[Rhodes22-list] Politics - Sexism
Bill Effros
bill at effros.com
Mon Sep 1 05:01:40 EDT 2008
I'm surprised at the sexist comments.
What's going on here?
Obama has accomplished nothing and gone along with corrupt Cook County
Machine politics for his entire career. He has only won rigged
elections, and stood up to nobody. He started running for President 2
years after becoming a US Senator, and has taken all sides on every
position. He is young, charismatic, attractive, inexperienced..."A
Candidate Who Represents Change"...oh! and did I mention...he's a man.
So along comes this woman who fought the good ol' boy network in her own
party and beat them. She taxed oil companies. Stood up to venerated
party leaders. Fought corruption and wasteful spending. She talks the
talk and walks the walk. She opposes abortion and had a Down Syndrome
child. She supports the military and one of her children is in Iraq.
She is young, charismatic, attractive, inexperienced..."A Candidate Who
Represents Change". She was Governor for 2 years before running for the
office of Vice President.
But the "don't smear our boy" campaign immediately put out email all
over the internet smearing her as "poofy".
The good ol' boys running Obama's campaign have a long history of
smearing women. They smeared Hillary. They smeared Geraldine Ferraro.
Now they are smearing Palin.
I'm really surprised you passed this smear along. I know you better.
Bill Effros
Steven Alm wrote:
> Brad,
> I think she's right about ANWR. Yep, that's me who said that. You know I'm
> a liberal but I'm pulling for more domestic drilling. And you can
> definitely put me in the "all of the above" column.
> BUT... let's say McCain dies and she's the pres. Do you think she's ready
> to lock horns with the likes of Vlad "The Impaler" Putin? Kim Jong Il?
> Ahmadinnerjacket? So much for the argument over Obama's inexperience. I'd
> want Barack to face off with those characters WAY more than Poofy Palin.
> McCain is obviously playing to the upset Clinton supporters. She's
> pro-choice. She's a loose cannon among the GOP (Greed Over People) and this
> will not help him in his party. He's vying for the independents and the
> women but it won't work. He just sealed Obama's victory. Thank God he
> didn't pick Pawlenty which might have turned our blue state to red and left
> us with Carol Molnau as our gov. Whew!
> Slim
> On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 7:25 PM, Brad Haslett <flybrad at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Here's your "lightweight" beauty queen "minority" pick on ANWR.
>> http://www.cnbc.com/id/15840232?video=836304396
>> Lot's of "big boys" didn't take the Guv serious and got their "clocks
>> cleaned".
>> Brad
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