[Rhodes22-list] POLITICAL-Palin Begins 2012 Campaign

R22RumRunner at aol.com R22RumRunner at aol.com
Tue Nov 25 20:42:48 EST 2008

Nobody is worried about Palin, we would just appreciate it if she would go  
home.....and stay there.
In a message dated 11/25/2008 7:34:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
flybrad at yahoo.com writes:


Sooner or later, people will figure out that Sarah Palin is  the "real deal". 
 She didn't make fools out of Big Oil CEO's by being  stupid despite the 
howls of derision against her by you and your ilk.   When the patina of 
"sacredness" has worn off The One, people will be hungry  for someone of substance.  
Laugh your ass off while you can.  The  press and the 'leftards' wouldn't pay so 
much attention to Palin if they  weren't worried about her.


--- On Tue, 11/25/08, Ben  Cittadino <bcittadino at dcs-law.com> wrote:

> From: Ben  Cittadino <bcittadino at dcs-law.com>
> Subject:  [Rhodes22-list]  POLITICAL-Palin Begins 2012 Campaign
> To:  rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
> Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 6:04  PM
> November 25, 2008, 3:11 pm NYTimes Online
>  "Southern Exposure
> By Tobin Harshaw
> Well, for those of you who  thought Sarah Palin would
> quietly go North to the
> Future, it  appears that instead she’s going Deep South:
> “Republican vice
>  presidential nominee Sarah Palin will make multiple
> campaign  appearances on
> behalf of Sen. Saxby Chambliss next week in  Georgia,
> serving as the
> political closer for the GOP senator  who is battling to win
> a second term,”
> reports CNN.
> “This is Palin’s first campaign appearance on behalf of
>  another Republican
> candidate since losing her bid to become the  nation’s
> first woman to serve
> as vice president. Palin will  attend a fundraiser on Sunday
> night, then
> appear at multiple  campaign stops on Monday in an effort to
> rally the GOP
> base to  turn out to vote for Chambliss. The incumbent
> Republican is facing  a
> strong challenge from Democrat Jim Martin. A runoff is
>  scheduled for next
> Tuesday, after neither candidate received the 50  percent
> plus one vote
> needed to win on Election Day.”
> Doug Mataconis at Donklephant considers the strategy:
> “The  biggest challenge
> that both Chambliss and Martin face in the run-off  election
> is getting their
> voters to turn out to the polls,  since it’s unlikely that
> voter turnout will
> be anywhere near  the level it reached on November 4th. To
> the extent that
> she’s  able to motivate the base to get out and vote,
> Palin could  prove
> useful to Chambliss.”
> Dr. Steven Taylor at  Poliblog thinks this may be more about
> Palin than
> Chambliss.  “First, the move is further evidence of
> Palin’s likely  long-term
> ambitions,” he writes. “Second, the move means that
>  Chambliss thinks that
> Palin plays well with the GOP base in a red  state like
> Georgia … Certainly
> if Chambliss wins, the trip  will be perceived as evidence
> that Palin is a
> serious actor  within the GOP going forward, at least within
> GOP circles.”
> Palin or no Palin, Ed Morrissey at Hot Air is cautiously
>  optimistic about
> the G.O.P. chances: 
> Voter  enthusiasm for Martin has declined since the general
> election.  Martin
> got his momentum from the massive numbers of Obama  voters,
> most of whom
> appear less interested in the remaining  down-ticket race.
> Chambliss may not
> have that problem, since  John McCain didn’t generate an
> enthusiastic
> response from the  Republican base, meaning that
> Chambliss’ voters will be
>  motivated more by Chambliss himself. Republicans have the
>  secondary
> motivation to deny Obama a filibuster-proof Senate  by
> ensuring Chambliss’
> re-election.
> Either way, it  looks like it will go down to the wire.
> Republicans around
> the  country who want to keep at least one potential check
> on the excesses  of
> single-party government had better start actively
>  supporting the Chambliss
> effort."
>  We can't make  this stuff up. 
> Happy Thanksgiving;
> Ben  C.
> -- 
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>  Sent from the Rhodes 22 mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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