails for my '77. The 1984 is in good  shape: no weakness in 
fiberglass, and structurally quite sound. The boat,  however, needs both sails 
repaired (some minor holes mended and cleaning  needed), and the electrical 
needs to be rebuilt. Aft hatch is broken and a new  one would need to be built, 
and there's no trailor...also, the Evinrude I'm  including does not run...not 
sure why. The interior needs some attention: the  frames for the flooring, 
which are attached with fiberglass to the hull, need  to be repaired. There are 
some "extras" such as anchors, bilge pump, etc.  
I had no idea about the hull value....but, from a practical standpoint,  
there is a lot of work and expense here to get the boat seaworthy, hence the  $550 
asking price. Plus, the fact there's no trailor makes it a lot harder to  
sell. I bought the boat from a guy on Long Island who was moving and was near  
panic to unload it. Plus, his wife did not like sailing...bitch. (j/k)  
Anyway, I hope I answered some questions for you, and I'd be happy to open  a 
dialog if you are serious about it. I've had numerous emails of  
interest...I'm likely selling my house this summer so I need to get the boat  off the 
property, My cell is 973-964-8745, call me anytime, my name is Mark.  


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