[Rhodes22-list] design of Rhodes Interior and elimination

David Culp dculp at hsbtx.com
Mon Apr 13 12:40:37 EDT 2009


Nicely done!  With the spring steel support, have you thought about adding a
hatch opening as well in the fore peak area?  I would think that you now
have more then the necessary cabin roof support to do it.  I don't overnight
on my boat, but really appreciate having the flow through ventilation when
anchored out.

David Culp

Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2009 09:41:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Shulick <jsbudda at verizon.net>
Subject: [Rhodes22-list] Re design of Rhodes Interior and elimination
       of compression post.
To: rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
Message-ID: <23012525.post at talk.nabble.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hi everybody,

 Over the last season I decided to change the interior of my 71 rhodes to
reflect the way my wife and I use the boat. We are not small people and
found the original Layout to be hard to move around in when cabin bound by
weather. As we get on the boat friday nights and don't return to the dock
until sunday afternoons we found the six foot nose birth a bit cramped. Also
as the early rhodes did not have a fixed head we had a hallway with little
purpose and a wall extending halfway across the the boat to little purpose
except to act as a compression post for the mast. During the past few
weekends I added a 2 ft. extension to the bow bed replaced the cabin floor,
installed new carpeting and removed the original wall replacing it with 2
half walls and a compression arch over the cabin ceiling to accept the mast
load. The arch you see in the following pictures is 1/2 in spring steel
custom bent in a 100 ton press (I do live in Pgh. after all) I stood on the
arch before I installed it and my 280 lbs. did not even make it flex. I feel
pretty confidant it will work but will keep all informed in the event of
failure. Enclosed are before and after shots.

John Shulick

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