[Rhodes22-list] Politics - The Chicago Way

Brad Haslett flybrad at gmail.com
Tue Sep 2 13:53:04 EDT 2008


It can't get any better given politics-



September 02, 2008
The Libertarian Case for Palin
By David Harsanyi

The potential political consequences of Sarah Palin have been chewed
over from every imaginable angle.

Though there is plenty to ponder, one thing is certain:
libertarian-inclined voters should be encouraged. No, I'm not
suggesting that your little Molly will be bringing home "The Road to
Serfdom" from her (distinctly non-public) elementary school. But in
contrast to any national candidate in recent memory, Palin is the one
that exudes the economic and cultural sensibilities of a geniune
Western-style libertarian.

Now, Palin's lack of experience has been framed as an impenetrable
negative. One wire story helpfully noted that Palin had never ever
appeared on "Meet the Press." Shocking! But as Barack Obama often
notes, it's not about experience, it's about judgment. And Palin's
penchant for reform-minded conservatism is certainly at odds with the
racket Washington Republicans have offered up the past 8 years.

Palin, for example, vetoed 300 pork projects in Alaska in her first
year in office. She made a habit of knocking out big-government
Republicans in her brief political career. For this, the 44-year-old
mother of five enjoys a sterling approval rating in a state with
arguably the nation's most libertarian-minded populace.

When it comes to healthcare, Palin says she wants to "allow
free-market competition and reduce onerous government regulation."
These days, any mention of the "free market" that's not framed as a
crass pejorative is a sign of progress.

Culturally, there is little for the Heartland to dislike. By now,
you've probably seen picture or two of Palin sporting a rifle.
Apparently, she's left carcasses strewn across the Alaskan wilderness.
In some places -- areas where the nation is growing -- owning a gun is
not yet a sin. And unlike Obama, Palin seems to believe that the
Second Amendment means the exact same thing in rural Alaska as it does
in the streets of Chicago.

Yes, Palin is without argument a staunch social conservative. She is
fervently opposed to abortion - even in cases of rape and incest,
which will raise eyebrows, but is certainly more philosophically
consistent than the namby pambyism of your average politician. The
choice issue, after all, is complicated, even for many libertarians.
And, as I was recently reminded, Ron Paul, the Libertarian champion of
the 21st century, also opposes abortion.

Even when advocating for "moral" issues, Palin's approach is a soft
sell. Palin does not support gay marriage (neither does Obama, it
should be noted). Yet, in 2006, Palin's first veto as Governor was a
bill that sought to block state employee benefits and health insurance
for same-sex couples.

We cannot bore into Palin's soul to see her true feelings about gay
couples, but, at the time, she noted that signing "this bill would be
in direct violation of my oath of office" because it was
unconstitutional. For most libertarians, the thought of politician
following any constitution, rather than their own predilections,
morality or the "common good," is a nice change of pace.

On the counterproductive War on Drugs, Palin is no warrior. Her
Republican opponent in 2006 primary, incumbent Republican governor
Frank Murkowski, made recriminalizing the possession of small amounts
of pot a priority. Palin, though she does not support legalization,
believes enforcement should not be a high priority.

"I can't claim a Bill Clinton and say that I never inhaled," Palin
once said. This sort of honesty is a welcome change from the standard
hand-wringing about marijuana's supposed disastrous consequences.

On education, Palin supports school-choice programs. There have
already been smears that she backed "creationist" teaching in "public"
schools, when in fact, Palin's comment regarding intelligent design
should hold some appeal to libertarians. Even if you find the idea
inane, in essence, Palin pushed the idea that parents, rather than the
state, should decide what children are learning.

When asked about this commotion, Palin said, "I won't have religion as
a litmus test, or anybody's personal opinion on evolution or
creationism." If lockstep left-wing union-run school boards in urban
districts would follow this sound advice on ideological litmus tests,
our educational system would be a lot more productive.

Then there is a question of authenticity. And it matters. Those who
will do anything for power, will say anything and support any position
that is convenient. From John McCain to Joe Biden to Obama, one gets
the sense that political office is their life's work. All of them have
made attempts to create the perception that, hey, they're ordinary
Americans just like you. Palin won't have to work at genuineness. With
Palin, you get the impression she can take politics or leave it. Her
life certainly hasn't been saturated with policy, favor trading and
back scratching.

Of course, Washington has a mysterious power to turn perfectly
reasonable, wholesome, well-meaning human beings into equivocating
crooked gasbags. But, from the little we know about Palin, such a
transformation doesn't seem likely. And for libertarians - in the
broadest sense of the small "l" word -- she's the best candidate they
can expect.
Reach columnist David Harsanyi at dharsanyi at denverpost.com.

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 11:49 AM, Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com> wrote:
> EXACTLY, and if the "We need change" folks on the left would remove
> their "any Republican is a BAD Republican" blinders, they'd see that too.
> I think it's almost funny to see folks say, on the one hand "We want
> something DIFFERENT, we don't want a career politician, we want a REAL
> person in the WH", then turn right around and say "But, she's got no
> 'experience', and she has family issues, and ... and ... and ..."
> I believe everyone of those have been doing what their messiah has been
> doing, spouting rhetoric with no real meaning.
> If it sounds like I'm hyped about this choice, there's a reason! And, I
> hope the dems on the left keep right on "not understanding".... at least
> for a few more weeks.
> Brad Haslett wrote:
>> Herb,
>> McCain is just the catalyst in this race.  Sarah is the Hope and
>> Change and "what we've been waiting for".  She has the potential to be
>> the Teddy Roosevelt of the 21st Century and start her own Bull Moose
>> Party (er, might have to work on a new name given her relationship
>> with the moose). At any rate, she owes nothing to the GOP in Alaska.
>> She got the GOP party chairman kicked off the Oil and Gas Commission
>> and fined $12,000. They are not on speaking terms.
>> You go girl!
>> Brad
>> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 10:37 AM, Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com> wrote:
>>> I don't think the left, or even much of the press, understand that many
>>> are exactly where you and I are. We were going to reluctantly vote for
>>> McCain and whoever. Now we're going to enthusiastically vote for the
>>> ticket, when in reality we're reluctantly voting for McCain, and very
>>> enthusiastically voting for Palin.
>>> I'm still hoping McCain sees the light, pledges a single term
>>> presidency, and seals the deal. Palin would be a draw now for what she
>>> would be doing in 2012.
>>> Brad Haslett wrote:
>>>> Bill,
>>>>  Here's another summation of  your argument.
>>>> "Palin really is what Obama pretends to be, but is not: a citizen
>>>> activist who entered politics in order to fight entrenched interests
>>>> and bring about tangible, practical change. The track record shows
>>>> that Obama, far from being a "change agent," is a relentless careerist
>>>> who has brought little, if any, major reform to Chicago; Springfield,
>>>> Ill., or Washington."
>>>> You can read the whole thing here-
>>>> http://www.csmonitor.com/2008/0902/p09s02-coop.html
>>>> Brad
>>>> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 9:28 AM, Bill Effros <bill at effros.com> wrote:
>>>>> Slim,
>>>>> The Obama campaign is being run "The Chicago Way" -- all elbows -- very
>>>>> dirty -- accuse your opponent of doing what you are doing -- "Do onto
>>>>> others before they do onto you."
>>>>> The democrats have latched onto the "George W. Bush of the Left".   They
>>>>> have decided to use the Lee Atwater playbook.  The campaign slogan of
>>>>> liberals seems to be "The End Justifies the Means".
>>>>> It's sad.
>>>>> Obama has absolutely zero political credentials.  His campaign biography
>>>>> is a complete fake.  The white Chicago political machine has been using
>>>>> him as a wedge in the black community since the Chicago Arab-American
>>>>> community first latched onto him.  He is under federal investigation for
>>>>> bribery, corruption, extortion, and campaign fraud.  He has taken every
>>>>> side on every issue -- no one has the slightest idea where he stands on
>>>>> any of the issues you raise.
>>>>> Obama's little girls can be used as campaign props, but they are
>>>>> off-limits for anyone to raise as campaign issues.  Not Sarah Palin's
>>>>> though!  We learn that her daughter is pregnant within days of her
>>>>> addition to the Republican ticket.  "Liberals" are saying she should
>>>>> spend more time at home with her kids, so this kind of thing wouldn't
>>>>> happen in the first place.  "Keep 'em barefoot in the kitchen..."
>>>>> I've got lots of liberal friends saying the same kinds of things you are
>>>>> saying.  "Winning is everything."  "Let's use the same tactics the
>>>>> Republicans used."   "What we need is another moron surrounded by
>>>>> 'experienced advisors' who will make all the right decisions for him.
>>>>> Hey!  It worked just great for Bush and Cheney."
>>>>> And now that it's becoming increasingly clear that Obama is a crook, and
>>>>> is likely to be indicted, we've got the "no big deal -- they're all
>>>>> crooks" argument.  Well, I don't believe that, and yes it does matter to
>>>>> me.  It matters a lot.
>>>>> It also matters to the constitution.  The crimes Obama apparently
>>>>> committed are an automatic bar to the Presidency.  If elected he cannot
>>>>> serve--these particular crimes (unlike blow jobs) are actually named in
>>>>> the constitution as grounds for removal.
>>>>> Stop this Obama weeping and move on to what you know is right!
>>>>> Bill Effros
>>>>> Rummy's Bar and Grill Patron Since 1997
>>>>> Steven Alm wrote:
>>>>>> Bill,
>>>>>> I want to ask you the same question.  What's going on here?  Do you really
>>>>>> advocate electing a VP who has only been the mayor of a town of less than
>>>>>> 9000 and a Gov. for two years?  OK, so she was able to ruffle the feathers
>>>>>> of some of the GOP.  Is that why you're backing her?  Is that where you're
>>>>>> really hanging you hat?  That's not the Bill I know.
>>>>>> I made a mistake when I wrote that she's pro-choice.  I was wrong.  Bad
>>>>>> information.  Is pro-life what you're advocating?  That's not the Bill I
>>>>>> know.
>>>>>> We know you're a disgruntled Hillary supporter and we know you think Obama's
>>>>>> a crook re the campaign finances.   So are you really jumping ship on that
>>>>>> issue?  That's not the Bill I know.
>>>>>> Have you forgotten that unemployment is at a high, poverty level is rising,
>>>>>> people are without jobs, median income is down, no health care, the needless
>>>>>> and costly war in Iraq, the depleting of SS, the vanishing pensions, the
>>>>>> enormous debt?   What do you want for Chrisssake?   This is not the Bill I
>>>>>> know!
>>>>>> What has the war in Iraq done for us?  Nothing, unless you're Haliburton.
>>>>>> Follow the money!
>>>>>> It's time you get over Hillary's loss and join the fray.  OBAMA IN 08!!!!
>>>>>> "Change,"  "Hope,"  anything to elect a Democrat as the next President!  I
>>>>>> want something to be done!
>>>>>> Health Care.  Nay-sayers are quick to point out flaws in Canada, Norway or
>>>>>> where ever.  Why not assume we can do it better than any of those other
>>>>>> countries.  We're NOT Canada or Norway!  Why shouldn't we  show the world
>>>>>> how it's done?  Why couldn't we put together a system that beats all?
>>>>>> THAT'S the American way of doing things!!!
>>>>>> The assistant minister to health care in Kazakhstan, Sheila O'Dougherty, who
>>>>>> makes it her job to understand the health care systems of the world and also
>>>>>> happens to be my cousin, says we already have the funds to do this if we
>>>>>> decide to.  It wouldn't necessarily demand extra taxes.  Why are we fighting
>>>>>> this?  Because Republicans don't like the idea of "Socialized Medicine" even
>>>>>> though all the world's greatest country's have adopted it.  Why not do it
>>>>>> and be the best at it?
>>>>>> Bill, I'm sorry you think Barack's a crook.  Maybe he is, but at least he's
>>>>>> in good company.  He's a politician after all.   Campaign fiance faux
>>>>>> pax--Stop the frickin' presses!   Get over yourself and support the
>>>>>> democrats!  Stop this Hillary weeping and move on to what you know is right!
>>>>>> Slim
>>>>>> On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 4:01 AM, Bill Effros <bill at effros.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Slim,
>>>>>>> I'm surprised at the sexist comments.
>>>>>>> What's going on here?
>>>>>>> Obama has accomplished nothing and gone along with corrupt Cook County
>>>>>>> Machine politics for his entire career.  He has only won rigged
>>>>>>> elections, and stood up to nobody.  He started running for President 2
>>>>>>> years after becoming a US Senator, and has taken all sides on every
>>>>>>> position.  He is young, charismatic, attractive, inexperienced..."A
>>>>>>> Candidate Who Represents Change"...oh! and did I mention...he's a man.
>>>>>>> So along comes this woman who fought the good ol' boy network in her own
>>>>>>> party and beat them.  She taxed oil companies.  Stood up to venerated
>>>>>>> party leaders.  Fought corruption and wasteful spending.  She talks the
>>>>>>> talk and walks the walk.  She opposes abortion and had a Down Syndrome
>>>>>>> child.  She supports the military and one of her children is in Iraq.
>>>>>>> She is young, charismatic, attractive, inexperienced..."A Candidate Who
>>>>>>> Represents Change".  She was Governor for 2 years before running for the
>>>>>>> office of Vice President.
>>>>>>> But the "don't smear our boy" campaign immediately put out email all
>>>>>>> over the internet smearing her as "poofy".
>>>>>>> The good ol' boys running Obama's campaign have a long history of
>>>>>>> smearing women.  They smeared Hillary.  They smeared Geraldine Ferraro.
>>>>>>> Now they are smearing Palin.
>>>>>>> I'm really surprised you passed this smear along.  I know you better.
>>>>>>> Bill Effros
>>>>>>> Steven Alm wrote:
>>>>>>>> Brad,
>>>>>>>> I think she's right about ANWR.  Yep, that's me who said that.  You know
>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>> a liberal but I'm pulling for more domestic drilling.  And you can
>>>>>>>> definitely put me in the "all of the above" column.
>>>>>>>> BUT...  let's say McCain dies and she's the pres.  Do you think she's
>>>>>>> ready
>>>>>>>> to lock horns with the likes of Vlad "The Impaler" Putin?  Kim Jong Il?
>>>>>>>> Ahmadinnerjacket?  So much for the argument over Obama's inexperience.
>>>>>>>  I'd
>>>>>>>> want Barack to face off with those characters WAY more than Poofy Palin.
>>>>>>>> McCain is obviously playing to the upset Clinton supporters.  She's
>>>>>>>> pro-choice.  She's a loose cannon among the GOP (Greed Over People) and
>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>> will not help him in his party.  He's vying for the independents and the
>>>>>>>> women but it won't work.  He just sealed Obama's victory.  Thank God he
>>>>>>>> didn't pick Pawlenty which might have turned our blue state to red and
>>>>>>> left
>>>>>>>> us with Carol Molnau as our gov.  Whew!
>>>>>>>> Slim
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 7:25 PM, Brad Haslett <flybrad at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Here's your "lightweight" beauty queen "minority" pick on ANWR.
>>>>>>>>> http://www.cnbc.com/id/15840232?video=836304396
>>>>>>>>> Lot's of "big boys" didn't take the Guv serious and got their "clocks
>>>>>>>>> cleaned".
>>>>>>>>> Brad
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