[Rhodes22-list] Another Reason to Clean House at The White House (Political)
Rik Sandberg
sanderico1 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 30 10:27:57 EDT 2008
Selective memory?
I believe it was President Clinton who replaced (all?) 93 of his US
I don't hear any complaining about that.
Will Rogers often said, "There's nothing quite like money in the bank." He went on to say, "I'm not so concerned about the return on my money as I am about the return of my money."
Ben Cittadino wrote:
> http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/30/washington/30attorney.html?scp=1&sq=us%20attorneys%20special%20prosecutor&st=cse
> The above link describes the latest development in the scandal which has
> become known as the "US Attorney Firings Debacle". I know there are those
> folks who believe that since US Attorneys serve at the pleasure of the
> President, the replacement of a number of these federal prosecutors in 2006
> constituted much commotion over nothing much. That's just not so. The
> independence of federal prosecutors from political influence was at one time
> a proud hallmark of the Dept of Justice. The process to appoint US
> Attorneys was undeniably political, just as the appointment of federal
> judges is political, but once "on the job" these men and women were supposed
> to be free to "follow the facts" or "follow the money" ( as some of our
> posters are fond of saying) in the pursuit of wrong-doing without fear or
> favor from political operatives. They could be fired for no reason, or good
> reason, but not for an illegal reason. AG Mukasey (who was hired after
> Gonzales was forced to resign in part over this very issue) apparently
> believes there is reason to look into whether federal law enforcement was
> compromised by the likes of Harriet Myers, Karl Rove and others in the Bush
> White House.
> The only way to ensure that this investigation continues after January is
> Elect Sen Obama as President of the United States.
> Cheers!
> Ben C. s/v susan kay, highlands nj
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