[Rhodes22-list] Sailing Question and then a specific question for Wally

TN Rhodey tnrhodey at gmail.com
Sat Nov 1 06:24:35 EDT 2008

David, I just realized you asked about a 135......I have a 125 and a 155.
You are right that someone on this list has a 135 but I can not remember


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 7:15 AM, TN Rhodey <tnrhodey at gmail.com> wrote:

> David,  Off hand I don't have a measurement handy. I will be out at marina
> next week and I will try to remember to take a measurement. I do know the
> past owner ordered from Quantum Sails. I would think they would still have a
> record??
> I have the old Barient winches and mine need a little work as well. I am
> not sure what size they are (GB Standard 84) and they always worked fine.
> Wally
>   On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 9:25 PM, David Culp <dculp at hsbtx.com> wrote:
>> Pardon me for bringing up sailing prior to Nov 5th but I have a question:
>>  I have Lewmar #6 winches.  They need some work and I was wondering if I
>> would gain any advantage by changing out to Lewmar #8 winches and if
>> anyone
>> has done it and if it is worth it?  I saw in the archives that someone
>> went
>> to Anderson 2 speed ST's but I don't want to spend $1000.00 upgrading.
>> Wally,
>> I think you told me one time that you had a 135% furling jib.  Just
>> wondering if you happen to know what the foot length is on it?
>> Thanks to all,
>> David
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