[Rhodes22-list] Was lift, Now Big Boat Fever

Chris Cowie ccowie at cowieassociates.com
Wed Nov 11 20:22:18 EST 2009

What do you have to offer the ft meters rhodies?

Chris Cowie
Cowie Associates PC

On Nov 11, 2009, at 7:54 PM, "Rick" <sloopblueheron at gmail.com> wrote:

> Chris,
> Interesting.  I'm planning to drive down to Ft Myers in January.   
> Got a
> link?
> Rick
> On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 7:36 PM, cowie <ccowie at cowieassociates.com>  
> wrote:
>> Rick:
>> Boat Exchange is a service we offer exclusively to R22 owners as an
>> alternate to boat rentals.  R22 Owners subscribe to my company  
>> network
>> where
>> they can access contact information about other boats.   Access to  
>> my Boat
>> Exchange network provides additional information on locally available
>> services and attractions, sailing hazards, and unique navigational
>> concerns.
>> We offer straight exchange or boats were boat partners exchange  
>> exclusive
>> use of each others craft for a fixed time period and exchange of
>> hospitality
>> were each boat owner hosts the visiting swap partner on a sailing  
>> trip
>> together as a group.  Once an R22 boater registers with my company  
>> we can
>> provide a number of services to potential boat swappers including
>> development of each subscriber's profile, a matching search enginer  
>> to
>> bring
>> tpotential partners together, website materials, technical  
>> documentation,
>> and agreements.  See our Boat Exchange web site for a free initial
>> subscription that can be upgraded for $99.99 per year.  Just  
>> kidding, not a
>> bad idea though.
>> Rick-139 wrote:
>>> Chris G,
>>> Please explain "boat exchange".
>>> Rick
>>> On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 5:08 PM, Geankoplis <napoli68 at charter.net>
>> wrote:
>>>> Hey Caesar,
>>>>               I've always had a Rhodes, more or less for the last  
>>>> 33
>>>> years.  In that time I've taken my own Rhodes to the Bahamas, Full
>> length
>>>> of
>>>> the Chesapeake, 700 miles up and down the Baja, and in your wake  
>>>> in the
>>>> San
>>>> Juan's.  Without owning a bigger boat, I've chartered several  
>>>> times in
>>>> the
>>>> Caribbean, and in the Northwest, and crewed on other boats in the
>>>> Bahamas'
>>>> and Caribbean.  I've also managed to sail in the Med a number of  
>>>> time on
>>>> other peoples boats with a bit of "boat exchange" using my Rhodes  
>>>> and
>>>> some
>>>> sweat equity.  You don't need to own a big boat to get some big  
>>>> boat
>>>> sailing
>>>> in exotic places and it isn't hard to get some small boat  
>>>> experiences in
>>>> exotic places with boat exchange and your own boat. Not to  
>>>> mention it is
>>>> way, way cheaper to do it this way. I'll bet there are some list  
>>>> members
>>>> who
>>>> would love to trade your location with theirs on a boat exchange,  
>>>> one
>>>> man's
>>>> "exotic" is another man's backyard.
>>>> Chris G
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
>>>> [mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of Caesar  
>>>> Paul
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 13:43
>>>> To: The Rhodes 22 Email List
>>>> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Was lift, Now Big Boat Fever
>>>> Leland,
>>>> What a lovely boat the Rhodes is!
>>>> I am open to advice on the best approach to sailing to far away
>>>> destination
>>>> for a couple of years.
>>>> Caesar
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: Leland <LKUHN at cnmc.org>
>>>> To: rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
>>>> Sent: Wed, November 11, 2009 11:28:51 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Was lift, Now Big Boat Fever
>>>> Caesar,
>>>> I definitely agree with Rummy on this one.  Bigger boats  
>>>> certainly have
>>>> advantages over our Rhodes, but the most significant one to me  
>>>> would be
>>>> overnight comfort and ability for lengthy voyages.  It just  
>>>> doesn't seem
>>>> like many people have the time for cruises that last more than a
>> weekend.
>>>> Even the retirees down at my marina don't take their yachts out  
>>>> much.
>>>> Sailing small boats is just so much simpler and so much more fun.
>>>> I just posted some pictures of Art, Allison, and I sailing that  
>>>> were
>>>> taken
>>>> by a friend of mine.  While he was photographing us, we were
>>>> photographing
>>>> him:
>>>> http://old.nabble.com/file/p26307105/At%2BEase%2B10-5-09%2B003.jpg
>>>> At+Ease+10-5-09+003.jpg
>>>> http://old.nabble.com/file/p26307105/At%2BEase%2B10-5-09%2B009.jpg
>>>> At+Ease+10-5-09+009.jpg
>>>> Dan has a Freedom30 and I love his boat.  30' foot is not that  
>>>> big and
>> it
>>>> is
>>>> designed for easy singlehandling.  Self-tacking jib.  It sails  
>>>> well with
>>>> just the mainsail.  Lazy jacks.  All lines lead to easy reach of  
>>>> the
>>>> helm.
>>>> No stays or shrouds supporting the mast.  Yet with all these
>> conveniences
>>>> it
>>>> still takes a significant amount of time and energy to uncover  
>>>> the main,
>>>> untie it, and try to keep the boat pointed into the wind to raise  
>>>> the
>>>> mainsail.  Taking the sail back in and putting it away takes  
>>>> longer.
>> Try
>>>> reefing a big mainsail in high winds.  Sailing his boat  
>>>> singlehanded if
>>>> far
>>>> easier than getting it in and out of his slip without help.  He  
>>>> can do
>> it
>>>> but it's a tremendous amount of effort compared to our small boats.
>> It's
>>>> just as easy to manhandle our boats in and out of slips as it is to
>> motor
>>>> in
>>>> and out.
>>>> Smaller boats than a Rhodes22 are more fun to sail; but then the  
>>>> sailing
>>>> can
>>>> wear you out, get you wet, and cause you to spill your beer.   
>>>> Can't have
>>>> that.
>>>> As Goldilocks would say, "Ahhh, this boat is just right!"
>>>> Lee
>>>> 1986 Rhodes22  At Ease
>>>> Kent Island, MD
>>>> --
>>>> View this message in context:
>> http://old.nabble.com/Was-Sunday-sail%3A-Now-electric-motor-lift-tp26101527p
>>>> 26307105.html<
>> http://old.nabble.com/Was-Sunday-sail%3A-Now-electric-motor-lift-tp26101527p%0A26307105.html
>>>> Sent from the Rhodes 22 mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://old.nabble.com/Was-Sunday-sail%3A-Now-electric-motor-lift-tp26101527p26311416.html
>> Sent from the Rhodes 22 mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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