[Rhodes22-list] Is There A Glitch With the List
watermusic38 at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 10 12:45:31 EST 2009
You responded to something that was dead & needed no response.
after this I will take my own advice & go back channel...so if you want to discuss, use watermusic38 at yahoo.com.
Until then, go get a skin.Yours isn't even thin.
But I love 'ya anyhow.
We can't change the angle of the wind....but we can adjust our sails.
1992 Rhodes 22 Recyc '06 "WaterMusic" (Lady in Red)
--- On Sat, 1/10/09, Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com> wrote:
From: Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com>
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Is There A Glitch With the List
To: "The Rhodes 22 Email List" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Date: Saturday, January 10, 2009, 12:34 PM
Da**it, Elle
If you can't say something nice, don't say it at all.
Just what did YOUR retort contribute??? Why do YOU have to have the last
Listen lady, my "retort" had the exact same purpose to HIM that YOURS
did to ME.
So, get over it. I know you don't mind the shit when it comes from the
left to the right, but go "blow your whistle" at your pet students
time to time, and I'll be impressed with the playground monitor metaphor.
Personally, I'm disappointed everytime someone leaves. I don't say
riddance" to Ben being gone, or Rummy. Contributors leaving the list is
a bad thing. I suppose though, that it's acceptable to run off the ones
that have a right-leaning view...
elle wrote:
> Da**it, Herb!
> If you can't say something nice , don't say it at all.
> Just what did this retort contribute? Why do you have to have the last
> **Those are rhetorical questions. Do not require nor expect a response.**
> Get over it, get with it, or get off it.
> elle
> (I'm in TOO DA** good a mood to be messed with....)
> We can't change the angle of the wind....but we can adjust our sails.
> 1992 Rhodes 22 Recyc '06 "WaterMusic" (Lady in Red)
> --- On Fri, 1/9/09, Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com> wrote:
> From: Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com>
> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Is There A Glitch With the List
> To: "The Rhodes 22 Email List"
<rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
> Date: Friday, January 9, 2009, 10:18 PM
> "Good riddance" - Yep, civility in all of its one-sided glory.
> Lowe, Rob wrote:
>> I find it ironic, that when asked to be civil, several people
>> think they could do so and removed themselves from the list. Works
>> me! Got to wonder about people who didn't think they could
> in
>> a civil manner. Good riddance. - rob
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
>> [mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of Brad Haslett
>> Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 8:06 AM
>> To: The Rhodes 22 Email List
>> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Is There A Glitch With the List
>> Wally,
>> In the interest of civil conversation, I just removed myself from the
>> R-22 list on my Yahoo account, and will do the same with my Gmail
>> account in just a few moments.
>> Over the years, I've made a number of good friends in the
>> places from this list, and we will stay in touch.
>> Don't be a stranger!
>> Brad
>> On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 6:53 AM, TN Rhodey <tnrhodey at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>> Brad, Perhaps the time of year may have something to do with
>> posts.
>>> Just like every other year/ As you well know there have been
plenty of
>>> "sound checks" in the past. Nothing new here.....the
> will be
>> fine.
>>> There has been a request for civil conversation. Big deal. No need
>> beat a
>>> dead horse. Make your point and move on.
>>> Wally
>>> On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 2:59 AM, Todd Tavares
> <sprocket80 at mail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> Well Brad,
>>>> At least you did not call it "Das List" lol
>>>> Todd T
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Brad Haslett"
>>>> To: "The Rhodes 22 Email List"
>>>> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Is There A Glitch With the List
>>>> Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 13:25:45 -0600
>>>> Yeah,
>>>> There is a glitch with the list! It's called the
> "Fairness
>> Doctrine".
>>>> "Da List" was always on the cutting edge of news
> politics until
>>>> someone got their feelings hurt because someone else insulted
>>>> Chocolate Baby Jesus from Chicago. Be careful what you wish
>>>> Chocolate Baby Jesus is safe. The Rhodes 22 list is dead.
>>>> Good work Rummy! Thanks for inviting me back the last time
> list
>>>> was dead.
>>>> Brad
>>>> On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Caesar Paul wrote:
>>>> > Hi Michael,
>>>> > I have not recieved any mail for a few days now. Is the
> problem
>>>> > with me or the List?
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks for all that you do.
>>>> >
>>>> > Caesar
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Herb Parsons
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