[Rhodes22-list] Rhodes List- Robertson's Rules Of Order

John Lock jlock at relevantarts.com
Tue Dec 22 09:07:50 EST 2009

Thanks for your comments Greg.  Informal polling in the past has shown  
that the group prefers the e-mail list over a forum presentation.   
 From my perspective, a forum is actually easier to manage than a  
mailing list.  Email in todays technical environment is just a giant  
PITA.  It has been suggested in the past that we adopt "tags" in the  
subject line to indicate categories.  But as we have seen from recent  
traffic, that doesn't really work too well.  Especially when the topic  
wanders away from the original e-mail.  It's just too convenient to  
hit reply and move on.  I am guilty of it as much as anyone.

Best wishes for the holidays and hoping that 2010 is a major  
improvement over 2009!

John Lock
s/v Pandion - '79 Rhodes 22
Lake Sinclair, GA

On Dec 22, 2009, at 07:58, Greg PA wrote:
> One last thought is I wish this forum was split into categories. It  
> would be
> nice to have a "buy and sell", non-sailing, older Rhodes. new Rhodes
> sections. I know the forum must be a lot of work for the people who  
> maintain
> it, but the other forums with the categories seem to have less  
> squabbles.

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