[Rhodes22-list] question about shocking Rhodes 22's

R22RumRunner at aol.com R22RumRunner at aol.com
Mon Nov 10 12:07:52 EST 2008

The topic of grounding goes back to the often discussed topic on grounding  
for lightning protection. Grounding for removal of static electricity would be  
easy, but then you are setting yourself up for corrosion problems if other  
voltage found it's way to your grounding system. Much research has been done  
concerning sail boats and lightning by a lot of very smart and knowledgeable  
people, but for a deck stepped mast, most of us agreed that grounding a Rhodes  
22 would simply make us more of a target.....at least for fresh water 
sailors.  Salt water adds another dimension to the problem and most agreed it is a  
personal decision. To date, there have been no reports of R22's taking a direct 
 hit from lightning.
For me, when ever there is even a slight chance of lightning, I find a  
secluded cove, drop anchor, hunker down and listen to loud music and drink  massive 
quantities of rum until the bright flashing lights and loud sounds go  away.
In a message dated 11/10/2008 11:57:48 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
jsbudda at verizon.net writes:


Was there a consensus reached about electrical  grounding on a sailboat? I've
given the matter some thought and could make  an argument either way but
would appreciate any input from more experienced  people such as yourself.

Thank you
John  Shulick

R22RumRunner wrote:
> Jay,
> The last  time we discussed this, I actually took a volt meter and measured 
> 22 volts. I took the measurement from the offending rail and grounded  the  
> negative end to the outboard which was in the water. The  meter went to
> 22/23  
> volts and then almost instantly  disappeared. Waiting a few minutes
> produced the  
> same  results. Since our boats are all 12 volt systems with 110 volt thrown
>  in  
> occasionally, it ruled out any source within the boat. The  amperage was
> really 
>  low, so it was more of a nuisance  shock than anything dangerous.
> Rummy
> In a message dated 11/10/2008 11:20:30 A.M. Eastern  Standard Time,  
> ekroposki at charter.net writes:
> Jay:
> You are not the first to experience this!   Several  years ago, Carol Nixon
> of
> Colorado had that very  problem.  She does  not usually respond to this
> list
>  although she is still shown in the  digested listing.  
> You might want to contact her to find out what  she did.   We referred to
> her
> as lady with shocking Rhodes 22.
> I  posted pictures of her and her boat last spring.
> Ed  K
> Just bent  wrote:
>> Went sailing yesterday in  somewhat  stormy weather. Had a great day. When
>> we got back to the   dock, when you touch the boat, you would get shocked.
>>  I
>> unhooked the  battery & still got shocked. Was it  static electricity from
>> the  storm?
>>  Jb
>> Jb   http://www.nabble.com/file/p20422568/DSC01925.jpeg 
>>   http://www.nabble.com/file/p20422568/DSC01927.jpeg 
>>   http://www.nabble.com/file/p20422568/DSC01930.jpeg 
>>   http://www.nabble.com/file/p20422568/DSC01931.jpeg 
> --  
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