[Rhodes22-list] Using Engine Hoist to Lift Boat Off Trailer

cjlowe at sssnet.com cjlowe at sssnet.com
Sat Sep 13 21:07:44 EDT 2008

last one

On 9/13/2008, "Luis Guzman" <trpclman at yahoo.com> wrote:

>I was looking at the archives and found your email with pictures regarding the use of engine hoist to lift boat off trailer.
>I'm trying to do the same, but I see in one of the pictures that you have some kind of attachment on the hoist with a straight piece of round tube going through the bow eye.
>I can see that I can not use the chain because the arm would hit the bow when the boat is lifted.
>Did you make that attachment? Could you please give me a description, engineering drawings, bill of materials, or whatever information you have on that attachment?
>I would appreciate it very much.
>I have attached the picture that I'm talking about.
>S/V Miracle
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