[Rhodes22-list] Jessica Watson

ejor2 at aol.com ejor2 at aol.com
Wed Jan 27 07:52:19 EST 2010

Here's another one going for it..


It's amazing how different the two seem, from boat choice to reasons for trying...

As a parent of teens, I'd much rather have them have the ambition to do something than see them attached to the sofa with a game controller in there hand or out running around with a pack and getting into trouble. Kids are all so different, out of my 3, there is only one I'd even consider letting do something like this, if they had the skills and tools nessesary. 


-----Original Message-----
From: R22RumRunner at aol.com
To: rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
Sent: Wed, Jan 27, 2010 4:34 am
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Jessica Watson

 respectfully must tell you that you are wrong on this one. I'm glad she  
on't grow up to be another sheep in the herd. Who knows? She may not 
omplete  the voyage, but at least she had the will to try. 


n a message dated 1/26/2010 10:23:26 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
encittadino at gmail.com writes:

  was thinking that her parents sound like "balloon boy" types. I agree  
kill level may be high, but there are certain things we don't let  parents
et their children do as civilized people. Regardless of  "special
ircumstances" or a high level of maturity, we don't allow  children to 
ars until a certain age, or join the army, or drink in a  tavern, or 
o sex, or sign contracts or a million other things they  as individuals
ight be able to handle. My point was that this child is too  young to fully
ppreciate the dangers of this stunt (and stunt is what it  is). She isn't
ld enough to consent to having a tooth pulled, but these  clowns send her
ff, or allow her to go off,  in a 34' sailboat to  sail the high seas. Her
arents are nuts (not to put too fine a point on  it); but that's just my
pinion. I could be wrong.
yours  truly,

ohn Shulick wrote:
 The  lesson this spoiled brat will learn is that she is above the rules
  established for normal people in this country. Check me if I'm wrong  but
 don't 16 yr. olds have to go to high school. O I'm sorry that's  only
 required for people who can't buy their way out of the system.  See Tiger
 Woods for more examples of sticking your finger up the laws  ass. If I
 smashed up a car while on prescription meds what do you  think would
 happen? Could I tell the law when I will decide to meet  with them or 
 I be hauled off to the nearest hospital foe a blood  test. The lesson she
 learns will be that rules don't apply to her.  
 R22RumRunner wrote:
>  Ben,
> The life lessons this "little" girl will have when she  finishes this
> voyage 
>  will benefit her for an  entire lifetime. Nothing wrong with being 
> independent  and  being able to do things for oneself. I'm sure that her
> parents  
> would never  have allowed her to do this if she wasn't  qualified. She
> must have 
> tremendous  sailing  skills.
> Rummy
> In a message dated 1/26/2010 11:33:38 A.M.  Eastern Standard Time,  
> bencittadino at gmail.com  writes:
> Rummy, Ben &  Chris;
> Please tell me you guys are just  jerkin'  my chain. You don't really
> think
> it's OK to send a  child to sea  alone in a quest for...what?...some
>  stupid
> "record". Maybe we should stock  her up with plenty of  Mt. Gay? I have
> real
> problems with our  "celebrity"  culture and this case just pushes my
>  buttons
> for some reason. Don't worry,  I'll get over it as  soon as the medicine 
> kicks
> in.  
> BenC
>  Geankoplis wrote:
>> Hey I think it  is  great, beats joy riding with a bunch of drunk 18 
>>  old
>>  boyfriends.
>>  Chris
>> -----Original   Message-----
>> From:  rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
>>   [mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of  Benjamin
>>  Cittadino
>> Sent: Monday, January  25, 2010 11:11
>> To:   rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
>> Subject: [Rhodes22-list]  Jessica  Watson
>> Does anybody else think the  parents of this child  should be in jail?
>> BenCittadino
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