[Rhodes22-list] POLITICAL: "Spread the Wealth" or "The horse is dead, stop the beating"
Ben Cittadino
bcittadino at dcs-law.com
Mon Oct 27 16:18:35 EDT 2008
Boys and Girls;
Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution authorizes the CONGRESS to lay
and collect taxes. All tax complaints should be directed to your Congressman
or Senator.
The President can certainly recommend tax legislation and tax policy, but
the term "spread the wealth" has been twisted out of all sensible
interpretation on this forum. The tax laws have always been used to
encourage certain activity, and discourage other activity. They have been
set up to treat different groups disparately based upon whether they earn
their money by their labor or by clipping coupons. This is basic stuff
When Obama said spread the wealth he did not say, or mean, or suggest, that
the government is going to "confiscate our wealth and give it away". He was
saying that everyone must pay their fair share. It takes a super tortured
reading of his tax proposals to get there from here. The wealthy have
gotten a big break during the Bush tax cut years. How we cut taxes and fight
two wars at the same time is how we increase the federal deficit. It may
have been good for Halliburton, but it hasn't been good fiscal policy. We
can't get the money from poor people (they don't have any), so those of us
lucky or talented enough to own Rhodes 22's (note SAILING reference
Metaphor) have to pay alittle (not a lot) more. You won't even notice it.
These references to marxism and what-all just seem a bit hysterical.
I notice there haven't been any replys to my post which actually described
the tax policies of both candidates. Too much heat and not enough light on
this subject if you ask me. (I know; who asked me?)
Ben C.
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