[Rhodes22-list] Correction to Special Reply for Peter L., Andrew C., ............
Brad Haslett
flybrad at gmail.com
Sun Nov 2 11:04:36 EST 2008
We'll survive, just like we did the Great Depression. What did Hoover
do after 1929? He passed a huge tax increase and engaged in restraint
of trade. And what exactly is "The One" proposing? Read Amity Shlaes
"The Forgotten Man" about FDR and the New Deal and the people who
created most of the programs and their ideology. So the programs
identical to the Old New Deal that failed are going to succeed in this
New New Deal exactly how?
I'm still confident McCain can pull it off. If he does, I'm selling
my car and truck and buying a new Toyota Tundra. If he doesn't, I'll
drive what I have until the wheels fall off. Fan and I have already
devised our coping strategies.
On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 9:42 AM, Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com> wrote:
> Brad,
> The heard in this country is a fickle lot. I figure one of two things is
> likely to happen in the next two years:
> Obama will win with his super majority (or close to it), and the far
> left will get their way, and the American people will wake up to what
> they've done. That will have knock the pendulum back the other way
> pretty strongly, and we'll see some major changes in Congress in 2010
> McCain/Palin will pull a last-minute surprise finish, and we'll get to
> see some positive change.
> Either way, I suspect we'll all survive.
> Brad Haslett wrote:
>> Ed,
>> Read Dr. Sowells latest book "Economic Facts and Fallacies" just
>> published - excellent as usual.
>> Yesterday I was in the buffateria of the training department drinking
>> coffee with a dozen or so pilots. CNN was on in the background when
>> an interview with an Obama voter came on the screen and caught
>> everyone's attention.The voter said to the interviewer, "I think it's
>> time we shared some money with the younger generation instead of the
>> big corporations". In unison, about six heads dropped and someone
>> muttered, "this country is so f--ked". The level of ignorance
>> regarding simple economics among our citizenry truly is discouraging.
>> As my wife has been saying lately, "maybe they deserve a dose of
>> socialism". People with experience with central government planning
>> want no part of it in their lives ever again.
>> Brad
>> On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 8:56 AM, Tootle <ekroposki at charter.net> wrote:
>>> I meant not to read economic books written after 1960 except those by Sowell
>>> and Freeman. At least do not read contemporary books until you understand
>>> economic and have attained the ability to recognize Marxism.
>>> Ed K
>>> Addendum by Walter E. Williams, "For the U.S. Congress, news media, pundits
>>> and much of the American public, a lot of economic phenomena can be
>>> explained by what people want, human greed and what seems plausible. I'm
>>> going to name this branch of economic "science" wackonomics and apply it to
>>> some of today's observations and issues."
>>> Tootle wrote:
>>>> Peter L.,
>>>> You need to read more with diligence. Not all wanted the bailout. My
>>>> local representative is Bob Ingles, who I have tangled with. I try to be
>>>> more diplomatic than with the list, my oldest son used to be his paper
>>>> boy.
>>>> My Senators come in two flavors. I have walked out of a room when Lindsey
>>>> Graham came in. Whereas, I regularly see and talk to Senator Jim DeMint.
>>>> Jim has written a book which you would do well to read. It is titled, Why
>>>> We Whisper. Also, you would do well to read some books on basic
>>>> economics. I recommend staying away from any written before 1960, except
>>>> those written by Thomas Sowell or Milton Friedman.
>>>> Also read articles by Walter E. Williams, the E. is important. See:
>>>> http://www.gmu.edu/departments/economics/wew/publications.html
>>>> You will find that my Senator Jim Demint, a Republican, voted against the
>>>> bailout.
>>>> Andrew,
>>>> Your companies so you are free to do as you choose. But to compel
>>>> everyone else to do as you do is dictatorship and un-American. You are
>>>> free for you company to be as Stan says, 'enlightened capitalist'. When
>>>> you compel uniform benefits by government mandate you loose your
>>>> enlightened advantage and succumb to dictatorship, and in the current
>>>> discussion, Marxism.
>>>> Ed K
>>>> http://www.nabble.com/file/p20290409/it%2Bis%2Bthe%2Bnew%2Bway.gif
>>>> it+is+the+new+way.gif
>>>> Tootle wrote:
>>>>> 'Twas the night before
>>>>> 'Twas the night before elections
>>>>> And all through the town
>>>>> Tempers were flaring
>>>>> Emotions all up and down!
>>>>> I, in my bathrobe
>>>>> With a cat in my lap
>>>>> Had cut off the TV
>>>>> Tired of political crap.
>>>>> When all of a sudden
>>>>> There arose such a noise
>>>>> I peered out of my window
>>>>> Saw Obama and his boys
>>>>> They had come for my wallet
>>>>> They wanted my pay
>>>>> To give to the others
>>>>> Who had not worked a day!
>>>>> He snatched up my money
>>>>> And quick as a wink
>>>>> Jumped back on his bandwagon
>>>>> As I gagged from the stink
>>>>> He then rallied his henchmen
>>>>> Who were pulling his cart
>>>>> I could tell they were out
>>>>> To tear my country apart!
>>>>> " On Fannie, on Freddie,
>>>>> On Biden and Ayers!
>>>>> On Acorn, On Pelosi"
>>>>> He screamed at the pairs!
>>>>> They took off for his cause
>>>>> And as he flew out of sight
>>>>> I heard him laugh at the nation
>>>>> Who wouldn't stand up and fight!
>>>>> So I leave you to think
>>>>> On this one final note-
>>>>> GET OUT AND VOTE!!!!
>>>> http://www.nabble.com/file/p20290409/it%2Bis%2Bthe%2Bnew%2Bway.gif
>>>> it+is+the+new+way.gif
>>> --
>>> View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Special-Poem-for-Peter-L.%2C-Andrew-C.%2C-Robert-S.%2C-Stan-S.%2C-Ben-C.%2C-et-al-%7BPOLITICAL%7D-tp20281351p20290495.html
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