[Rhodes22-list] John Shulick - I draw a distiction

Tootle ekroposki at charter.net
Sat Jan 24 15:28:24 EST 2009


I draw a distiction between those who cut off a reporters head on a video,
attach a bomb with shrapnel then send that person into a crowd and explode
the bomb, those who capture someone and wait for a camera to banyonet the
prisoner, you get the idea.

I have no problem with hanging the big horse theives.  Try to get your
representative in Washington to do that.  

But I am willing to let civil law handle those transgressions, since that is
what it is for.  What penalty do you propose for those in Congress who
demanded and compelled banks to loan to those who obviously could not pay
the mortgage?  

And if you call me Comrade again, I will personally begin to attack you. -
do you understand?  I guarentee that it will be vitrolic and get your
attention.  Unfortunately, it will get everyone else's attention.  So learn
simple politeness.

Ed K
addendum:  "Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in
principle is always a vice..." Thomas Paine
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