[Rhodes22-list] An African American comments on Obama [Political]
Herb Parsons
hparsons at parsonsys.com
Thu Oct 30 14:17:53 EDT 2008
Don't you know - being a conservative means that Sowell is not really
black, just as some on the left have said that Palin is not really a woman.
You better start learning the rules if things continue to go south, I
mean left, or whatever.
On the other hand, 3 points is still within the margin of error, and it
HAS happened before.
Tootle wrote:
> Not all black men are sheep. Here is the opinion of one who is not:
> Oct. 29, 2008
> A perfect storm
> By Thomas Sowell
> http://www.JewishWorldReview.com | Some elections are routine, some are
> important and some are historic. If Senator John McCain wins this election,
> it will probably go down in history as routine. But if Senator Barack Obama
> wins, it is more likely to be historic— and catastrophic.
> Once the election is over, the glittering generalities of rhetoric and style
> will mean nothing. Everything will depend on performance in facing huge
> challenges, domestic and foreign.
> Performance is where Barack Obama has nothing to show for his political
> career, either in Illinois or in Washington.
> Policies that he proposes under the banner of "change" are almost all
> policies that have been tried repeatedly in other countries— and failed
> repeatedly in other countries.
> Politicians telling businesses how to operate? That's been tried in
> countries around the world, especially during the second half of the 20th
> century. It has failed so often and so badly that even socialist and
> communist governments were freeing up their markets by the end of the
> century.
> Every weekday NewsAndOpinion.com publishes what many in the media and
> Washington consider "must-reading". HUNDREDS of columnists and cartoonists
> regularly appear. Sign up for the daily update. It's free. Just click here.
> The economies of China and India began their take-off into high rates of
> growth when they got rid of precisely the kinds of policies that Obama is
> advocating for the United States under the magic mantra of "change."
> Putting restrictions on international trade in order to save jobs at home?
> That was tried here with the Hawley-Smoot tariff during the Great
> Depression.
> Unemployment was 9 percent when that tariff was passed to save jobs, but
> unemployment went up instead of down, and reached 25 percent before the
> decade was over.
> Higher taxes to "spread the well around," as Obama puts it? The idea of
> redistributing wealth has turned into the reality of redistributing poverty,
> in countries where wealth has fled and the production of new wealth has been
> stifled by a lack of incentives.
> Economic disasters, however, may pale by comparison with the catastrophe of
> Iran with nuclear weapons. Glib rhetoric about Iran being "a small country,"
> as Obama called it, will be a bitter irony for Americans who will have to
> live in the shadow of a nuclear threat that cannot be deterred, as that of
> the Soviet Union could be, by the threat of a nuclear counter-attack.
> Suicidal fanatics cannot be deterred. If they are willing to die and we are
> not, then we are at their mercy— and they have no mercy. Moreover, once they
> get nuclear weapons, that is a situation which cannot be reversed, either in
> this generation or in generations to come.
> Is this the legacy we wish to leave our children and grandchildren, by
> voting on the basis of style and symbolism, rather than substance?
> If Barack Obama thinks that such a catastrophe can be avoided by sitting
> down and talking with the leaders of Iran, then he is repeating a fallacy
> that helped bring on World War II.
> In a nuclear age, one country does not have to send troops to occupy another
> country in order to conquer it. A country is conquered if another country
> can dictate who rules it, as the Mongols once did with Russia, and as Osama
> bin Laden tried to do when he threatened retaliation against places in the
> United States that voted for George W. Bush. But he didn't have nuclear
> weapons to back up that threat— yet.
> America has never been a conquered country, so it may be very hard for most
> Americans even to conceive what that can mean. After France was conquered in
> 1940, it was reduced to turning over some of its own innocent citizens to
> the Nazis to kill, just because those citizens were Jewish.
> Do you think our leaders wouldn't do that? Not even if the alternative was
> to see New York and Los Angeles go up in mushroom clouds? If I were Jewish,
> I wouldn't bet my life on that.
> What the Middle East fanatics want is not just our resources or even our
> lives, but our humiliation first, in whatever sadistic ways they can think
> of. Their lust for humiliation has already been repeatedly demonstrated in
> their videotaped beheadings that find such an eager market in the Middle
> East.
> None of this can be prevented by glib talk, but only by character, courage
> and decisive actions— none of which Barack Obama has ever demonstrated.
> Posted by
> Ed K
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