[Rhodes22-list] Politial: Governor Palin Unfavorable rating tops 50 percent

Brad Haslett flybrad at gmail.com
Mon Oct 27 10:12:53 EDT 2008


The infighting at the GOP for post election leadership has already
begun with Romney taking the low road to displace Sarah. Politics is a
nasty business.  It won't happen regardless of the outcome of the
election. Sarah can start her own party if she wants to and she'll be

I'm going to repost this-


You can spin this anyway you want but it is the man in his own words.
The left is already crying that he's being taken out of context.  The
message is pretty clear.  The courts won't redistribute wealth so
we'll do it via legislation.  If that is what you believe, the O is
your man.  A lot of us believe otherwise and will fight hard against
it regardless of the outcome of the election.  Personally, I'm
clinging to my money and my guns.


On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 9:00 AM, Lowe, Rob <rlowe at vt.edu> wrote:
> Obama and McCain Remain Popular; Palin Unfavs Top 50
> By contrast, ratings for GOP No. 2 Sarah Palin continue to slump. In
> each Post-ABC poll since the GOP convention, Palin's negatives have gone
> up among likely voters. Just after the party's nomination convention, 29
> percent of likely voters held unfavorable views of Palin; in the new
> poll that is up to 51 percent.
> We've posted a story
> <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/24/AR20081
> 02402698.html> detailing this dramatic shift, and some of the data
> follow.
> Q: Regardless of how you might vote, do you
> have a favorable or unfavorable impression of
> Sarah Palin?
> Likely voters:
>             Fav   Unfav
> Now          46     51
> Late Sept.   52     41
> Mid-Sept.    52     39
> Post-convo.  59     29
> Women:
>             Fav   Unfav
> Now          41     56
> Post-convo.  59     33
> White Women:
>             Fav   Unfav
> Now          48     48
> Post-convo.  69     24
> Independent Women:
>             Fav   Unfav
> Now          40     59
> Post-convo.  64     27
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