[Rhodes22-list] W's Legacy

Herb Parsons hparsons at parsonsys.com
Tue Oct 14 08:21:33 EDT 2008

I keep making the point that Bush isn't running. Maybe eventually 
someone will "get it".

The whole circus this year is interesting to watch.

McCain was "different enough" from Bush that the Democratic party was 
considering running him on THEIR ticket.
But that was politics, besides, they can count on us to forget.

Bush is a (currently) unpopular president, so the Democrats want to make 
it sound like voting for McCain is like voting for Bush.
But that was politics, besides, they can count on us to forget.

Both campaigns ignore the fact that even though Bush's ratings are low, 
Congress's is lower, yet we pull two guys out of the Senate to run.
But tha's politics, besides, they can count on us to not think about it 

At least, some of us.

TN Rhodey wrote:
> Classy! - Wally
> On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 12:37 AM, Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com>wrote:
>> John, you know what you should do? Go to the polls, and insist to
>> everyone that will listen that you REFUSE to vote for that guy that
>> looks like a chimp.
>> John Shulick wrote:
>>> Rob,
>>> Perhaps this will clarify my intent
>>> <ahref="http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/1570/Bush_Monkey_Faces/"
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