[Rhodes22-list] Smart Phones

Arthur H. Czerwonky czerwonky at earthlink.net
Sun Aug 15 07:59:38 EDT 2010


I pass this on as some may find a value here.  I recently upgraded my phone with Verizon, and chose the Palm Pre Plus.  It provides exceptional service for me with one big bonus that has proven out well.  The MiFi, an outstanding "hot spot" unit that you can put into your shirt pocket, is about $65/m, and a better choice than any USB 3G I have seen.  Better yet is the hot spot built into the Palm.  It adds $30/m, functions within the phone, includes unlimited internet from the phone, and also now includes 5 gigs from hot spot internet on a remote net/notebook with an air card.  It will feed up to 5 computers at one time.  If anyone is Verizon upgrade eligible, I'd look at it.  BTW, Sprint's Pre (not a plus) should have the same capability.  

A tidbit related to Rick's response to the pop-top enclosure, an important factor  - the PTE offers an advantage for ventilation in the cabin if the window front and sides are open to the movement of the air.  At anchor the boat falls off the bow as the wind moves from bow to stern.  The front windows of vinyl material will block the very air you want to circulate into the cabin, defeating the goal in ventilation.  In our cozy craft, this ventilation is crucial.  Just food for thought.



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