[Rhodes22-list] need more info on center board and trunk repair

Carl Muntean Carl.Muntean at TRW.COM
Wed Aug 19 13:50:59 EDT 2009

here's a shot looking up through the trunk well from the bottom
the port side shows a split about 1/3 of the way up on the inside

the starboard side shows delamination between the outer hull and the inner trunk well

we've devised away to lift the boat and pull the trailer out so we can work on the keel
from the outside..we are in the process of buiilding support cradles for added security

I'll get better pic's tonite
I have a different email at home..should I register that to the list?

>>> <R22RumRunner at aol.com> 8/19/2009 1:07 PM >>>
We really need a little more information. Digital photo's would be really  
helpful. If you can tell us where you are located, perhaps there would be a  
local Rhodie willing to look at it and help you decide what needs to be  
Anderson, SC
In a message dated 8/19/2009 1:02:47 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
Carl.Muntean at trw.com writes:

we've  recently aquired a 78 rhodes 22
trunk cap was riveted on

got it off  revealing to horizontal splits one one either side of the trunk 
confused with regard to Rogers paper regarding filling voids with  epoxy
after carbonite is in place>..how to? 

got all the sub  floors out
cabin area cement allows you to slide a 2 foot scale under it  above hull 
should we break out cement here and replace it?
Carl  Muntean 
Sr Design 
TRW Automotive

carl.muntean at trw.com  
cmuntean at att.net  

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