[Rhodes22-list] Campaigns and Such (was Gas in TN-Brad) Political
Brad Haslett
flybrad at gmail.com
Wed Sep 24 18:42:42 EDT 2008
You're on to something. A few weeks ago I posted about my former
attorney, Julia, who took on some of Vanderbilt's finest law school
graduates. They would drone on for hours ($250 an hour I might add)
and when they were done bleating, Julia would smoke holes in their
argument in less than 60 seconds. An issue I've preached for 34 years
as an adult education instructor in aviation is to know and respect
one's own limits. Let's give credit where credit is due: Obama
didn't practice courtroom law because he can't think on his feet.
Palin has that kind of raw intelligence that the 'coasters' love to
mock, but she can make things happen and get things done. It drives
them crazy.
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 5:18 PM, Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com> wrote:
> Brad, back when I was 18 and a sophomore in college, there were two
> classes that were a little tougher than I expected. I'm one of those
> guys that did poorly in college because I coasted through high school
> with no trouble, and had 0 study habits. I cannot remember a single time
> studying for a class until my second year of college.
> Two classes, Physiological Psych and The Pentateuch. Both of those, I
> stayed up literally all night the night before cramming. I cleared them,
> but barely. Had you asked me a week later what I "knew", I'd have been
> in trouble. That's the nature of cramming, and though I'm not Obama's
> age, my short term memory at 18 was MUCH better than it is ... what was
> I saying? Oh yeah, better then than now.
> Obama's been cramming for 3 days. I bet there's a good reason he doesn't
> want it postponed.
> Send in Sarahcuda.
> Brad Haslett wrote:
>> Herb,
>> Sending Sarah to Oxford, MS was EXACTLY my first thought. What do you
>> want to bet Uhbama would suddenly feel his 'leadership' was needed in
>> DC? The second best choice would be for Snowbama to debate his VP so
>> maybe they can both find the same sheet of music. Listening to Harry
>> Reid today was an exercise in surreality. I'd be laughing my ass off
>> it weren't so serious. If this issue turns into a big social program,
>> I'm all for taking the medicine now and let the market work things out
>> (same thing I said six months ago). After all, what were really
>> debating here is a social program that failed. Here is an article from
>> 9/11/03 from the NYT.
>> http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E06E3D6123BF932A2575AC0A9659C8B63&scp=1&sq=%22barney+frank%22&st=nyt
>> It's not like we weren't warned.
>> Brad
>> On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 4:41 PM, Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com> wrote:
>>> Brad,
>>> From what I see on Drudge, it looks like Obama isn't playing along:
>>> =====
>>> "I believe that we should continue to have the debate," Obama said.
>>> "It's my belief that this is exact time when the American people need to
>>> hear form the person who in approximately 40 days will be responsibly
>>> for dealing with this mess and I think that it is going to be part of
>>> the president's job to deal with more than one thing at once."
>>> Obama said that unlike McCain, he will not suspend ads, or campaign
>>> events scheduled between now and Friday's debate.
>>> "I think it's very important that the American people see the people who
>>> potentially could be in charge of this problem within the next couple of
>>> months and so my attitude is that we need to be focused on solving the
>>> problems, as I have been," Obama said. "It's also important that we
>>> communicate where we need to go in getting us out of the situation."
>>> =====
>>> This is interesting. We've had a promise-everything, do-nothing,
>>> we-tried-but-the-swamp-is-still-there Democratic run congress for two
>>> years, that's blaming a decade + brewing problem on Bush (but that's
>>> easy, when you're a Democrat, everything Bad is Bush), and the party
>>> that said they wanted "change" is forging ahead with politics, and the
>>> "old school old guy" is throwing a curve ball.
>>> It's a gamble, and it might not work, but folks have to admit, his last
>>> "gamble" paid off well.
>>> I think he should send in Sarahcuda to debate for him.
>>> Brad Haslett wrote:
>>>> Ben,
>>>> Very cute, counselor!
>>>> Since McCain tapped into my psychic mind stream and is suspending his
>>>> campaign to offer adult supervision to the Senate, and the Wizard of
>>>> Uhs will follow suit to avoid looking like an idiot (as soon as he
>>>> finishes spinning the story it was his idea first), why don't you and
>>>> I offer to take their place?
>>>> I'll spot you ten debating points on the front-end.
>>>> Brad
>>>> On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 4:13 PM, Ben Cittadino <bcittadino at dcs-law.com> wrote:
>>>>> Let me get this straight. You're asking BRAD if there is a GAS shortage
>>>>> where he is? You're asking BRAD about whether there is a
>>>>> GAS............NO............I'm not going to do this. I can't do it. It's
>>>>> too easy. Forget it.
>>>>> Best wishes to all,
>>>>> Ben C.
>>>>> Lady in Red wrote:
>>>>>> Brad,
>>>>>> Any gas shortages in Memphis?
>>>>>> My daughter in Nashville sent me the video link below; Nashville presently
>>>>>> has a severe shortage.
>>>>>> http://blogs.nashvillescene.com/pitw/2008/09/inside_the_metro_bunker.php
>>>>>> I'd seen a similar video on another topic a while back....may well have
>>>>>> been on this list.
>>>>>> elle
>>>>>> We can't change the angle of the wind....but we can adjust our sails.
>>>>>> 1992 Rhodes 22 Recyc '06 "WaterMusic" (Lady in Red)
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