[Rhodes22-list] Leland a reply about list content...
Herb Parsons
hparsons at parsonsys.com
Fri Jan 2 23:58:18 EST 2009
If I may do so with one last comment on the issue.
I'm as sensitive about my religious beliefs as you are yours. I was as
offended by Slim's stereotypes about my religion as you are yours. I do
not have the ability to censor Slim's comments, nor do I have the
ability to ban him for making them. I would not WANT him banned for
making them. I would suggest, and respectfully, that you be as vigilant
about protecting the sensibilities of others as you are protecting yours.
michael meltzer wrote:
> Herb he left the same reason all people leave, he was not enjoying his time
> here. it really that simple. Also Thank You for the forbearance over the
> last couple of days and if I could "one more favor", can we lets this drop?
> -mjm
> -----Original Message-----
> From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
> [mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of Herb Parsons
> Sent: Friday, January 02, 2009 7:38 PM
> To: The Rhodes 22 Email List
> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Leland a reply about list content...
> I don't know that I would say I "enjoyed" it, but I have found it
> interesting. Maybe we're both reaching the age where "interesting" is
> synonymous with "enjoyable"...
> Anyway. Most of the harping seems to be about causticity; however, Rummy
> didn't leave over causticity, or at least that wasn't the camel back
> breaking straw. It was over the "racist" posting of the "Magic Negro".
> Unfortunately, racism is in the eye of the beholder, so in reality, he
> left because of his views, not Bill's (who was the one that posted the
> link).
> I didn't find the parody racist. I've expressed my views on why it
> wasn't, and did so calmly, but apparently that wasn't satisfactory to
> some. Sad.
> Here's what I DO find racist. Seems all of the powers that be in the
> "name a new senator from Illinois" debacle have agreed, it should be
> another black man.
> From Dictionary.com:
> rac·ism
> n.
> 1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or
> ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
> 2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
> (Note #2 above)
> brad haslett wrote:
>> Herb,
>> I've rather enjoyed this family feud. They always happen near the
> holidays. Never mind that all these voices who remind us to "love all,
> serve all" remain ignorant that many of us in real life have family members
> who are "red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight",
> yet they feel compelled to preach the party line about harmony.
>> Rummy started this latest feud. He's the biggest hypocrite of all. I'd
> like to see this list survive in whatever form, but, this forum as the last
> refuge of free speech is under attack - if not already dead. Stan has
> weighed-in, he seems to like the free speech forum his boat inspired. But,
> never mind, others know better what is best for us.
>> Yes indeed, the delete key is too much trouble. It's so much better to
> stifle the first amendment through whatever means rather than defend free
> speech, especially when searching for unbiased news is so much trouble.
> Yeah, yeah, I know - you just want to read about one specific sailboat and
> sailing in general. Stan (who is Stan?) is just some guy in the plastics
> business. Nothing to see here folks! Keep moving.
>> Brad
>> --- On Fri, 1/2/09, Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com> wrote:
>> From: Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com>
>> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Leland a reply about list content...
>> To: "The Rhodes 22 Email List" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
>> Date: Friday, January 2, 2009, 4:58 PM
>> Sorry Mary, I disagree.
>> No one's "time" is being taken if they don't read the
>> message. At least,
>> not much. It takes very little time to hit the delete key.
>> The "voice" would only "permeate the list" when someone
>> reads what they
>> wrote. This is NOT speaking. It's reading, and writing. For something on
>> this list to be heard, someone needs to read it.
>> I suspect that through the loss of Bill, you folks will see a lot fewer
>> posts, and most definitely will see fewer answers of substance about
>> sailing questions.
>> Mary Lou Troy wrote:
>>> Ed,
>>> It is not just the newbies saying the tone of the
>>> list has got to change. It is some of us who have
>>> been around here from close to the beginning.
>>> Politics were once OK. If you had suggested we
>>> ban politics when we switched off of Sailnet I'd
>>> have said it wasn't necessary. Now it seems
>>> politics can't be discussed with belittling the
>>> beliefs of a lot of people. There has been
>>> ugliness and disrespect from both sides the
>>> political fence and some very nasty things said
>>> by some list members about other list members. I
>>> know we always said "bar" but the bar is in sorry
>>> need a bit of regulation when folks are hitting
>>> each other over the head with their political
>>> beliefs. I don't go to a bar to have my time
>>> taken up by some tiresome evangelist who is
>>> constantly telling me or my friends how stupid
>>> they are. Yes I could relegate them to the trash
>>> bin but their voices were still permeating the
>>> list and affecting everybody. Besides even the
>>> most political of our posters have made real
>>> contributions to other topics (including sailing)
>>> I'm not in favor of banning anyone unless they
>>> can't behave themselves in the bar.
>>> I disagree with you that the old-timers who have
>>> left have left because they were no longer the
>>> center of attention. If I had left last week or
>>> last month it would have been because I was
>>> thoroughly disgusted with the way people were
>>> attacking each others ideas. I know from meeting
>>> a lot of these folks that they are not that way
>>> in person. I like to see the list more reflective
>>> of that. If it takes a ban or moratorium on
>>> political posts or a revision of the charter so
>>> be it or some sort of moderation so be it. I
>>> don't know what will solve the problem. I don't
>>> know that the list will survive this even with
>>> changes. I just know that if it continued the way
>>> it was going I wouldn't be long in following Fred out the door.
>>> Ed, if you want a party/meeting in Edenton you
>>> have to find someone who thinks its a great idea
>>> to work on it. I think it's a great idea. I might
>>> be able to come or even help but right now I
>>> can't organize it. All of the get-togethers that
>>> we've had have been serendipitous. It takes a
>>> bunch of people thinking it's a great idea at a
>>> time when someone has the time and energy to make
>>> it happen. New blood is always helpful in that
>>> regard. BTW, I don't seem to have the date - I
>>> tried searching the archives but couldn't find it.
>>> Happy New Year!
>>> Mary Lou
>>> 1991 R22 Fretless
>>> Rock Hall, MD
>>> At 12:20 PM 1/2/2009, you wrote:
>>>> Lee, Thena's history of this forum is only half
>>>> complete. The original group moved off the
>>>> Sailnet list for several reasons to include
>>>> extraneous subjects. On the old list that was
>>>> limited to sailing topics, it was tiring and
>>>> redundant to see post, âEURoeTest to see if list is
>>>> workingâEUR?. One of the chief culprits of those
>>>> posts is still making music. The Political stuff
>>>> was instigated by a reader from North
>>>> Carolina. I suspect that he did so just to
>>>> agitate the congregation. And he still does it,
>>>> just not as much. We had one member who got to
>>>> using foul language so much that he was
>>>> excommunicated. What has appeared on the Rhodes
>>>> List for the past few months happened four and
>>>> eight years ago. The original congregation said
>>>> barroom not living room. Now we have new
>>>> congregants who bought the house next to the
>>>> airport runway wanting the airplanes to go
>>>> away. I would suggest that a couple of old
>>>> timers have left because they are no longer the
>>>> center of the party. No body was stroking their
>>>> egos anymore, but rather confronting them. Mary
>>>> Lou suggested the Chesapeake Rhodies were due
>>>> for a party. It has been suggested in the past,
>>>> but nothing ever done about meeting in
>>>> Edenton. In a few weeks there will be another
>>>> birthday that would be appropriate for a winter
>>>> wingding. The airport is right across the
>>>> street from General Boats. Those guys with
>>>> airplanes could even fly in! Mary Lou should
>>>> have the date somewhere? My two cents worth, Ed
>>>> K See if this attachment comes thru...
>>>> http://www.nabble.com/file/p21254293/combo%25235.exe
>>>> combo%235.exe Or this one from 2001:
>>>> http://www.nabble.com/file/p21254293/day_o.mp3
>>>> day_o.mp3 -- View this message in context:
> http://www.nabble.com/Leland-a-reply-about-list-content...-tp21254293p212542
> 93.html
>>>> Sent from the Rhodes 22 mailing list archive at
>>>> Nabble.com.
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Herb Parsons
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