[Rhodes22-list] POLITICAL-Palin Begins 2012 Campaign
Andrew Collins
sailingvesselcarmen at gmail.com
Sun Nov 30 14:33:19 EST 2008
Time passes ... for everyone. Did we not all think we knew what we were
doing as newly-minted adults, voters, etc? I did. I seem to remember a
wing-waggling anecdote you told about buzzing an athletic team you told once
on this forum. Youthful hubris is fun, but it is youthful - while I do not
know how to fly, I did ride my motorbike up the front stoop of a brownstone
where I was living, and into the Parlor (winte storage). A large fraction
of the folks who gave us O do not remember what we (50+) do, and don't care,
as we did not.
Stay tuned
On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 12:25 PM, Bill Effros <bill at effros.com> wrote:
> Brad,
> Johnson got 61% of the vote in 1964. Obama got 52%. The difference
> between what Obama paid for each winning vote and what McCain paid for
> each losing vote was greater than in any other Presidential campaign in
> history--it won't happen again. There was no "landslide" turnout for
> Obama.
> Please don't smoke the same pipe as those other guys. It's not tobacco.
> Bill Effros
> Brad Haslett wrote:
> > Andrew,
> >
> > Yes, thank you for reminding me that somewhere along the way I passed
> > into "old fart" status and there wasn't even so much as a moment of
> > silence, much less a celebration. This indeed was an election about
> > "change" and that has been my point all along - what change are you
> > getting? The Obama in the Fall campaign was a very different Obama
> > from the Spring campaign. The post-election Obama is yet another
> > "change". Obama in private was different than Obama in public. The
> > candidate himself said early in the campaign that he was a blank slate
> > that people projected their hope and values on, and he proved himself
> > a political genius. He is indeed IMHO a more astute politician than
> > Bill Clinton - one of the best. It was a well run campaign and with
> > the help of a compliant press, few supporters delved too deeply into a
> > life long pattern of politically expedient "changes" and relationships
> > that were quickly tossed aside when they were no longer useful. For
> > some, that is perceived as useful pragmatism, and for others, the
> > reaction is "what the hell are you talking about?" Maybe the
> > difference is whether one is an "old fart" or not.
> >
> > I remain cautiously optimistic that the pragmatic and political genius
> > side of our new President will move rapidly to the center (where most
> > of the country is politically) and so far he appears to be doing so.
> > Bush 43 will leave office with about the same approval ratings as
> > Harry Truman, and as time passes, the 44th President will continue
> > the previous administration's policies out of necessity (particularly
> > Homeland Security policies). History will treat W kindly in the long
> > run, especially if a stable and democratic Iraq proves to be the
> > positive long-term change agent in the Middle East. I can't defend his
> > pattern of careless freespending on dubious domestic programs, but in
> > a cynical fashion, he may have limited further growth of fiscal
> > recklessness by maxing out the nation's credit card.
> >
> > As to Palin, she will remain a strong voice of many among
> > Conservatives and Libertarians. We're a beleaguered group these days
> > with a GOP that pays us lip service and a nation with a large voting
> > bloc of youth that has no experience or memory of previously tried
> > and failed policies. We've been down this road before - 1964 comes to
> > mind. As the old Clinton theme song used to say, "Don't Stop Thinking
> > About Tomorrow", or at least 2010.
> >
> > Brad
> >
> > On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 9:02 PM, Andrew Collins
> > <sailingvesselcarmen at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Brad
> >>
> >> In this small business, all 9 of us, 1 owner and 8 employees voted for
> O-B
> >> and very much against Mooseolini. All 9 of us considered McCain to be an
> >> intelligent and viable candidate until he made a cynical and fateful
> choice.
> >> STOP! Let me finish: the other 8 come from locations, and political and
> >> social milieus that could not be more different or more far-flung.
> Despite
> >> that, they seemed to agree that it was time for a change. These are
> facts on
> >> the ground. I wanted to touch on a point I menttiioned her before to
> you,
> >> which you gave an answer to that did not reflect where the reasoning was
> >> going:
> >>
> >> Obama was voted in by a demographic that does not really know who Reagan
> >> was, has no clear memories of the Clinton Regnum, and if they were to
> meet
> >> the esteemed members of 'da list', I very much fear they would consider
> us
> >> all 'old farts'. I don't appreciate this, but it is for me, at least,
> >> another fact on the ground, take it or leave it.
> >>
> >> What cocky step? Obama is a person who reasons, and calculates, which is
> >> more effective and vastly more dangerous than being cocky. Who could
> that be
> >> the antithesis of?
> >>
> >> Robert and Dave have clearly stated how we got here.
> >>
> >> As to campaign finance reform, it is indeed a Utilitarian water-shed.
> >> Welcome to the future.
> >>
> >> On another note, we (the whole family- Mom, Dad, 3 kids) spent the
> holiday
> >> in Washington DC and spent lots of time on civics lessons, the election
> and
> >> the institutions that make up our government. It was quite wonderfully
> >> inspirational - we will, as a nation, once again show ourselves and the
> >> world that we can inspire and lead 'using the power of our example, not
> the
> >> example of our power'.
> >>
> >> Andrew
> >>
> >> On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 12:49 PM, Brad Haslett <flybrad at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>> Dave,
> >>>
> >>> Someone got fooled here. This small businessman/professional didn't
> >>> like one single thing Obama had to say about what his plans were. Now
> >>> it seems his plans are to stick with what's worked in the past. I
> >>> think the cocky bounce went out of his step after the first security
> >>> briefing and his first meeting with President Bush. This election may
> >>> be a watershed moment in campaign honesty and fund raising methods.
> >>> That said, unlike the rabid opposition to W, Obama IS MY PRESIDENT and
> >>> I wish him success! There will be another day and another place for a
> >>> fight. Godspeed Barry and 'Don't Forget Your Raisins'
> >>>
> >>> Brad.
> >>>
> >>> On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 11:24 AM, David Bradley <dwbrad at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Brad, I think you missed the point. I was simply saying that a
> >>>> significant majority of +$250K voters voted for Obama. That's a fact.
> >>>> I can't remember the number but it was a pretty healthy margin. That
> >>>> statisitc is driven by the "bulk" of people you cite. The "with their
> >>>> heads" part was of course my own editorial comment. Have you ever
> >>>> made an editorial comment on this list?
> >>>>
> >>>> The "far left" is doing some rumbling from the fringes - that's ok
> >>>> with me. The "change" thing was vs. the last 8 years as I heard it -
> >>>> I've got no problem pulling in a team that has a mixture of
> >>>> experienced people from a successful administration (personal
> >>>> failiures of the leader notwithstanding) and some newcomers and a
> >>>> range of liberal-to-moderate thinking. Seems to me he's reflecting
> >>>> the wishes of the voters that put him in office pretty well. His
> >>>> actions to date appear to me to be well thought through and decisive,
> >>>> balanced, and smart.
> >>>>
> >>>> Dave
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 8:40 AM, Brad Haslett <flybrad at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> Dave,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> "That group on average voted with their heads".
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Now you're starting to blow smoke up your own ass. What is the
> >>>>> "average" for the $250K+ crowd? Every income group is part of a
> >>>>> pyramid. No one looks down the pyramid, always up. The $250K+ group
> >>>>> you speak of are composed of some "super-rich" but the bulk of the
> >>>>> $250K+ are small businessmen and professionals and some who inherited
> >>>>> wealth. The super-rich and inherited wealth types are reliably
> >>>>> liberal. The bulk of those who earned their income (most highly
> >>>>> successful small businessmen) are not.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> It doesn't matter who voted for whom or for what reason. Obama
> was/is
> >>>>> a blank slate and no one is quite sure what they just got. The far
> >>>>> left is pretty sure they just got hosed. Conservatives are starting
> >>>>> to think this guy is more worried about 2010 and 2012 and like most
> >>>>> incoming POTUS's, is reluctant to vary too far too fast from the
> >>>>> previous administration.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The Hopey, Changy thing is dying pretty quickly based on cabinet
> >>>>> appointments. As in all things, your mileage may vary.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Brad
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 10:13 AM, David Bradley <dwbrad at gmail.com>
> >>>>>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>>> Brad, a couple of things to consider... first, if there are 38% of
> >>>>>> people who don't pay taxes and about 39% of people who are eligible
> to
> >>>>>> vote and don't, don't you think there is a huge overlap of those two
> >>>>>> groups? Obama didn't just need 13% more to win. He won because he
> >>>>>> carried the moderate middle.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Second, people vote their pocketbook? Obama pulled a stronger
> >>>>>> majority out of the +$250K income group than he did out of middle
> >>>>>> income groups. That group on average voted with their heads.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Dave
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 4:26 AM, Brad Haslett <flybrad at gmail.com>
> >>>>>>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>>>> Rummy,
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> In the final analysis, people vote their pocket book. The financial
> >>>>>>> meltdown doomed McCain. When you have 38% of the voting population
> who
> >>>>>>> don't pay federal income taxes, you only need 13% more to win.
> That's
> >>>>>>> a tough hurdle to overcome. The Rust Belt will still be blue in
> four
> >>>>>>> years - those jobs are gone and they're not coming back. The
> Peoples
> >>>>>>> Republic of California and her sister states Oregon and Washington
> are
> >>>>>>> probably a lost cause for the GOP for some time. I would have bet
> >>>>>>> good money that McCain would win enough of the Jewish vote in
> Florida
> >>>>>>> to win there, instead, that vote went to Obama 4% higher than
> Kerry.
> >>>>>>> Remember 1994. Obama is moving cautiously because he has to, good
> for
> >>>>>>> him. But, remember 1994. A lot can happen in two years.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Brad
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 6:14 AM, <R22RumRunner at aol.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Brad,
> >>>>>>>> It has nothing to do about liking or disliking a person. It has to
> do
> >>>>>>>>
> >>> with
> >>>
> >>>>>>>> qualifications. In spite of her wonderful accomplishments in her
> very
> >>>>>>>>
> >>> rural,
> >>>
> >>>>>>>> oil supported state, she is not qualified to be president.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>> Personally I was
> >>>
> >>>>>>>> undecided who to vote for when I entered the polling place. My
> last
> >>>>>>>>
> >>> second
> >>>
> >>>>>>>> decision to vote for Obama was made because of John McCains health
> >>>>>>>>
> >>> issues and his
> >>>
> >>>>>>>> poor choice of a running mate. Had he made a better choice, he
> might
> >>>>>>>>
> >>> have
> >>>
> >>>>>>>> been the president elect at this time.
> >>>>>>>> Right now I am very comfortable with my decision.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Rummy
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> In a message dated 11/26/2008 7:08:08 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> >>>>>>>> flybrad at gmail.com writes:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Rummy,
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> I was still typing when you posted - see above. It may be a long
> >>>>>>>> wait. Remember, it was two decades between JFK and Ronald
> Reagan.
> >>>>>>>> Palin will be around in some form for a long time. If she chooses
> to
> >>>>>>>> run for a second term as Guv she'll win easily or a US Senate
> seat
> >>>>>>>>
> >>> in
> >>>
> >>>>>>>> two years. You obviously don't like her, that's fine. I
> seriously
> >>>>>>>> doubt you've done your homework on what she's accomplished in
> >>>>>>>>
> >>> Alaska,
> >>>
> >>>>>>>> including blowing-up her own party to weed out the bad guys. We
> >>>>>>>>
> >>> need
> >>>
> >>>>>>>> more people like Palin who follow-up on their talk with action
> >>>>>>>>
> >>> instead
> >>>
> >>>>>>>> of bullshit.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Brad
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 5:59 AM, <R22RumRunner at aol.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Brad,
> >>>>>>>>> Get real. If Sarah Palin is the best that the Republican party
> has
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>> to offer
> >>>
> >>>>>>>>> for running this country, then they need to get ready for a long
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>> wait
> >>>
> >>>>>>>> before
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> another Republican will enter the white house.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Rummy
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> In a message dated 11/25/2008 8:52:59 P.M. Eastern Standard
> Time,
> >>>>>>>>> flybrad at gmail.com writes:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Rummy,
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Sorry to burst your bubble but that is not going to happen.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>> Despite
> >>>
> >>>>>>>>> what the pundits write, McCain would have lost by 10 points
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>> without
> >>>
> >>>>>>>>> Palin. There are still a few of us left who believe in
> ourselves
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>> and
> >>>
> >>>>>>>>> not some some 'gubment' program as our path to happiness and
> >>>>>>>>> prosperity. Will Palin make it to the Whitehouse? Maybe,
> maybe
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>> not.
> >>>
> >>>>>>>>> Unlike "The One" where people project their hopes on a blank
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>> slate,
> >>>
> >>>>>>>>> Sarah Palin has a real record of accomplishments. Get use to is
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>> Rummy,
> >>>
> >>>>>>>>> Sarah has always written her own ticket and she's not losing
> sleep
> >>>>>>>>> about your bitching. Come to think of it, neither am I.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Brad
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 7:42 PM, <R22RumRunner at aol.com>
> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Brad,
> >>>>>>>>>> Nobody is worried about Palin, we would just appreciate it if
> she
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>> would
> >>>
> >>>>>>>> go
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> home.....and stay there.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Rummy
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> In a message dated 11/25/2008 7:34:06 P.M. Eastern Standard
> Time,
> >>>>>>>>>> flybrad at yahoo.com writes:
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Ben,
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Sooner or later, people will figure out that Sarah Palin is
> the
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>> "real
> >>>
> >>>>>>>>> deal".
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> She didn't make fools out of Big Oil CEO's by being stupid
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>> despite the
> >>>
> >>>>>>>>>> howls of derision against her by you and your ilk. When the
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>> patina of
> >>>
> >>>>>>>>>> "sacredness" has worn off The One, people will be hungry for
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>> someone of
> >>>
> >>>>>>>>> substance.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Laugh your ass off while you can. The press and the
> 'leftards'
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>> wouldn't
> >>>
> >>>>>>>>> pay so
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> much attention to Palin if they weren't worried about her.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Brad
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> --- On Tue, 11/25/08, Ben Cittadino <bcittadino at dcs-law.com>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> From: Ben Cittadino <bcittadino at dcs-law.com>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Subject: [Rhodes22-list] POLITICAL-Palin Begins 2012
> Campaign
> >>>>>>>>>>> To: rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
> >>>>>>>>>>> Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 6:04 PM
> >>>>>>>>>>> November 25, 2008, 3:11 pm NYTimes Online
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> "Southern Exposure
> >>>>>>>>>>> By Tobin Harshaw
> >>>>>>>>>>> Well, for those of you who thought Sarah Palin would
> >>>>>>>>>>> quietly go North to the
> >>>>>>>>>>> Future, it appears that instead she's going Deep South:
> >>>>>>>>>>> "Republican vice
> >>>>>>>>>>> presidential nominee Sarah Palin will make multiple
> >>>>>>>>>>> campaign appearances on
> >>>>>>>>>>> behalf of Sen. Saxby Chambliss next week in Georgia,
> >>>>>>>>>>> serving as the
> >>>>>>>>>>> political closer for the GOP senator who is battling to win
> >>>>>>>>>>> a second term,"
> >>>>>>>>>>> reports CNN.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> "This is Palin's first campaign appearance on behalf of
> >>>>>>>>>>> another Republican
> >>>>>>>>>>> candidate since losing her bid to become the nation's
> >>>>>>>>>>> first woman to serve
> >>>>>>>>>>> as vice president. Palin will attend a fundraiser on Sunday
> >>>>>>>>>>> night, then
> >>>>>>>>>>> appear at multiple campaign stops on Monday in an effort to
> >>>>>>>>>>> rally the GOP
> >>>>>>>>>>> base to turn out to vote for Chambliss. The incumbent
> >>>>>>>>>>> Republican is facing a
> >>>>>>>>>>> strong challenge from Democrat Jim Martin. A runoff is
> >>>>>>>>>>> scheduled for next
> >>>>>>>>>>> Tuesday, after neither candidate received the 50 percent
> >>>>>>>>>>> plus one vote
> >>>>>>>>>>> needed to win on Election Day."
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Doug Mataconis at Donklephant considers the strategy:
> >>>>>>>>>>> "The biggest challenge
> >>>>>>>>>>> that both Chambliss and Martin face in the run-off election
> >>>>>>>>>>> is getting their
> >>>>>>>>>>> voters to turn out to the polls, since it's unlikely that
> >>>>>>>>>>> voter turnout will
> >>>>>>>>>>> be anywhere near the level it reached on November 4th. To
> >>>>>>>>>>> the extent that
> >>>>>>>>>>> she's able to motivate the base to get out and vote,
> >>>>>>>>>>> Palin could prove
> >>>>>>>>>>> useful to Chambliss."
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Dr. Steven Taylor at Poliblog thinks this may be more about
> >>>>>>>>>>> Palin than
> >>>>>>>>>>> Chambliss. "First, the move is further evidence of
> >>>>>>>>>>> Palin's likely long-term
> >>>>>>>>>>> ambitions," he writes. "Second, the move means that
> >>>>>>>>>>> Chambliss thinks that
> >>>>>>>>>>> Palin plays well with the GOP base in a red state like
> >>>>>>>>>>> Georgia … Certainly
> >>>>>>>>>>> if Chambliss wins, the trip will be perceived as evidence
> >>>>>>>>>>> that Palin is a
> >>>>>>>>>>> serious actor within the GOP going forward, at least within
> >>>>>>>>>>> GOP circles."
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Palin or no Palin, Ed Morrissey at Hot Air is cautiously
> >>>>>>>>>>> optimistic about
> >>>>>>>>>>> the G.O.P. chances:
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Voter enthusiasm for Martin has declined since the general
> >>>>>>>>>>> election. Martin
> >>>>>>>>>>> got his momentum from the massive numbers of Obama voters,
> >>>>>>>>>>> most of whom
> >>>>>>>>>>> appear less interested in the remaining down-ticket race.
> >>>>>>>>>>> Chambliss may not
> >>>>>>>>>>> have that problem, since John McCain didn't generate an
> >>>>>>>>>>> enthusiastic
> >>>>>>>>>>> response from the Republican base, meaning that
> >>>>>>>>>>> Chambliss' voters will be
> >>>>>>>>>>> motivated more by Chambliss himself. Republicans have the
> >>>>>>>>>>> secondary
> >>>>>>>>>>> motivation to deny Obama a filibuster-proof Senate by
> >>>>>>>>>>> ensuring Chambliss'
> >>>>>>>>>>> re-election.
> >>>>>>>>>>> Either way, it looks like it will go down to the wire.
> >>>>>>>>>>> Republicans around
> >>>>>>>>>>> the country who want to keep at least one potential check
> >>>>>>>>>>> on the excesses of
> >>>>>>>>>>> single-party government had better start actively
> >>>>>>>>>>> supporting the Chambliss
> >>>>>>>>>>> effort."
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> We can't make this stuff up.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Happy Thanksgiving;
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Ben C.
> >>>>>>>>>>> --
> >>>>>>>>>>> View this message in context:
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>
> http://www.nabble.com/POLITICAL-Palin-Begins-2012-Campaign-tp20692288p20692288.html
> >>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Sent from the Rhodes 22 mailing list archive at
> Nabble.com.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>
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> >>>>>> --
> >>>>>> David Bradley
> >>>>>> +
> >>>>>> dwbrad at gmail.com
> >>>>>>
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> >>>> --
> >>>> David Bradley
> >>>> +
> >>>> dwbrad at gmail.com
> >>>>
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