[Rhodes22-list] How Much for the White House?

Brad Haslett flybrad at gmail.com
Mon Oct 27 21:32:13 EDT 2008

Well, well, well, the MSM is sloooooooly getting around to the story.
Pam Geller has only been on this since last July.


CBS still couldn't bring themselves to ask the real question: why did
the Obama campaign turn off the AVS system?


On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 8:02 AM, Brad Haslett <flybrad at gmail.com> wrote:
> Rummy,
> Turns out, the "bailout" package had nothing to do with keeping banks
> solvent.  It was all about keeping you in hootch.
> Brad
> ----------------------
> US territories defend bailout package's rum bill
> By DAVID McFADDEN, Associated Press Writer
> Thursday, October 2, 2008
> (10-02) 17:05 PDT SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) --
> A tax break for rum produced in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin
> Islands may trigger a hangover for proponents of Congress' huge
> bailout bill after the U.S. Senate tacked on tax reductions for the
> islands' liquor.
> A group of House Republicans in Washington who have opposed the US$700
> billion bailout indicated Thursday they would support the bill if it
> is slashed to US$250 billion and if several tax breaks added by the
> Senate — including the one for rum — are removed.
> But authorities in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands pointed out
> Thursday that the bill to cover federal taxes on rum from the tropical
> territories dates back to a 1917 act and is typically renewed with
> little fanfare.
> "People who didn't notice it previous years, well, they definitely
> noticed it now due to the financial mess," said Jaime Gonzalez, senior
> policy adviser for Puerto Rico's nonvoting representative in Congress.
> Territory officials says the measure is not a payout to rum producers,
> and the proceeds help finance infrastructure and public services.
> Ryan Alexander, the president of Taxpayers for Common Sense, a
> Washington-based watchdog group, said including tangential items such
> as the rum provision in the midst of a high-stakes debate over a
> historic bailout package was "pulled out of an old bag of tricks."
> "Many of these tax extenders have been waiting in the wings for
> months, hoping for a legislative train to leave the station,"
> Alexander said in Washington. "In these times of historic economic
> turmoil, it is hard to believe that these narrow tax benefits are in
> the best interests of the country."
> Donna Christensen, the nonvoting congressional delegate from the U.S.
> Virgin Islands, denied the rum measure is "pork barrel" spending. She
> described it as part of Washington's traditional benefits to the
> governments of the U.S. islands, where rum is a key industry. The tax
> break expired on Dec. 31, 2007, and the bill would extend it.
> In Washington, a group of 23 House Republicans — 20 of whom voted "no"
> on Monday to the bailout — held a news conference Thursday to call for
> the amount of bailout to be lowered and for the removal of the four
> tax breaks. Republican Rep. David Hobson of Ohio called the add-ons
> "outrageous."
> In its current form, the estimated cost of the U.S. Caribbean rum tax
> proposal, which provides payment to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin
> Islands for rum imported into the mainland, is US$192 million over 10
> years.
> ___
> Associated Press writer Andrew Taylor in Washington contributed to this story.
> (This version CORRECTS Corrects to $250 billion in graf 2.)
> On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 7:50 AM,  <R22RumRunner at aol.com> wrote:
>> Paul,
>> Do you really mean that someone can actually buy a political office? I'm
>> appalled.
>> Rummy
>> In a message dated 10/27/2008 8:22:25 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
>> pdgrand at nospam.wmis.net writes:
>> David,
>> No, I don't think it's any kind of conspiracy  either.  What I think is
>> that it's a shameful attempt to collect a  much larger sum total of
>> donations so that he can try to essentially buy  the election.  He's also
>> making it easy for contributors to get around  the maximum limit.  Why
>> won't he make the information public as John  McCain did?
>> Paul
>>> I made a contriubtion to the McCain site  with an improper address and
>>> it went through just fine.  We'll  see if it hits my credit card.
>>> The Obama site asked people to  certify that I was authorized to give
>>> the money, as did the McCain  site.  It didn't ask for the secuirty
>>> code on my card, but it's  not the only e-commerce site that doesn't.
>>> Is it your  contention that this is a conspiracy of Obama and/or his
>>> campaign, to  allow foreign interests to contribute and that he will
>>> somehow be  indebted?
>>> If true, throw him in jail and throw away the key.  But I don't believe
>>> it's true.  I don't believe in the conspiracy  theory.
>>> I have no problem at all with Obama forgoing public  financing and
>>> raising a ton of money.  I have no problem with him  changing his mind
>>> on that topic. I think it's interesting to see  people voting with
>>> their wallets.
>>>  Dave
>>> On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 10:44 AM,   <pdgrand at nospam.wmis.net> wrote:
>>>>  Brad,
>>>> I've intentionally waited awhile before posting  on this subject.  I
>>>> wanted
>>>> to hear specifically  what the Obama supporters had to say on the
>>>> subject.
>>>>  Is it just me or have they been strangely silent about this?  I  think
>>>> this
>>>> is a major issue because it speaks of the  character of the man and his
>>>> campaign (along with other issues he  prefers to skirt or not respond
>>>> to).
>>>> Why is no one on  this list from the left leaning persuasion addressing
>>>>  or
>>>> speaking up about this?  Is it a non-issue for  them?
>>>> Ben C., you're a thoughtful voice for that  side.  If I've missed one of
>>>> your or other's posts on this  subject, please forgive me.  If you would,
>>>> please re-send  it.  If not, please let me hear your opinion on this.
>>>>  Specifically, how can this not matter to you?
>>>> Even  though I won't vote for him, I honestly and respectfully want to
>>>>  believe in him because he may be my next President.  So far, I'm  having
>>>> a
>>>> hard time believing he is anything but a  dirty, sleazy, smooth-talking,
>>>> corupt politician.  I think  Brad's right.  He's got a lot of people in
>>>> this country  fooled.
>>>> Paul
>>>>> The 2008  Presidential campaign will go down in history as the most
>>>>>  corrupt in our nation, ever. What we're witnessing here is  something
>>>>> you'd expect in some third-world banana republic.  Remember the pledge
>>>>> to take public campaign funds?   Vanished down the memory hole like so
>>>>> many incriminating  characters from the past.  Here's the latest
>>>>>  example-
>>>>>  ------------------------
>>>>> October 23,  2008  Posted by Scott at 6:52 AM
>>>>> We've  previously noted the gusher of illegal campaign contributions
>>>>>  flowing into the Obama campaign from contributors such as "Doodad  Pro"
>>>>> and "Good Will." More recently, incidents have been  reported in which
>>>>> people have seen credit card charges surface  suggesting they donated
>>>>> to Barack Obama when they did not.  Matthew Mosk and Sarah Cohen noted
>>>>> one such incident earlier  this week:
>>>>>     Now comes the  story of Mary T. Biskup, of Manchester, Missouri.
>>>>> Biskup got a  call recently from the Obama campaign, which was trying
>>>>> to  figure out why she donated $174,800 to the campaign -- well  over
>>>>> the contribution limit of  $2,300.
>>>>>     The answer she gave  them was simple. "That's an error."
>>>>> Is the  Obama campaign knowingly receiving illegal contributions?
>>>>>  Yesterday one of our readers reported the results of an experiment  he
>>>>> conducted:
>>>>>   I've read recent reports of the Obama campaign receiving  donations
>>>>> from dubious names and foreign locales and it got me  wondering: How is
>>>>> this  possible?
>>>>>     I run a small  Internet business and when I process credit cards
>>>>> I'm required  to make sure the name on the card exactly matches the
>>>>> name of  the customer making the purchase. Also, the purchaser's
>>>>>  address must match that of the cardholders. If these don't match,  then
>>>>> the payment isn't approved. Period. So how is it possible  that the
>>>>> Obama campaign could receive donations from fictional  people and
>>>>> places? Well, I decided to do a little experiment.  I went to the Obama
>>>>> campaign website and entered the  following:
>>>>>     Name: John  Galt
>>>>>     Address: 1957 Ayn Rand  Lane
>>>>>     City: Galts  Gulch
>>>>>     State: CO
>>>>>   Zip: 99999
>>>>>      Then I checked the box next to $15 and entered my actual  credit
>>>>> card number and expiration date (it didn't ask for the  3-didgit code
>>>>> on the back of the card) and it took me to the  next page and... "Your
>>>>> donation has been processed. Thank you  for your generous gift."
>>>>>      This simply should not, and could not, happen in any business  or
>>>>> any campaign that is honestly trying to vet it's donors.  Also, I don't
>>>>> see how this could possibly happen without the  collusion of the credit
>>>>> card companies. They simply wouldn't  allow any business to process,
>>>>> potentially, hundreds of  millions in credit card transactions where
>>>>> the name on the  card doesn't match the purchasers name.
>>>>>   In short, with the system set up as it is by the Obama camp,  an
>>>>> individual could donate unlimited amounts of money by  simply making up
>>>>> fake names and addresses. And Obama is doing  his best to facilitate
>>>>> this fraud. This is truly  scandalous.
>>>>> Our reader was not yet done. He  tried the experiment on the McCain
>>>>> site: "I tried the exact  same thing at the McCain site and it didn't
>>>>> allow the  transaction." He then repeated the experiment at the Obama
>>>>>  site:
>>>>>     I went back to the  Obama site and made three additional donations
>>>>> using the names  Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and Bill Ayers, all
>>>>> with  different addresses. All the transactions went through using  the
>>>>> same credit card. I saved screenshots of the  transactions.
>>>>> Our reader reports,  incidentally, that he was using his MasterCard for
>>>>> the  contributions. We submit this report in the spirit of inquiry  and
>>>>> would especially appreciate hearing from readers who can  illuminate
>>>>> how credit card procedures might (or might not)  allow this to happen.
>>>>> UPDATE: Readers have  replicated the experiment reported in this post.
>>>>> We will have  to revisit the issue tonight or tomorrow and appreciate
>>>>> any  information you can provide in the meantime.
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>>>  --
>>> David Bradley
>>> +
>>>  dwbrad at gmail.com
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