[Rhodes22-list] USAttorneygate; the chickens come home to roost
Benjamin Cittadino
bigben65 at earthlink.net
Thu Oct 2 16:03:26 EDT 2008
I have been trying to come up with "Mr Fitzgeralds web site" by following
links to "operation board games". I have found a an official web site about
the Plame Case and Mr Libby, but I can find no web site maintained by
Patrick Fitzgerald dealing with Rezko or Obama. Can you steer me to it?
Much obliged.
As I said before I would be very surprised to find any official web site
dealing with an ongoing matter. But I could be wrong.
Ben C.
Bill Effros wrote:
> Ben,
> Can you tell me where I can find Obama stating that Patrick Fitzgerald
> will not be asked to resign?
> Mr. Rezko complained to his trial judge that Mr. Fitzgerald was
> pressuring him to implicate Mr. Obama. The judge released the letter
> after the trial. Mr. Obama is also named as a recipient of money
> extorted on his behalf by Mr. Rezko in the indictment of Mr. Rezko. In
> a proffer Mr. Fitzgerald stated that anyone who benefits from Mr.
> Rezko's crimes was as guilty as the person who was convicted, and this
> has been the theme of the prosecution, going from one defendant to the
> next.
> People who says Mr. Fitzgerald is not investigating Mr. Obama don't know
> what they are talking about--Mr. Fitzgerald has been quite plain about
> the fact that he IS investigating Mr. Obama. The FBI has released both
> photographs and tapes implicating Obama in the Rezko "schemes". Mr.
> Fitzgerald sought and obtained permission to involve Mr. Obama in the
> Rezko trial, but didn't need to do so because Mr. Rezko chose not to
> defend himself on these matters.
> Several other witness who have pled guilty and been convicted of these
> crimes have stated that Mr. Obama is involved, and that they are
> prepared to testify against him. Obama's name came out on numerous
> occasions during the trial, and most of the guilty parties had direct
> illegal dealings with Mr. Obama, and are prepared to so testify.
> Most of this information has been reported in Main Stream Media, and the
> rest is available on Mr. Fitzgerald's Web Site. Follow the links to
> "Operation Board Games".
> Mr. Rezko appealed to Karl Rove to have Mr. Fitzpatrick fired. Rezko
> was so sure he would succeed, he told other witnesses to lie to the FBI
> to cover his and Mr. Obama's involvement.
> Talk about chickens coming home to roost!
> Bill Effros
>> Bill & Rob & Ed;
>> Sen Obama has already said several times, in response to questions from
>> various reporters that Patrick Fitzgerald's job is safe. I must say here
>> that I has been my understanding that the targets of Mr Fitzgeralds
>> inquiries have been Mr Rezko, and people other than Obama himself. He's
>> very
>> discreet, any anybody who says they are sure he's looking at Obama (or
>> not)
>> doesn't know what they're talking about.
>> Bill's concern is well founded though. I was in law school when Nixon
>> fired
>> AG Richardson, then Dep AG Ruckelshaus for not firing Special Prosecutor
>> Cox
>> (Robert Bork ultimately did it). In response Nixon gave the famous "I am
>> not a crook" speech, and the move to impeachment became unstoppable.
>> As to Ed's point, I've said it as many different ways as I know how. If
>> Monica Goodling made hiring decisions at DOJ for non-political jobs based
>> upon political affiliation or perceived political loyalty she broke the
>> law.
>> And if the 9 US Attorney's were fired FOR ILLEGAL REASONS like not
>> bringing
>> trumped up charges against politcal opponents of a particular US Senator,
>> then that's illegal and that's why AG Mukasey had no choice but to
>> appoint a
>> special prosecutor. He's done it, because not to do it would be an
>> obvious
>> malfeasence; but he has given the Special Prosecutor an impossible 60 day
>> deadline to produce a report. He's done the right thing with one hand
>> but
>> ensured failure with the other hand. That's why we need a clean sweep, a
>> new AG, and Truth, Justice and the American Way for all. Thank
>> you....thank
>> you very much ladies and gentlemen.
>> Best,
>> Ben C.
>> Bill Effros wrote:
>>> Rob,
>>> US Attorneys serve the President. They can replace them if they choose
>>> to do so. But that was not the issue in this thread.
>>> The issue here is "Chickens come home to roost" regarding the
>>> replacement of US Attorneys.
>>> So I ask again,
>>> Is it OK for Obama to request the resignation of a well respected US
>>> Attorney who is currently investigating Obama?
>>> What are the perceived rules in this instance?
>>> Bill Effros
>>> Lowe, Rob wrote:
>>>> Isn't it "traditional" (OK, not the right word) for all the US
>>>> attorneys
>>>> to submit their resignations at the beginning of a president's new
>>>> term?
>>>> Or is it just a new president taking office? Regardless, why wouldn't
>>>> Fitzgerald submit his resignation along with the rest of the US
>>>> attorneys?
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
>>>> [mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of Bill Effros
>>>> Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2008 9:15 AM
>>>> To: The Rhodes 22 Email List
>>>> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] USAttorneygate; the chickens come home to
>>>> roost
>>>> Ben,
>>>> How do you think Obama will handle Federal Prosecutor Patrick
>>>> Fitzgerald
>>>> (also on the Bush "to be fired" list -- special prosecutor in the
>>>> Valerie Plame CIA leak case) who is currently investigating Barack
>>>> Obama?
>>>> Do you think it is is OK for Obama to fire Fitzgerald?
>>>> Bill Effros
>>>> Benjamin Cittadino wrote:
>>>>> Brad & Anybody still paying attention;
>>>>> The link to a NYTimes editorial explains in precise detail how the
>>>> firings
>>>>> by the Bush administration of a number of federal prosecutors is a
>>>> serious
>>>>> matter that cried out for the appointment of a special prosecutor.
>>>> Note the
>>>>> desciption of the firings being unrelated to and not he result of any
>>>>> performance reviews. This issue goes to the very heart of federal law
>>>>> enforcement, and, in my opinion, compels a change to an Obama
>>>> administration
>>>>> which will ensure the inquiry survives after January.
>>>>> http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/01/opinion/01wed1.html?hp
>>>>> http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/01/opinion/01wed1.html?hp
>>>>> Cheers!
>>>>> Ben C.
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