[Rhodes22-list] Captain Rummy said, " ... " Political, non-Sailing,

Tootle ekroposki at charter.net
Mon Nov 24 07:50:18 EST 2008

Captain Rummy said, "Funny thing about education, you only get one shot at

Actually when dealing with humans this statement has been shown not to be
always accurate.  While in the greater number of cases it turns out to be
accurate there are enough exceptions known that it is important to not
assume it is so.

There are often cases of school drop outs sent to prison for second, third
times.  Then something happens and they educate themselves and turn their
lives around.  A little research will find such illustrations.

There are even those who are criminally insane or some other psychiatric
disability who under direction have recovered.

Even alcoholism has been overcome, by those recognizing the condition and
putting forth the effort to defeat it.

Ed K
Addendum:  “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in
overalls and looks like work.” Thomas Alva Edison

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